Two as One Princesses

170. Available time, Mniechica and the school director

The day after there was a puppet magic class. I don't have class this morning and I have outdoor training this afternoon. Although I also do combat training outdoors, that's not what happens, it becomes outdoor training to do more hands-on training.

Even when I say practical, I only know that they operate in the mountains that seem to be in the school.

I could do the hunter's activities in my free morning, but I decided to go to Senior Munyechka's place to get some work done for once. I tried to go to my room in the morning but wasn't there, so I decided to go to my puppet magic class when I finished my morning homeroom.

I meet my classmates face to face every day, but sometimes it's only been a few days since it started, so I guess it started to come together in each group. I'm just talking to Parra (Ayrnage), and I don't think she's getting any attention at the moment... Well, there's Princess Lessimiyea, and since Alclay, the Thunder Mage, is often the enemy of the hero Giweldo and arguing, they won't be turning their attention to this one until you calm down.

The princess really seemed to interact with all her classmates and was surprised when Princess Lessimiyea's name came up among her stories with Parra. Somehow Parra was able to talk to Princess Lessimiyea safely.

He said he was so nervous he barely remembered what he told him, I don't know if I can tell him he's safe.

It's about Princess Lesimiya, so I don't think I'd get angry just because I did something a little disrespectful.

Talk to Parra even today, where it has nothing to do with the atmosphere of the class. It might be more right to listen to Parra (...) ku (...).

"Ailnage, are you taking outdoor training?

"I'm taking it."

"Good ~. I was wondering what I would do if I didn't know you..."

"Aren't you also taking classes you don't know?

When I asked, Parra looked away and snapped, "I do... yeah". I decide not to pursue that lonely look any further, and I decide to go back to talking about outdoor training.

"Mr. Bertina's probably training outdoors, too, I think."

"Really? I don't think Belle's very active."

"Because she also looks like she keeps a lot of insurance. I think we're taking classes that allow us to act as hunters."

"I don't know if I do. Battle training comes right every time, too. I don't have the strength and it seems so hard every time."

He says he doesn't want to work, but he understands perfectly that he'll be cut off from his parents, and he understands that hunters are some kind of safety net.

Unless you've also committed a crime, only hunters have doors open to everyone. But whether or not you can live in it is not guaranteed. If you say what the ruler thinks without covering it up, you'll want him dead as a hunter if he's enough to be a criminal. As for the hunter union side, you want them to be as good hunters alive as possible, but they don't support each and every one of us. Hunters can't support bees in the first place because they are self-responsible or because some people get together because of their freedom.

If you want to live a little in that, you'll want to be well prepared. Hunter and active mistakes can be directly linked to death, but mistakes at school can fail to the full extent that they can be infuriated. It is a difficult time to gain experience safely.

"Speaking of which, Ayrnage, you've been in the mountains and woods when you're hunter's activity, right?

"You do. But didn't Mr. Parra ever come in, too?

"I was just going around after your father. I was just desperate to do what your father told me. So I need you to tell me how to walk the mountain or something, is there something?

"Anyway, I think you just need to stay firm with your enemies. Because I'm most afraid of being struck by demons."

In the previous world, there may be a way to walk, a distribution of health, but in this world, this is the first thing. People's physical abilities are high overall, so I think there are quite a few people who can cross the mountain just in terms of strength. Instead, this one is likely to run into danger. There were bears and pigs in the previous world, but it's not like there's no way to avoid them if you walk around making a sound. But the existence of demons in this world comes aggressively to attack people, so if you want to make noises, they will come towards you.

"How do I make enemies?

"I have boundaries, so I don't know how. If it's about a goblin, it won't kill you no matter how many people come, and even from a D-level demon, it's okay to some extent."

"That's amazing! But I don't think I can imitate it."

"Aren't you taking classes for that?

"Yes, but I'm not sure - I know what they're saying, and I often wonder if it was an alle when I remember when I went hunting with your father..."

I don't think there's usually a verse that comes to mind, and I don't think I need to worry about it because I think it's my upcoming class to practice there. Besides, even if the opponent says it's important, if it's a place around Wang Capital, there won't be a strong demon until it gets to the depths, so I also feel it would be counterproductive to be too conscious.

"Well, not dying is the most important thing."

"Oh well. Yeah, let's not forget that."

"Do so"

I want Parra to live if possible because she has a bad aftertaste when she dies. That's not what cowardly Parra would do to jump into danger, though.

Something like that, Dr. Crawler came in. And there was no special contact.

At the end of the homeroom, we head to the puppet magic class.

Are you in a puppet magic class?

'If you weren't there, it would be then, but you feel like someone with that hand is there, don't you?' Cause there's a verse where you might think you're where you are. '

I think people who are always in the room, who are sleeping in the lab, that type of person. Probably this type of Mr. Carroll, and I think Mia would have been these types if she had been born different.

I mean, beside Ayn.

"We've been together forever, though."

"Oh, Ain't Ain't she ever been a little quiet?

"I'm sorry about that."

When God took me, I was taken like half abducted then, but I couldn't keep you beside me for three days, partly because I mismanaged myself.

I'm sorry there, so then the words of apology came out. Ciel says' It's good 'in the same way, but I want to be careful not to do that in the future as much as possible.

As usual, Senior Muñetika was waiting for me when I went through a hallway with no people and stopped working on my way to a puppet magic class.

"Good morning. Senior Mniechica"

"Are you with Einsel? Yeah, good morning. What can I do for my sanctuary? I'm going to let you move on to aggressive elimination, especially if you don't need to."

"I'm sorry I got in the way of your work. At first I wanted to ask, was Senior Muñetika such a character?

"Mm-hmm. I'm sorry. It's like you don't have my personality in the first place. Yena, Semiette, it's me."

"Speaking of which, you are. Could it have been the previous version, and the character was different again?

"Um, let's just say yes to that answer"

What a deep meaning...... or in short, they don't have a soul living in the main doll, they can live in any doll they make that way.

The conditions are unknown, but we can increase the number of residual machines. If the doll performs better, won't it also increase the strength of Senior Munyechka for that matter?

And if you want to defeat Senior Muñetika, you can't defeat him until you destroy all the worst dolls. If there is a hidden unity, we can survive. Is it a character in an action game?

Senior Munyetika is a S-class Taruen. Maybe it's in these places.

Whatever undisclosed land may be, its usefulness is immeasurable if it can go without the danger of life, and if information comes from the other side if it dies.

"Well, what the hell is your... your errand?

"I wanted to ask you what kind of schoolmaster you are."

"You mean Katrina?

"Senior Muñetika is in a position to talk comfortably with the school director, right?

I'm the hunter who got the request, so it's not weird for anyone else to be face-to-face with the school director anyway.

Even if not, as a Semiette, we would have talked about it. At least they'll be pissed off if anything happens.

"Well, you are. Katrina is one of my disciples, so I can speak freely."

"You're a disciple, aren't you? If Senior Muñetika is a teacher, I'm also convinced of the story that the school director was able to aspire to the S-level."

"I guess that's what they did say. But in Katrina, I don't think I could do S-grade."


"Because you can't get to magic to the extent that normal people put their lives into magic. If you want to go S-level without magic, that's what you have to do to defeat the dragon after the death fight."

I heard somewhere about someone knocking down a dragon - what a little farsighted.

And being able to defeat you without being in a death fight means you're already in S-grade? Dragon-class opponents can't fight to fight. It will be hard to find, and if you look for it and head for defeat, you will be killed before it becomes a death fight due to wear and tear until you get there. I know very well that the A- and S-grade walls are very thick.

I don't think it's necessary to stick to dragons because of the intense experience of fighting dragons to be exact. I think a 90 tier demon in the nest, for example, would suffice. I think it's harder than looking for a dragon.

"May I put aside my strength now and tell you what kind of person I am?

"I'm a kid who likes to take care of people, to put it out of the ordinary. He took the initiative to take care of me, and now he's the head of the school. It seems more fun to teach now than to excel at witchcraft."

"Are you interested in demonic props or something?

"I let you touch puppet magic because you're my apprentice, but it was totally. I'm not interested in the magic props themselves, but they weren't the type to think about making them yourself or if you could have such magic props."

"Thank you. I heard good things."

"That's good."

Again, the school director's line seems thin. It's also dangerous to judge by just listening to Senior Muñetika, so I'd actually like to see him and talk to him - no, I don't want to talk to him because it's troublesome, but I can't help but accomplish what he asked me to do -

"What do you think I should do if I wanted to meet the school director?

"You should let Semiette take you. From the standpoint of being a teacher, you will meet quite naturally. Katrina knows about Semiette, and I don't think she'll refuse."

"So can I ask for it?

"It's just fine to appeal to Semiette when she's working, and I'll take it on. If you take him, Semiette will go home, so you can talk to him if you like."

"Thank you"

I said thank you, but I'll reconsider and talk to Ciel.

'Can I give you some extra demonic material in the magic bag?

'I don't mind anything. What you don't use even if you have it'

"Thank you"

I also got confirmation, so I'm going to give you even the broken corner of the demon that was on the 70th tier of the nest.

A bovine demon with gemstone horns, in the unity of an elephant defeated by Ciel. If processed properly, wouldn't it be cleaner than those gems there? Some of them had different colored horns, even of the same type, so there are several colors.

There's got to be something in the magic bag with the broken thing intact when you knock it down, so it'll be fine.

I'd love to sort out the contents of my magic bag, but if I took it to the Hunter Union, it would be a fuss, and would anyone be able to dismantle it at Mother Fi's residence? If I were there, I would throw the whole thing.

In the meantime, let's give Senior Muñetika the horn now.

"What can I say thank you for, I'll give you this"

"This... you've brought something unusual again. He must be the guy in the lower level of the nest. But, well, you went to the bottom."

"There are numbers, and use them as you please. You can sell it."

"I can't sell this. Even if I try to sell it, the right price won't come up. But I have a use for it, so thank you. Let me show Cemiette to Katrina."

Dr. Semiette moves out as if he were a person and tells him to follow us.

I thought I'd be guided right away, but I've remembered a fu, so I decided to check with Senior Muñetika.

"Speaking of which, I think the school director saw me during the freshman welcome party, do you have any thoughts?

"Katrina likes promising kids. I mean, that's what I think."

"Okay. Thank you."

Now, how was Ayrnage seen by the dean of the school? Hopefully it won't be a pain in the ass.

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