Two as One Princesses

189. Play and talk with the sound spirits

"After all, why would Parra want to hear about magic?

After dinner with Parra, she said so as if she had remembered when she went back to the dorm.At the same time, Mia is taking good care of me, but I'm sure Sierra's words are meant for me.But Mia is listening with a little interest.

It must be for Bertina.

"Oh, I see.Then Viviana's story might be helpful.But why didn't he come to talk to me?

I think I've come to talk to Bertina in private.She's like a barbecue to a close opponent. "

"You mean like Ain, right?

I can't deny it.

Almost everything I've ever done for Sierre.

I can't deny it even if you say it's okonomiyaki.But I like to do something for Sierra, and without Sierra, there's no point in living in this world.It's not like I don't have the idea that it doesn't matter what happens when I have Sierra.

After hearing my reply, she talked to me about whether Mia was finally unbearable when she smiled elegantly.

"May I ask what you're talking about?

"Do you remember Bertina?

"You're a schoolmate, aren't you?"

"It seems that Parra came to me to gather information because the Bertina was in a similar situation to Viviana."

"I see. I see.As a confirmation, Eisel-sama can fix it, right?

Mia doesn't say everything about my strength, but she knows a lot.I know that I solved Viviana's problem, and I know that Siel and I went to the bottom of the nest together.

"I think I can."

That's right.

Mia, who shows her respect, does not ask if it will be solved.I don't know how many people can do the same thing, but I know that there will be quite a few and it won't be easy to use.

Unlike Viviana, the situation was different, and it meant something like a test bench to check Viviana's strength.

Besides, Bertina seems to be doing her best, so she may be adding water.When I hear about Parra today, I think I will do basic training, and it won't be a waste no matter how I fall.

I still need time to trust Bertina.Anyway, if you're going to hang out as a friend at school, it's still a long way off.Neither we nor Bertina are very good friends with Parra.

While I was thinking about it, the conversation between Sierra and Mia continued.

"But personally, I want to support you."


"I remember the old Viviana."

"Speaking of which, Viviana had a childhood, Mia, everybody."

"And the young lady..."

Mia tried to say something and said, "Nothing."

When I was late at night, I asked Sierra to use her body after she went to bed today, so I borrowed her body and got up and sat down on the bed.

It's time for the world to rest, and Mia is pulling herself into her servant's room.

What you do at such a time is a little play.Because I thought I'd play with the spirits who weren't always following Lisil - the sound spirits.Actually, it doesn't have to be this late at night.However, it was the usual pattern to borrow your body at night.

Rather, late at night may prevent us from reaching our goals.Then play with the Spirit.

Well, let's do it.

When I speak, the Spirit begins to circle around me in joy.Then the sound of tapping an empty wooden box began to beat.

I sing slowly to the sound.

It was a sound spirit, but I was able to make quite a lot of sounds.Just imitate the sound first.Still, I remember a lot, so I got on track and heard a lot of sounds.I was able to arrange the sounds that I learned while doing so, so I tried and mistakenly tried to get closer to the sounds of the instruments that I knew.

The Spirit of Sound can make a sound, but cannot speak with me.Still, the sound returns easily, so it is relatively easy to communicate.

It will be easy for me to understand when it comes to Lysil, and they will try and make mistakes, but the little ones won't do that.Well, I don't think that's an idea.

That's why it's easy and small.When you're actually singing like this, you feel like anything out of the ordinary is going to be like music.Thinking about it, I could sing to my applause, and I could only see Cahon in a wooden box.I'm making the wooden box sound because of the caffeine.

Only when you sing a song will you use the words of the previous life.It's not like that, but when you're singing a relaxed song, you don't have anything in mind.

What a song, I saw someone approaching.

Once he goes to the kitchen, he comes to me after doing something.Then I put a cup of hot water on the side table beside the bed, and stood beside me to serve me.

When I stopped singing because the target came, the sound spirits made a puff and trumpet sound like protesting.It looks like Lysil has forgiven me for seeing it, so I'll leave it to Lysil.

"You're going to stop."

"Do you want to hear it?

"If selfishness is forgiven, please."

Well then, you don't have enough cups and chairs.


In short, Mia also says to sit down, but it is difficult to indicate whether there is shyness as a servant.Nothing, I don't think we should get along regardless of identity differences, but that's it.

"I want the listener to take the appropriate stance."

"I see. And I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter."

When I told Mia that I would sing another song to the sound spirits while leaving Mia's back in motion, I turned from the appearance that had been flooded, and came by me.

Mia came back after waiting for a while with the Sound Spirit, who just couldn't wait.Gracefully sit down with a cup and an expensive chair in the room.Even though it is a maid's clothes, it is because Mia is originally a good young lady.

When Mia is ready, she signals the Sound Spirit to accompany her.It's the same as before, so I don't know if I can call it accompaniment.

Night is a song about the night.Pray that even if you don't understand the words, only the atmosphere will be conveyed.

Since I started singing, Mia has been listening to me with her eyes closed.Every time the song progresses, it moves to the right and to the left in a gentle rhythm.

When I let Siel listen to these songs, I often let him listen to them as a babysitter song, and he fell asleep right away, but I'm kind of glad he listened to me like this.

After singing, Mia clapped as if she was immersed in the finish.

"Excellent. Every time I listen to Einsel's song, I can't help but wonder why I've never heard it before."

So did Mia.

"Unfortunately...Songs dedicated to God, songs praising the beauty of nature, songs of gratitude to God, etc., were not so, but songs as entertainment were said to be vulgar and raised. "

"Is that just a song?Are dances, instruments, paintings allowed?

"It is permissible as long as it is comfortable.But if that's all, you'll see it with your white eyes.Rather, they are welcome to the extent that they are comfortable.It seems to be perceived as having that much room. "

I thought it would be okay if it was a hobby. But singing is not a hobby.Except for the song, people are likely to grow up because of something, but if religion is strong, it may not be so.

But there are factions that do not discriminate religiously other than singers... but there are factions that do not, and the general perception is that the Church is tough on unfaithful jobs.

Well, noble vulgar hobbies weren't like anything else in my previous life, and people might want to decide things up and down.

"What was Mia doing?

"I enjoyed studying magic...."

I decided not to pursue Mia, who turned a blind eye, and it was time to get down to business.

"By the way, I'd like to ask Mia something."

"What is it?

He didn't look particularly surprised, and he knew that he would be asked something when he saw how resolutely he would answer.Then don't hesitate to ask.

"Mia knew we'd never get old again, right?

"Yes, I was taught by Fianamia, along with three young ladies, before I came to Osvente."

Moses and Luna knew.Did you think I'd tell you before we realized we weren't getting old as we continued to take care of you?As for the servant of that mansion, I don't think it's that unacceptable as there is a real example of Mother Fiy, and you've listened to me quite a bit.

I don't know how far I've been asked, but I'm sorry to ask questions that are too deep and difficult to answer, so I won't ask any more questions.

I don't want to do anything when I find out that the source is Fi's mother, and even if Mia had arrived on her own, I would have kept quiet.So long as I don't change my attitude, I don't mind.It would be nice if I didn't make Sierra sad.

When I think about it, it feels like I'm the head who's grieving Sierra, but... I'll put myself on the shelf.

"That's good. As far as I'm concerned, I don't want Sierra to grow up."

"Is it an option?

"I don't know how you heard it, but you can choose to some extent.However, no matter how hard you try, growth stops when you become an adult or not.

She wants to grow old soon, and I don't have the feeling I don't want her to. "

"At the same time, I would like to see Siermeyer, who has grown up."

"Of course. Whether she's grown up or old enough to be called an old man, she must be beautiful."

I am confident that I will continue to think of Sierra as she grows up.Mia looked at me in trouble.

"I would also like to see Siermeyer grow.I'm sure you'll be beautiful.Now, as we grow smaller, we might get old enough. "

"That's true.I think that the lack of nutrition in childhood is a major cause of Sierra's small age. "

Hearing my casual words, Mia's expression became steep.I don't feel anything like killing.

"Well, if you're angry, there's nothing you can do about it, so should we go to bed?I don't sleep, but I want to rest my body. "

"Yes, sir. Good night, sir."

"Yes, good night."

I dropped Mia off before lying down and returning her body to Siel.

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