Two as One Princesses

179. The story of Princess Recemiya and Beltina

"Before I tell you about Bertina, how well does Princess Lesmiya know about her?

"Well, that's...."

"Even though there is a lot of magic, I'm hopelessly bad at using magic."

"--That's right."

"Is that a well-known story among the Ottoman nobles?

I wanted to get to know Vertina personally, so I asked Princess Recemiya for her objective opinion. If it is a well-known fact, she will also be involved in her future activities, and it may be enough to teach. I simply want to know the inherent dangers of acting with Vertina.

"I have the impression that there is not much information on Chilandia. I think the Chilandia family deliberately hid it. But there were rumors that Chilandia couldn't use magic. It may be true that not many people are connected to Bertina."

"Essentially, there's no problem with Bertina naming Chilandia."

"I'm sure it was."

Does the princess laugh in trouble because of Alclay's presence? Listen to me, I reiterate that Princess Lesmiya is a good person to be able to answer so quickly. I wouldn't even look into it if I wasn't aware of not just the information, but how well it was known.

"And one more thing, do you know a party called the Fool Gathering?

"Er... I've heard of it somewhere...."

"It's one of the hunters' parties in the middle. One of the magician's women was the daughter of a fairly powerful clan in the middle. Do you recognize the Amulet family?

"I remember. This is the party to which Viviana belongs. I've heard that Viviana uses magic in a unique way."

"Why was Viviana the amulet hunter?"

Speaking of which, the princess will understand. I know you didn't have to do this, but it's better to talk early, so I'll just have to talk to you soon anyway.

"Is Viviana as bad at magic as Vertina?

"Both of you don't like magic for almost the same reason. You won't be able to be like Viviana with your half-baked efforts."

I actually solved Viviana's problem, but I don't have a reason to teach her that much, so I'll keep quiet.

I don't know how hard Viviana worked to reach level B, and I don't know what kind of special training she had, so I don't know how hard it would be for Vertina to become a hunter. If you're just a hunter, you can't do it at this stage.

"--So... is that okay?"

How much does it mean to say "okay"? I'm not going to solve all of that, so I'll say what I want to say.

"Vertina has a huge handicap in combat, but she has the extra ability to make up for it. I don't suppose Chilandia knows that either. I'm in a second school class to become a hunter."

"Is it okay if you tell me what you're capable of?

"Do you have a duty in Osentre not to convey your abilities to the royal family?

"No, but...."

You will not be asked unless you become a knight who can be used in the country. Especially if you're going to be a hunter, it's hard to impose because it's going to be a central jurisdiction. This area depends on the relationship between the hunter union of the land and the state, and so on, so it is not absolute. Nevertheless, the princess won't be relieved if I don't talk to her to some extent, so I'll tell her blurrily.

"Vertina is a specialist in searching and detecting enemies. If you look at it as a specialized level, it's the same level that applies to me."

"Not so good!?

The surprised Princess Recemiya lowered her head shyly and said, "I'm sorry." But what surprised the princess was that it would work for me. Well, it doesn't matter to me that Bertina's abilities are seen as cheap. There may be a sense of reassurance that detection alone will not be able to do much. If pure combat power is at our level, we cannot afford to remain vigilant as a nation.

"At least you have enough power to recognize the boundaries I'm using right now."

Are you using it now? Do you know Fiture?

"I know it exists. But I don't know for sure. I don't know how to break this line."

After all, I think Senpai Munyecka's doll will find out, but it seems true that he doesn't know how to break through, so I think it's good for the time being.

I don't know if there's any other way to find out about the princess, but I'm troubled if you find out. Unlike simple magic, boundaries look normal if nothing is done, so the princess may have understood depending on her abilities. However, even though she doesn't seem to recognize my boundaries, there's nothing that Princess Lesmiya can recognize.

Hearing Fiture's words, Princess Recemiya nodded as if she was convinced of something and shouted in a dazzling tone.

"Chilandia seems to have missed a big one."

"That's all, but please don't leak it outside. I'm not happy that she's being brought back to the Chilandia family, and it's troublesome to be targeted by other nobles. Then my peace may be violated."

"Yes, I swear I won't leak it to you."

"It would be helpful if you could do that."

Princess Recemiya nodded at my threats, so can we stop talking about Vertina? I presupposed "from me" because someone knew Bertina from the beginning. With Alclay?

"Particularly about Parra. I think he is a good professional but not accompanied by experience."

"Are you sure you were a senior hunter? It's an unusual profession."

"What about Bertina's occupation?

"I was told about the people who announced their profession on the entrance exam. Therefore, I do not know the profession of Einage. There are rumors that it's a swordsmanship or similar profession...."

I don't know.

From a general point of view, I said not too close, not too far away? Currently, it is moving to be seen as a sword-dancer, so it is as expected. But she doesn't seem to have fallen in love with the princess. Because I basically use magic - magic - I would have thought it was a magician's profession, and if it was not a magician's profession, I would normally need a magic team or chant to use magic.

If Princess Recemiya is going to pursue our profession here, we have to think about how to deal with it, but Princess Recemiya just shuts her mouth and says she doesn't intend to do that.

"So hunters are a rare profession, huh?

"That's right. There are more bowmen than hunters."

"You might say so. Bows are better handled by bowmen, but hunters can also handle traps."

In addition to "hunters", there are occupations that combine several elements, and there are "warriors" that are easy to understand. "Warrior" has characteristics such as "swordsman" in the handling of swords and inferior to "spear magician" in the handling of spears, instead of requiring correction for the handling of various weapons. In magic, "magicians" are inferior to "flame magicians" in flame magic instead of being compensated for by various magic.

"Singing Princess" and "Mai Princess" also seem to be a combination of various elements, but since the disadvantages are greater than the disadvantages of each, they may be slightly different.

"That's about it for the two of us. It would be helpful if you didn't intervene strangely about Parra unless you wanted to."

"Of course. Both of you will be working in Osentre, so that's enough."

"Osente seems to consume a lot of magic stones."

"That's right. There is no less pride in the development and operation of magical instruments than in the center. In that sense, hunters may be more important than other countries."

That's why the civilians are embracing the campus, and we've been able to dive in. The magic equipment is so important in this country that the magic stones that use its energy are equally important. That's why hunters hunting magic stones are important. I'm sure Osente would want the nest to be as good as it gets out of his throat. Is it possible that the magic stones taken in the middle will be exported to Osentre?

And what a treasure pile we have of magic bags. Magic bags packed with materials of monsters of Class A or higher may be a treasure pile even if they are not male entertainment. Speaking of magic bags, I wonder if they can be used for medicinal herbs and other things that I found together when I found a resting place for spirits that are transformed into hair decorations. If I suck, I'll be fattening my bag like this.

"Speaking of which, is the Elbert family in school?

"The Marquises of Elbert have no children of school age, and there is no information that the Elberts have entered school. However, there are several children under the umbrella of the Marquis of Elbert. Vertina is one of them."

"The Chilanders were anti-Central, too."

I don't know about Vertina, but I'm sure she's anti-Central from the Chilandia family.

The aristocracy is basically the power of the parent or the power of the principal, so you cannot disobey the order. Vertina is somehow going against it.

"I don't think Tweethel has anything to do with anything else."

"Tweethel is also anti-Central."

The princess looks sorry for the words I said while confirming. For a moment I wondered why, because our place is in the middle. And from the standpoint, it's like a princess. You might want to look like this when you say that this person and this person don't really think about your country.

I don't really care. Because the anti-Central "anti-" is not for Mother Fi, but perhaps for those who live in what is called the central group. But perhaps there are some houses that are trying to sell a fight to Fi's mother.

"Do you think the Anti-Centrals can beat Fianamia?

"You think there's a chance."

"I wonder what the rebels are fighting against in the first place."

"I wonder if it is the queen Fiyanamia... Whether you know the facts or not, flags have an impact."


"In fact, I don't intend to defy you, but I think that you are benefiting from taking the stance of defying you, or that you want to take over the current kingdom for that reason and be at the top."

"Can I tell you something like that?

"There's only Einage here. Einari-sama won't do anything because she got this information, and if Einari-sama leaks it, no one will be blamed, right?

It was kind of a deep story, and I thought it was stupid, but apparently it was really stupid. Only Ayrnage (Fianamia's stepdaughter) can talk about this. Perhaps not because of Fianamia's stepdaughter, but because of the personality of Ayrnage-Sierman.

If she finds out what she leaked to me, the princess may be punished in some way, but there will be parts that pose as if they only trust Einage. I am aware that I am entrusting the aftertreatment to the princess, so I will take care of this kind of mental care. I'm just listening, so I'm not doing anything special.

This is a meeting with Siel, but you can go back to the middle in a lousy fight with Osvente.

Then I talked to Princess Lesmiya a little bit and decided to go to the rooftop.

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