Two as One Princesses

161. Residence, lunch and secrecy

After class was over and everyone left the classroom, I realized that there was Ayle (me), the princess and the teacher in the classroom, and Leena Etra, who also said she was the princess's escort.

Though in school, I can think of now that the princess is not supposed to act alone, I didn't often think of it in class. Changing the way I say it also means that Leena Etra was not a person worthy of my vigilance, but my vigilance is also a great mess, so I cannot be trusted.

I have a general decision to make with my magic power, and I don't have the heart to fight, so there's no way I can tell a strong man by foot. Maybe Ciel would know, but I don't think I'm going to rely on Ciel because I think it will hit my part about detection.

If anyone comes close to being weird, you just have to protect Ciel, and even if you don't, you just have to keep protecting Ciel.

"Uh, I asked the two of you to stay because I want you to use this demonic formation, and speaking of which, Mr. Leenaetra didn't either, did he? Will you try?

"If that's the case, I'll let you do it from me"

Leenaetra touches the demon squares that Dr. Crawler has placed on his desk as soon as possible.

I think he named it as an experimental platform for when something happened to the Demon Square, but I think it's amazing how much he can do that in his age.

I would do it for Ciel at all, but I will do it after making sure that I am not as harmed as possible to myself.

Because even if I sacrifice myself cheaply, I also understand so much that Ciel is not happy.

Leena Etra began to shed magic on the demon squares, but somewhere out of place, she was slow.

Still seems to have managed to activate the magic, and Dr. Crawler is applauding it.

"Wow, wow. Even though it's hard to just activate it. Leena, Mr. Etra is the first."

"No, I..."

The praised Leena Etra looks kind of awkward. It's like taking the princess's first in a way, so maybe it's a bad one.

But Alclay, the lightning mage who isn't in elementary class, may already be able to do this so easily, and I don't think he needs to be that depressed.

I'm sure the princess wouldn't be so happy to be the best to this extent either.

"So long, princess."

"Yeah, thanks. Dear Ayrnage, may I?

"It's good."

It would be more helpful if you did it first and showed me the criteria.

Hearing my reply, when Princess Lesimiiah shed magic on the demonic squares, there was no precipitation such as this, and the sorcery was activated. Strongly put, the fact that consciousness was all focused on the demonic squares at that time would be a mitigating factor. A solo hunter is deadly. Normal magicians don't solo, so they usually pass.

"I knew you could do this."

"It was difficult."

"It's in" The Activated Magic Sword, "isn't it? Well, then, will you try it one last time, Mr. Ayrnage?


Swap it with Princess Lesimiya and put your hands on the Devil's Square.

Then I tried a little magic to figure it out, but it's very, very magical.

I think it probably uses ink that makes the magic flow easier.

It's very easy to activate magic because of it, but it's too easy to help.

Because I have no choice, I will carefully convey my magic to the Devil's Square to check every step of the way.

Using concentration in vain to activate the Devil's Square with as much accuracy as Princess Lesimiya, Dr. Crawla claps with her puffiness.

I know it's probably not a round of applause for my hard work, but I'm not going to tell you anything else, and I made some discoveries about this one, so I'll be good.

"I think we can all go to the next step now, what do you want to do?

"I usually take classes."

"I agree with Ayrnage."

"If that's what the princess says, I will obey it"

"Oh well...... Okay, but you're probably gonna get bored next time, so I'm gonna."

Dr. Crawler leaves the classroom saying, "Thank you for staying."

"Dear Ayrnage, how about lunch with us after this? Because if it's time now, I think there aren't many people."

"That's right... that's good"

Though I thought about what to do, I figured it would be a good thing to hear from Princess Lessimiyea, so I decided to offer it to you.

Thinking about lunch, it would certainly be easier to eat less while others are in class right now.

"Then let's head to the dining room."

"Yes, thank you"

As such, we were to head to the dining room about Princess Lesimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

I wondered how Princess Fu would normally go to the dining room, but decided not to care because she didn't seem to care.

Although the princess does not fit as an image in the dining room, Princess Lesimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Instead, it may be higher in Eirnage (I), who has white, very long hair.

The dining room isn't that crowded, but it's not like he's not around at all.

Wouldn't 20% of the seats be buried?

Princess Lessimiyea on the dining room carefully places an order, "Please do this" in the usual tone, when she still looks at the menu in an exciting way.

Then I ordered the same thing as Princess Lessimiea - like salad and steak and the price is there with bread and soup.

Then pick a seat and sit across from each other.

"Is Princess Lessimiyea possibly looking forward to dining in the dining room?

"Have you noticed? I am ashamed of myself. It's my first experience from the fact that I choose what I eat."

"Really? You're right."

"Not many people can eat warm dishes like this."

A poisonous sight. They let a lot of people through, so the food gets cold in the meantime. Neither are we other personnel. Because it's a central princess position.

But I have taken some measures about this. It is an application when the medicine is about to be served in the king's capital of Estoke, and what enters Syel's mouth is left only to be safe.

Ciel won't die of poison until she's 15 in the first place, and I don't know if the poison will work because I think her body is different from that of a person by the time she's over 15.

See this one right here Princess Lessimiyea looks a little sorry, but decides not to see it and "It's tough," she hammers.

Sounds delicious, I'm not going to put the exchange starting with ahead of Ciel.

"Eh, there was Master Ayrnage..."

"Is it the center? Talk about it. You'll be fine."

"That's right. So again, what kind of food was eaten when it was in the center where Master Ayrnage was?

"That was a lot of demonic meat and stuff. Because there's a nest."

"Is it a nest? I've heard the story, but has Master Ayrnage been there too?

"You've been there once. If it's shallow, there's a bunch of low-rank hunters, and it's pretty safe. It's not absolutely safe though."

Even the weak ones will kill you if you distract them, and like some nightmare (giant spider), it's not necessarily that demons of different ranks suddenly don't show up. Though that's not just about the nest.

"It looks like a very powerful demon came inside from outside the nest."

"Right. Many of them seem to have died, and those who were helped are not sure how."

"You're not really safe where demons are."

"I don't know if the inside of the wall is safe."

When S-rank demons come out, the walls will only be good and time buying, and most importantly, it's hard to say that the race of people is safe.

They're going to assassinate me, they're going to poison me, they're going to threaten me with power, and I wonder if Princess Lesimiya remembers some of them?

"Speaking of which, in an earlier class, we had a conversation about important things in using magic, what does Master Ayrnage think?

"I think magic, circulation and control are all important."

"That makes sense."

"Everything is important, especially if you want to protect your own life. It's the foundation of witchcraft, but in extreme cases, you can feel magic other than yourself, or you can activate witchcraft without being perceived."

Activate the soundproofing junction to surround me and my princess, Leenaetra, before I put it into words. Of course I covered it up, so you won't realize it's not at the Mniechka senior level.

If I were to notice in the present situation, would it be about Princess Lessimiyea and Leena Etra, who could no longer hear the murmurs around them due to being surrounded by the junction?

"... so much so"

"She said the princess told you a secret story, so was it because of you?

"No, it helps. So, Leena, suppress the killing."

"... sorry"

I noticed you were looking at this one with a sharp gaze, but it didn't seem particularly threatening, so I didn't mind. Because it would be more intimidating than murderous. Nevertheless, is it the princess who has trouble making it here?

I feel like I can tell you who I am when the time comes, but is it still time for the princess to identify herself? Apparently it feels like the first time we've met in school, so I think it's likely.

Then I guess I shouldn't talk weird.

"So what did you want to talk about?

"I'm confirming, does Master Ayrnage know the brunette girl in the mask?

"I see. What shall I do? It's like inside you."

It's in person and I don't know what to answer.

What an ambiguous response, but it seems Princess Lesimiya has convinced me, so let's do a good thing. Speaking of which, didn't I ever tell you that Ayrnage and Ayncel had something to do with it?

"Then would it be okay to talk about it?

"Are you talking about Stampede?

Now, how far was the story of Stampede communicated?

At a point when it wasn't taboo, I thought it was pretty squeezed or really didn't talk, but apparently it doesn't mean I haven't talked at all. Even though I don't have that much of a problem with being out of business, beyond the fact that I've already found out it's Siermail, after getting into Wang Capital like this without being out of business.

But did the killer find out that you've bothered to talk to him?

"Apologize first."

"You don't have to. Then it would be a problem, and you know why I was stopping you?


"More than that, please. 'Cause it's also unnatural that we don't talk too much."

I don't think anyone is within the scope of being eavesdropped on originally, but I'd like to keep it in mind.

"Okay. I found the stampeded organization and captured this."

"That's good."

"But we haven't been able to reach those who were pulling the thread behind it."

But you have a candidate.

"Be careful when engaging with the people of the Marquis Elberto"

"Okay. Thanks for the advice."

"No, I'm the one who helped you."

Speaking of Marquis Elberto, I do remember him being like the head of the anti-centrist.

If so, why did you take the method of stampede, although you don't even know you're after Princess Lesimiya?

I don't have to take such a dangerous method or think I could have taken another.

But well, he seems resentful to Marquis Elberto, so let's not fail to be vigilant.

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