Two as One Princesses

193.5 * Receiving ear perspective

"Let me explain that to you from the beginning."

"Yes, first of all, this magic stone, but please don't even say it exists."

"Yeah, I know."

Oniisama nodded just in case.

"The source of the Magic Stone, but it seems to be a cave in the middle.I was told that I had defeated a monster even deeper than the known hierarchy. "

"S-rank in the nest... How credible is the information?"

"Almost certainly. If an S-ranked monster appears in the world, the information turns around, and if not, the most likely thing is the nest."

I see.

Oniisama nodded deeply, not as a brother, but as a prince of kings.

There are other possibilities, but Eilnage hasn't been absent from school so far.In that case, if I defeated an S-rank monster near here, I would have gone during the holidays.

Secretly search for an uninformed S-rank monster, fight and defeat without being distracted by others.Is it difficult for S-class people to do such things on holidays with only two days?

Rather, it is more realistic to think that you defeated him in the nest, as he said.Above all, he is not good at belly crafts.

"This is going to be a big step towards eliminating the Magic Stone shortage, but it doesn't mean I just got it."

"Yes, I just wanted you to have a sample."

"... Mi. Who told you to prepare this?"

Oniisama asked me to check with your father, and I nodded back.I suspected oniisama when she entered the room, but I might leave this matter to oniisama to some extent.

Brother Arc, the next king, is certainly a difficult experience.Then I can't help but think that oniisama should have talked to me from the beginning.

Given Miss Aernage's personality, she wouldn't have bothered to come to the castle to suggest it, so if she hadn't come to me, she wouldn't have even offered, but there was nothing I could do.

"The opponent is Siermeyer, the central princess."

"Why is such a big thing in Osentre... no, school?"

"Yes, because Siermeyer used a pseudonym and said he didn't want anyone to know about it, he knew only a few of his kings and his father.I didn't tell oniisama either.... "

"Father's judgment. But - no, let's talk about magic stones first."

Oniisama, who's trying to ask you something, stops and returns to the story.

"His offer is not to spread the word of origin, not to use it publicly, to trade with him personally, not in the middle, and to sell her the same amount of magic stones at this price."

"I see, Prince Wang.What do you think we should do about this? "

After all, it seems that oniisama will judge your father.Your father will make the final decision, but I would like to see his judgment as the next king.

"Before you make a decision, Mi.May I ask you a few questions? "

"If only I could answer."

"Why would his princess want a personal deal?"

He said, "It's because if we make deals between countries, it's important."

"Doesn't that sound like a lie to me?"

"Yes... I'm sure she doesn't like trouble.I don't think they have any ambitions. "

I felt so after having been in contact for a while.Neither the princess of the center nor the kings of the kingdoms would be in a position to draw, but they are not trying to do anything in that position.

However, I don't think he will hesitate to use that position if he needs it.It seems like a common way of thinking, or it feels different again.I am thinking of such a strange person now.

"Hmm... So why don't you just buy it for the right price?His princess doesn't seem to like making debts or being made, and I don't think it's difficult to make a fair deal.

Even if I were to make a debt, would it be better than if the country were to become rough? "

Oniisama will tell your father the conclusion you've reached after talking to me.

In response, my father nodded to his satisfaction.

"Well, let's contact a trusted appraiser.I don't want to be a lesbian, but what if that's the problem? "

"I think it would be okay if the appraiser kept silent about the existence of magic stones.He said it was okay to use magic stones as long as only certain people saw them. "

"Worst case scenario, I'll have to make a deal, but I don't mind."

"Now, if you'll excuse me."

"Oh, well done."

Longer stays can get in the way, so I'll leave when I'm done talking.Although it wasn't my fault, I was glad to be praised by my father, and my cheeks loosened when I left the room.

Oniisama came out after me, and stopped me.

"Mi, if you have time, let me talk to you for a second."

"Of course, oniisama."

It's been a long time since I've spoken slowly with my busy oniisama, so I'll gladly accept.The place is my room or oniisama's room is good, so I decided to go to oniisama's room for a while.

Oniisama's room is filled with magic tools, which she says combines hobbies with practical benefits.I was guided to a table by the window, thinking that my hobby might be bigger.

"I like to drink tea while looking out here."

It's a nice view.

I don't call King's City a panoramic view, but I can see King's City widely and imagine the lives of the people there.

I can see the places I know well, so each memory comes to mind.

Looking at the King's City for a while, he was talking about "what was that" and "what happened there", but when tea was brewed, oniisama lowered all his servants.

"How's school life, by the way?I didn't go to the second school, so I'm worried.I've been listening. "

"It's fun. Learning with a lot of people is exciting, and you can learn from your abilities."

Lessons are already known.I've had that much education, and I thought I understood them.But it's more interesting than I thought to learn again, to be taught by a new teacher.

Because teaching the same thing is done differently, it is very useful to study.The problem is that it is not the case in terms of knowledge, but the teaching is very different in terms of technology.

I don't think either teacher is wrong, but there are times when there is no way to satisfy both, so what should I do then?

Do you use a familiar method, or do you try to use a new method?

"What will you do then?"

"Runya-I 'm going to talk to Rulinia, the Hounsen family.She's been educated in the same way, and... "

I wonder if I will talk, but I think oniisama wants to ask you here, so I'll give you another name.

"I have also spoken to Mr Ayrnage.Based on what we've done so far, you said that if you think it's worth it, you should think about it, otherwise you wouldn't have listened to it. "

What do you mean, you're funny?

"That's right, because Alnage doesn't seem to care much about her grades at school."

Usually, Einage, who lives in school, is a quiet, problem-free student with excellent grades.It's just because of his appearance, because he's an E-class hunter, he's quite prominent, and everyone in the same class is well remembered by his name.

However, unlike other people - unlike us, I feel that it is better to express that it is more popular than prominent.

"What is your reputation for the class?"

"Does it feel like I said it was generally good?Few people seem to care about Aernage, but many people now feel it's enough to just look from afar. "

"I see... what happens when something goes wrong in the future, even if it's okay now..."

Oniisama's anxiety is the greatest, and I can't help but wonder what happens when Einage gets into trouble, for example when she's bullied by her classmates.Perhaps it will lead to a deterioration of the relationship with the center, and if Einage moves in the first place, the school can only be stopped by the headmaster who was told that it can reach S-class, or by the high-ranking hunter who is said to be there.

Especially now, Mr Eilnage is hiding his identity.I have no choice but to believe that if I knew that I was a princess in the middle, no one would be in a bad mood - but I'm more likely to do it without knowing it's the way it is.

"I don't think Aernage will move quickly because she knows that she is patient.I asked because I was worried about it, but then I warned you once, and if you still can't... "

Well, unless it's that soft, I guess it's okay.

"That's right. I don't think anyone's going to do that much...You said that even if there was someone like that, it would be a problem with the house. "

"Whatever happens, the damage will be minimal. For the first time, I'm glad I'm friends with him."

Oniisama tells me that I'm in a bit of trouble.

When I think about how to return it, oniisama says, "What's wrong?I asked.

"No, I wonder if I'm friends with Miss Aernage....."

"You told me you were the middle princess, didn't you?"

"Sure, but it felt like you told me because it was less troublesome than you told me because you got close."

"Oh, I see... You're quite strong.What does Mi think? "


What do you think of Elnage - Siermeyer?When I think about my previous interactions, I think I always have a conversation without other love.It was a short time before I went to the rooftop, but I wondered how the class was today and which menu of school meals was delicious.

There is certainly a place to be careful, but there are some areas where it is easier to talk to her where she doesn't seem interested in power.

It is said that it is difficult as this time, but I can't hate it because it is different from my own because it is good to be told sooner than later to find out and warm up.

I know many of my classmates are watching now, but not many want to talk to me.The reason for this is because I want to ask her to teach me, or to get closer to my poor girlfriend.

In the meantime, I had a lot of opportunities to talk to her, and I didn't feel superior as a person who taught me a lot of things.Besides, I feel close to her somehow.

When I thought about it, oniisama said something very serious.

"After all, is it difficult for me to be older?"

"... oniisama, what did you say?"

"Hmm? He's a little older than me."

"That's right... was it?You know me very well. "

I almost lost my word in surprise, but I managed to respond to it.

"Siermeyer didn't hide anything when he was hunting.

The Princess in the middle came out, and it was easy to find out. "

"I didn't go there to look bad."

Besides, unlike oniisama, there is no helper to investigate the center.Besides, I didn't dare to look into it since I met Mr Aernage and it was better not to do something bad.

I only told oniisama that I was convinced by my words, "I want to be a friend if possible."

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