Two as One Princesses

150. Private talk with Princess Lessimiyea

In order to get to the floor where the royal family lives, you will need special magic equipment.

By letting the wand of the elevator sweep through its magic props, you will be able to temporarily head to the top floor, but once used, it will break.

This is a magic prop that I only give to the person I invite, and I guess Princess Lesimiya has something to use repeatedly.

Or maybe there's an elevator that only royalty can use.

Promised time. As I took Mia to the top floor, there stood the knights I saw one day across the door.

One of them, who notices us, calls out, "There you are,"

Then, one maid came and bowed her head.

"I will show you to the princess. But before you do, may I ask you to take a physical exam?

"I don't mind. Should I also give you the magic bag?

"It would help if you did so"

Ciel had handed the magic bag to the maid and Mia had also given the knife she had hidden to the knight.

You had something like that, and I don't even think about it, but I guess you need it in case.

Then I wondered how it would feel to do a physical exam, and somehow they would do it using magic props.

Have Mia take it first, then observe how it goes.

Although I don't know the details, I don't seem to have a problem with using the usual junction, so I don't care if Ayle (Ciel) also takes it.

I was led to the back of the floor at the end of the inspection.

In addition to the living space, the top floor also seemed to contain facilities such as those on the third floor. People seem to work just as well for it.

I am likely to say whether the memories of my previous life will go this far for each person, but at the same time I am convinced that I must go this far as I am now.

It's just a face-to-face meeting, so I thought I'd be led to a place that seemed like a reception room near the entrance - which I explored with detection - but unexpectedly came to what seemed like a private room for Princess Lessimiyea in the back.

I don't see anything particularly suspicious or troubling about asking the maid of guidance if it really fits here.

He didn't even come by mistake, he came this far with certainty.

Yeah. Well, this room seems to have an example magic prop used that makes magic unusable, and maybe a lot of other measures.

Although my junction can be used without problems, those who notice about the spherical junction will notice, and I wonder if I should stop using it.

There's nothing wrong with protecting just the usual junction of the cover-up mash, and I'm confident I can protect Mia even if she's targeted.

The problem is that this magic fixture against magic is inherently difficult to activate as well as maintain magic.

So whether you continue to use the junction or solve it at the time you enter the room, it is possible that something will be felt. Speaking of Princess Lessimiya, what is it that you feel?

'I can't seem to use magic in the room, but what about the junction?

"Isn't it okay to erase the spherical one?

'Okay. I will.'

I'm going to leave the upcoming exchange to Ciel, so as soon as I asked, I got a response.

I have no objection, so let's do what Ciel says.

While I was interacting with Ciel, it seems that the maid was knocking on the room from inside the room saying, "Something?" and I hear a grown-up woman.

Then the door to the room slowly opened after a message game that felt like "I've brought a customer" and "Princess, it's a customer".

Inside is more or less the same room we rented. Unlike us, who did a lot of patterning, this room seemed to be uninvited and simple.

I can also say that I can't see Princess Lesimiya's personality.

In addition to Princess Lessimiyea, there are several other servants inside, and no one is hiding the feeling I've explored in my detection.

It's a space where magic is inherently unavailable, and I thought there was about one person hiding and protecting the princess, but that doesn't seem to happen.

"Thank you for coming today"

"No, thank you for inviting me."

"It's just a face-to-face meeting today, so don't worry about the details"

Princess Lessimiyea urges me, and Ciel approaches the chair. Then I sat gracefully in the chair Mia pulled.

Servants are going to get nervous about being alone in the same room as a princess in one country, even if they can't get into numbers.

Although we're not alone because we have Ciel, and Ciel on the table doesn't look as if he's nervous.

Mia stands behind Ciel, erasing signs, and the servant on the princess's side prepares the tea.

Even when it comes to preparation, though I just pour it into a cup.

I guess we were weighing the timing of our coming so that we could make tea right away.

I feel like a royal servant around here.

"This is my room, isn't it?"

"Sounds like you can live a similar life to other students.

I let you go so far today because I thought that the same room would be better able to talk calmly. Because it's only a face-to-face meeting, and it's not a place to be. "

"Has anyone else been put through here?

"Right. There's no difference."

"Princess Lesimiya will be safe here."

Listening to the story, I think Siel's words are at stake.

In other words, you would have found out that you suspect that this face-to-face meeting is a camouflage that you wanted to set up a place for conversation with Ayrnage, and that you are aware of the existence of demonic props against witchcraft.

I don't care if you find out either, and it doesn't suck to find out that it's Cielmail for anything.

As I was on the table in the first place, the answer is NO when it comes to whether I could speak better than Ciel, so there is nothing I can say. That's what I think right now, because it's called Okamoto.

"Master Ayrnage has figured it out. So you've come this far?

"Because I don't think the princess would sell a fight to the center."

"Yeah, of course it is. I understand that the current situation is also due to the concessions of Mr. Ayrnage"

Noble conversations are a pain in the ass. I think I knew Princess Lessimiyea wasn't good at that kind of interaction.

Nevertheless, while there are servants around, we may not even be able to talk directly.

"By the way, did Master Ayrnage decide which classes he would take?

"Hunter and sorcery."

"Dear Ayrnage, we know you are already able to act adequately as a hunter…"

"I came here on my own, so I wanted to start over from the ground up again."

"Really? What activities has Ayrnage carried out so far?

Somehow, it's really just been a chat.

Although Ciel also tries not to say anything decisive, he talks without being alarmed.

We talked for a while, and the princess got the information to take all the classes she could, but didn't she have any powerful information about each other?

However, the princess seemed to enjoy herself, at least on the surface, and when she was listening to the hunter, she seemed to listen to her thoughtfully well.

I wondered what it was like to end up chatting like this, and the princess's expression tightened.

"I'm sorry, but from here on out, it's really just me and Master Ayrnage, will you let me talk to you?

"Are you saying there's an inconvenience with Mia?

"Including this servant..."

What am I going to do?

'I don't mind, and I don't think Mia has any complaints, but is Princess Lesimiya convinced?

'Sure, keep people down, actually, sneak... Oh, my God, it's troublesome.

Around there, can I leave Ein to it?


It seems difficult to use detective witchcraft, even in Ciel, at the present time when witchcraft is becoming difficult to use.

Even if I don't use it consciously, it's difficult with the usual accuracy, so what else?

Ciel looked at Mia once and nodded, then turned to the princess.

"I don't mind, but is there any mistake in what I said earlier?

"... of course. Stand down, all of you."

Did I show you a little gesture of thought because I felt the words of Ciel now as a warning, or is there something behind it?

In the meantime, the princess, who affirmed Ciel's question, gives immediate instructions.

Although the maid, who had refrained beside the princess, had a look as if she was getting her hair behind her back, she checks out of the room to make sure she didn't intend to disobey her husband's orders and does the detection.

The servant said he would lower, but he didn't say he didn't... I wondered if there was anything going on, but he really wanted to be alone with Ayrnage (us).

The princess, who confirmed that all the servants were leaving the room, exhaled with an indescribable look, as if relieved, nervous.

"The only thing that's going to happen here is me and Master Ayrnage."

"You've been in this situation a lot."

"Because I prepared for that. I don't know how much sense it makes to Master Ayrnage, but enough to convince the servants."

"So the magic props that are showing effect to cover this room have no effect on the princess, do they?"

"No. I can't use magic in this room right now either. But we can use special magic tools, so we have them ready."

"Did Ayn notice?

"You have a demonic stone, I thought."

I left it wondering if it was used for the magic props in this room, but apparently it wasn't.

I am only good at detecting magic, so I will not look for immobilized magic items.

Whatever it is, I'm not sure it's a moving demon prop or just feeling somewhat like it.

Regardless of me, this is how I found out why I could be just the two of us.

"This one can't use witchcraft, and the princess can protect herself with magic props, so you could admit it."

"Yes, that's what we all think"

"I mean, the princess doesn't think so, does she?

I said a few words about the magic props, so I thought you might have stopped the roundabout exchange, but Princess Lessimiyea is going to say something unexpected again.

What are your intentions, though I don't think this is going to be that roundabout.

Princess Lessimiyea shook her head like she was in trouble to inquire of Ciel.

"I will leave what I think to the judgment of Lord Ayrnage"

"I wonder what this means?

'... oh, I see. The princess is going to find it easier to talk if she realizes that we can use magic in this setting.

In short, Princess Lessimiyea seems almost certain that Eirnage is quite a powerful man, perhaps Siermail. In time, I want you to choose how far Princess Lessimiya knows about us. "

In short, on this occasion, I think it's like asking whether it's okay to talk about Eirnage-Sielmail as a public secret.

If you find out about it, and it leaves only some people alone, there's nothing wrong with it.

Rather, dressing up as ordinary people here could change what you would be talking about from now on.

"Right. As the princess has noticed, I can use magic on this occasion."

"Is that still true? I apologize for taking the roundabout way"

"No, the princess kept her promise."

Ciel said, "But you made a place like this after you figured it out, didn't you?" and was chasing him.

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