Two as One Princesses

146. Acceptance announcements and claims

The day I played with the spirits. I spent that day in the woods until morning and returned to the King's City about noon ago.

I think I picked enough herbs that I can only pick at night.

I don't know why it can only be picked at night or what medication this herb will be used for, but if it's not a request, it's fine because it just lets it die in a magic bag.

If there's anything like asking the gatekeeper that way, I wish he would laugh at me as someone who has mistakenly picked up another herb even though I took the risk because of it.

As a matter of fact, they didn't need that many medicinal herbs, so I give them two-thirds of what I brought home to the Hunter Union, and the rest are dead in magic bags. There are other herbs left in the magic bag, but do you ever look into the eyes of the day?

Almost all the spirits went home, but they were supposed to say that Mr. Ricill would take care of the changed child.

You should stay close to me or something.

It seems that there are times when spirits follow people who like them, even if they are not strong spirits and not spiritual users, so Mr. Ricil decided to leave it to his discretion.

In response to being in the woods in the morning, Ciel was convinced that "you can't go back once you're out there" without complaining in particular.

After that date, he headed to Hunter Union only once as Einsel to make sure nothing was heard from the center. At that time, at the request of grade A, I succeeded in reducing the contents of the magic bag by just a little bit, yet another story.

Discount because I almost got involved because of my mask and height, but I ignored it with all my might and ran away. I do not know what happened to them.

I'm getting lost in judging whether it was just a matter of time or just free time, but not getting involved in a particularly big case - though I didn't come close to Hunter Union for that - it was the day of the acceptance announcement.

Apparently, the acceptance announcement will be made at the entrance to the second school, one by one. I just imagined being stuck out on a bulletin board or something, and it felt strange.

"I wonder what Ein's known announcement was like?

"Each student was assigned an exam number, and you were sticking that number out in a wide space."

"You are. What are we going to do after that?

'Keep going home, I think I was going through the process at a later date.

But speaking of which, there was a dormitory procedure for the second school as it was. '

Especially if you are a civilian child, you may get lost in the streets if you don't let them into the dormitory right away, and few people must say that their parents will go through the process.

Then he may be taking the method of each and every one of them in order to have the successful candidate go through the process promptly.

Later, it is likely to be for identification.

I've never heard of impersonation enrollment in my previous life, but I feel like I could do it in this world without pictures.

I think I'm going to pray that they don't use some special magic equipment or a profession or something. If there was such a thing, I think they would have asked me in the dark why I couldn't use the magic props during the entrance exam.

We were the only ones who took the exam, but Mia is following us today.

Because in case you fail, you have to take them home, and you can take a servant to the large room where you pay to be admitted as you enter the dorm. I'm thinking of showing that Ailnage is so economically powerful that I don't have the hassle of going with him rather than having him come later.

Well, Mia when she works as a servant is good at killing signs so she doesn't get in the way of her husband, so I suspect there are few people out there who notice that Ayrnage is taking her.

Just like us, even if it is noticed because some of us have taken servants, it will not stand out greatly.

I feel like they're sending me a gaze for it, but I'm coming to Ayle (Ciel), not Mia, so it's not hard to imagine why.

No matter how much you fake your identity or academic achievement, because Ciel is beautiful. I know what it's like to have very long gray hair on top of the rarity and turn a blind eye.

I don't care if you see it... or if you try it on Ciel or me, because it's now.

It's a second school dorm, but it's ranked, and at the bottom is a free two-person room with minimal furniture. Civilians without money generally choose this place.

Then there's a single room the same size, and you can't let a servant in this far.

Next there is space for one servant for the sons and children of the aristocracy.

Finally, the least numerous rooms used by the noblemen. I could bring a few servants here, but it would cost a lot of money for anything.

I can pay for it without any problems, so I'll do it there.

The rest seems to be for royalty, but we have no use for it, so discount. Do you use all the floors or something?

I thought it was going to take a whole day to get into the dorm as far as I could see around, and "Hey, you" and Ayle (Ciel) were called out.

When I see Ciel's voice sounding troublesome, the boy who made the wound here and there is scowling at this one.

I feel like I saw it somewhere, but I can't remember it, and while I was thinking about it, the boy kept saying the word with the momentum of clinging to it.

"I got hurt because of you. What will you do?"

I look around in faraway windings, but if you observe carefully, there's an injured man and woman nodding yeah.

So I imagined what they were. The ones who were sneaking up on the herb collection?

If so, I don't see him, though I feel like that magic boy case. I don't even remember if the boys in front of me were with those he was leading in the first place. Probably not even in Ciel.

"Who are you?


"I don't know anyone like you, and I don't remember seeing you"

To be clear, Syel, the boy bites his teeth.

I was acting like I hadn't actually noticed you were following me, and I hadn't checked who was following me. Even if you were behind a magic boy, you wouldn't even be mad at someone you don't know because you haven't even had a conversation instead of introducing yourself.

Would it be best to ignore it more than just an argument?

I don't know if it's a good idea to ignore Ciel because she seems to ignore him too, what do you think, I see a boy who can no longer pull it off.

"It's more or less weird! How can he make so much money that only the world can use it properly? This…"

Something like that, add soundproofing to the junction to keep it from sounding like Ciel. I noticed that Ciel said, 'Oh, what's going on?' What a pleasure to hear, 'I said back,' It's nothing. '

Because there's no way that child could ramble on me.

I can be honest with you, but I feel like I can't be in the dorm by the end of the day. Then Mia will be pathetic.

Nevertheless, although I had noticed from the entrance exam, it seems that junctional magic is not a very good take among students.

It's plain compared to attack magic, and I know it's not popular. Because it's convenient for me to use, but I can't deploy it all the time, and it takes a lot of skill to indulge in another sorcery with my connections.

Maybe that's why Eirnage, who specializes in the juncture, looks like a coward.

Even so, the boy's. That's all I have to say.

And the boy's voice keeps getting louder and louder when it's ignored.

I don't know what you're talking about because I can't hear you, but to see the gaze directed at the boy is becoming something dangerous, he seems to be massively self-destructing.

At that point, the school side also noticed the noise, and the boy who was coming was taken by his brothers who seemed to be bent on it.

This is followed by a woman approaching Ayle as well.

Unlike your tight-faced brothers, the woman who looked awkward looks like someone who explained the school a few days ago when it came to it.

"You were the one."

"I didn't do anything."

"I know that, but it's getting a little noisy, so can you follow me?

"Is she good with you?

When Ciel looks at Mia, a woman is followed and sees Mia.

When Mia lowered her head truly, the woman turned her eyes round and said, "Is she...?," he asked.

"My servant, is there a problem?

"No, if that's the case, it's okay..."

Why did you suddenly speak politely? If I was talking to you because I thought you were a civilian child, it would actually be because of the possibility of a noble daughter?

I can't even ask, and I can't help but care, so let's keep it.

"Yeah, yeah. Then follow me."

I thought so, the way I talked back. She must be the vulnerable type to irregularities.

A teacher-like woman at the school took her to a cabin-like building by the school gate. Guests and others will be receptionists here, although small, not badly built or in a bad condition.

"I teach this school about the foundations of witchcraft, Crawler.

It's okay if you're Mr. Ayrnage, right?

"Definitely. So, how could we have been brought here?

"For factual confirmation... I guess. And then there was too much attention, because the acceptance announcement was going to be delayed."

Even if they brought me here this way, I think it would stand out, but it must have been noticeable even if it stayed that way.

If you say who's bad, you don't say anything from me because those boys are obviously bad.

Ciel doesn't seem to care about the area either, "I don't know about those people, even when it's called fact-checking," he returns.

"Yeah. Right. By the way, Hunter, do you remember that within the union, Mr. Ayrnage and another student were talking?

"I remember being told like, I want you to teach me how to do herb collection. I said no because I couldn't protect you."

"Thank you for your answer. It's with the information we have."

Information? Though I thought so, he said fact-checking or something, and even what I know is important to say from Ayrnage's mouth.

Come to think of it, it would be the school that asked for the Student Watch project, and it's not surprising that some students would be reported to the school if they acted poorly.

In other words, the school will know that those students will follow us around.

"What happens to those who are taken?

"He's going to be taken out of school after he's been told he didn't pass."

Can I tell you that easily about someone else's acceptance or rejection? Though I thought so, common sense would be different from that in previous life, and it could be something like this.

Besides, I'd be happy to have him gone. Because if you're going to attend the same school, you must be able to attribute it to nothing.

Knowing what to do with him, I don't think the people who were nodding behind him would do anything bad either.

"That's all we talked about earlier, and I'll even announce Mr. Ayrnage's passing here, okay?

"It's good."

Though Ciel replied in two replies, Mr. Crawler - Dr. Crawler doesn't look surprised and looks serious.

After all, the atmosphere is different from what I know of the acceptance announcement. At least I could not be as magnificent as Ciel is now. I was nervous and I was about to throw up.

"Mr. Ayrnage has passed, with the exception of some subjects.

It's in this dossier, so think about what you're going to do with the class through your eyes. "

"Okay. How soon do I have to decide?

"Decide by the day after the entrance ceremony in five days.

And then, good luck with Mr. Ayrnage because he's going to be in class A. "


Between Ciel and Dr. Crawler, the conversation progresses as soon as I just say "naturally I was passing".

Even for me, I thought I would be passing first, so it feels weird, though not surprising.

It's a class, but basically they don't have the advantage or disadvantage of a class. Nevertheless, do you think there is a class to gather that you are excellent or that you are a problem child?

In the end, the convenience of the school enters to such an extent that it does not violate the school's philosophy.

I just wonder if Dr. Crawla's deliberate say "good luck" to Ayrnage is something like Princess Lesimiya or someone.

"Do you have any questions so far?

"No, sir."

"If there's anything else that bothers you later, you just have to ask one of the teachers.

Next thing you know, I'm supposed to have you in a school dorm to enroll... "

"Make it the biggest place"

Dr. Crawler loses his word because Ciel answered instantly, or because of the momentum that blocked the story.

And then I was afraid, "Do you know the amount?" He asks.

One year's price is 100 pieces in gold coins. 10 pieces in large gold coins. It's a lot different from the previous life, so it's roughly 10 million yen a year, although it's not an exact story.

This amount is a lot crazy. In addition, tuition and enrollment fees are added, but only to an extent comparable to dorm money.

Well, setting high tuition and enrollment fees would be an amount setting for no one else to come in.

Ciel puts his hand in an unmade magic bag and puts 30 large gold coins on the desk.

"Now you're okay, right?

"Yes, it's okay."

I put a lot of money in front of me, or Dr. Crawler's voice went up.

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