Two as One Princesses

200. Magic instruments and madness.

"You can do whatever you want."

"Ok, I'll let you do whatever you want."

I feel like Dr. Lewes is reopening it.There must be a trap or something.I think it will activate if I don't take the right steps, but unfortunately I just know something and I don't know what to do.

Nevertheless, it would be quicker if I indicated that I didn't mention the hidden room because it is guessy, and I am confident about the defense, so do you have a special attack?

It looks like a trap, but can I go?

You can take my place.

Of course, it's easier for me to deal with it in the unlikely event that she's out there.

No matter how you fall, you don't risk your life.If Sierra were out there, we could destroy all these rooms.In view of the various traps, it would be safe to deal with them if Siel appeared on the front page.

For all I can do in the first place, even if I am not on the front page.

That's why I swapped it with Sierra, and she put her hand on the shelf in front of me.There is a shelf with magic equipment on both sides of the room, but there is a little space in the corner, either in terms of placement or far from the entrance.It's so wide that there's enough room for one person.I think there are two of them in Sierra.

There is something that leads to the hidden room before you shift the shelf sideways.As far as Dr. Rewens' behavior yesterday is concerned, there must be a staircase or something heading downstairs.

She also used her physical strength to shift the shelf sideways.

Below the shelf was something like a storage door under the floor, and as she tried to get close to it, there were signs of magic equipment moving out of the room.

So I noticed that some of the magic tools in the room were arranged to do something towards this place.

Sil immediately noticed and jumped straight up.

When I saw the thick vines of plants gathering directly below, it seemed to be a magical tool for capturing intruders.Now, vines stretching from all directions bumped into each other, making it look like a snoring ball.

Sierra ran up because there was only one escape route up there.

But naturally, Dr. Lewes also knows, and a hole has been formed directly below Sierra since about immediately after the jump.It doesn't seem to be that deep, but the place where it fell is a jail anyway, and if it stays like this, they'll get caught.


Sierra calls my name short.At the same time, I sing.

It has already fallen into the hole, but there is no problem if the top is empty.With a light step like a deer running through the field, Sierra rises up in a spiral.Then he landed a few steps away from the pit, and swapped with me.

Teacher Rewens, who seemed to have been distracted by Sierra's movements, made up his face as if he had returned to me.

"I was told to be careful.I didn't know that was enough. "

Unfortunately, I think it's a boulder.

Because it was Sierra who worked hard, I praise Sierra because I don't care what the teacher thinks.Ignore Dr. Rewens' reaction, which looks suspicious, and I can't ignore the words just now, so let's pursue it.

"By the way, was it the principal who told you to watch out for Aernage?"

I can't tell you that.

Dr. Rewens shook his neck loosely from side to side and neither affirmed nor denied it.It was almost certain that you were doing something contraindicative with this.Because it is a room that I tried to protect by doing that much, I am confident in the present situation, but sometimes it is just in case.Do you think there are magical devices that are strictly confidential and have nothing to do with contraindications?

I'm not a detective, I'm not a cop, and I'm not good at gathering information.So I would like to hear the contraindications from the teacher, if possible.

"By the way, what is your purpose?"

I honestly thought I'd run away, but Dr. Rewens wouldn't do that, but he still changed his response to me.I'm going to ask you why we're here.

As a precaution, I covered this room with boundaries to prevent it from escaping, but it might have been a waste. I don't know.

Well, that's the end of it. I'm not here to be hostile, and I think it's a good idea to say it.Unlike before, you won't be deceived anymore.

In the unlikely event that the teacher is not the one who is looking for the contraindication, people may talk about it, but you should keep your mouth shut.

At least you're sure you're doing something in a hidden room, so it won't be so hard to shut up.

"Would you warn someone who is trying to break a contraindication and persuade them to stop it?"

When the teacher opened his eyes to surprise him for a moment, he muttered, "I see." He began to think of something.

"We're not here to eliminate them, we're not here to take away their achievements, we're not here to catch them."

"I'm the closest one to standing, but I'm not the one to do it.It's just before that. "

"... a punishment?"

I smile back to the answer that Dr. Lewes has arrived.

Even if we do not do something about the forbidden, when the problem arises, the divine punishment falls and is eliminated from the world.Our duty is to warn you not to do so.And because the divine punishment has fallen, of course, we are not so troubled by the creative gods.

"Now, I'm going to ask you again. Dr. Lewes is trying to break the taboo, right?"

"... oh, that's right."

Teacher Rewens answers as if he had given up.I hope you give up the study of contraindications as it is, but perhaps you can't.However, the first stage is seen as accomplished because of the quality of the words, and I decided to reveal my identity as I had decided with Sierra in advance.

The words of those connected to Fianamia will be taken more seriously than the words from a mysterious student to persuade you.It's also a little experiment.

I took out a pendant with the emblem of Mother Fiy, a white dragon motif that had not appeared from the magic bag for a long time, and showed it to Dr. Rewens.

Teacher Rewens looked strange, but I was immediately surprised to see if there was anything that came to mind.Then I slowly opened my heavy mouth.

"I can't believe you were the middle princess."

"Not exactly a princess, but I'm sure Mother Fi picked it up."

"Whatever happens, you're the middle princess."

"I understand that."

That's why I don't deny it very much, and I often find it helpful to talk faster.Because you will know that you are a powerful person because it is easy to understand just by saying "princess".

Anyway, the experiment can be regarded as a success.If you show me this crest, someone will know what it means.In other words, it can be physical evidence as Fifi's mother's child.

When I have to reveal the central princess's position in the future, it is easy to name it, but not all people believe it.

There is no point in revealing it if it does not serve as a deterrent.The royal family, the top of important facilities, and the people who have revealed so far are probably in a position to know this emblem, so I wanted to try whether it is a medium-sized place that can be used by a single teacher.

By communicating with Dr. Rewens, civilians will be able to be quite effective against noble opponents anyway.

"If you were a central princess, you wouldn't know or understand that you were studying contraindications..."

"That's how much you understand."

"It's not surprising what he knows.And maybe it has something to do with God. "

Many times the lifespan of a person, dozens of times the center, so various speculations will emerge.As far as the middle is concerned, I can't hide anything from Fi's mother, so I don't think it's strange that she seems to know everything if she doesn't know the facts.

Whatever you do, it helps to talk quickly.

"If you understand, I will fulfill my purpose.Stop any research that might be contraindicated right now. "

"... you can't do that."

"Is that what you're ordered to do?"

I thought it would be nice to ask, but considering the reply that I felt sure of my will, it's not - even if it were, I think there would be my own will there.

The expectation seemed to have been met, and Dr. Rewens shook his head to the right and left and denied my question.

"No, it's a personal study."

"Sure, but if the research comes to fruition, you're going to die."

"I understand."

"The research results will disappear with the divine punishment without being able to leave them to future generations."

"... that's kind of sad.But only after he died. "

"Would you please stop this?"


Until now, when I look at Dr. Rewens who answers with a different attitude, I feel like I can't say anything.

I knew I was going to die, and it was a mystery what I was studying for, even if what I had created was destroyed and not left behind in future generations.

"Why do you want to break the taboo so much?"

Let's hear it.

"Why are you doing so much contraindication research?"

"Well... I guess I want to make the best masterpiece I can.A masterpiece that anyone can think of as such.Such a work that would make future generations say there is no more. "

"Is that a contraindication?"

"That's true. You can say that you violated the taboos and were punished, which means that you created a work that was also recognized by God."

I'm a little scared of Dr. Rewens, who has grown strangely tense.

If you want to be recognized by God, but you dare to be punished for it, you won't be angry even if the screws on your head have come off.

Nevertheless, I feel like there is no reason I could easily say that I was trying to extinguish the very existence for Sierra.It is not an unknown idea that there is something more important than your life.

Anyway, only one persuasive ingredient was found, so I'll just say it.

"The teacher said he would reach the taboo.If you know that, you don't have to die. "

"That's not necessarily true.And if that's true, you can say that you're not going in the wrong direction. "

"I thought you said that."

The persuasion of this man is too much for me.

Since the purpose is not to complete the persuasion, may I go home now?

"It seems no longer useful, and I have finished my work, so I'm leaving."

"I wonder if I can go home knowing about the research."

"You know who I am, don't you?"

Because we know each other's secrets, I don't think we need to worry about being spread, but Dr. Rewens looks unconvinced.

"It's not fatal, because it's widespread.Isn't it equal? "

"If you say so, you'll get in trouble.But if you want to go home, you can go home. "

"Then maybe you won't be able to stay in school."

Surely where our secrets have leaked, they are not fatal.It is likely that strange people will approach, but it is not impossible to deal with it, let alone threaten their social status.

In that sense, if they find out, it would be more lethal for Dr. Rewens to be the worst shot, and it must not be fair.

And I don't know if it's true that I won't be able to stay in school, but here Dr. Rewens is the teacher and we are the students.Since we will be down in position, we cannot deny the possibility of being expelled from school.

In other words, tell us the secret we really want to hide... hmm...

Ain, can I have it replaced?

That's good.

I want to avoid using force as much as possible, but if I think about it, I will replace it because Sierra asked me to.

"I mean, why don't you tell me the secrets you're in trouble with if you're torn apart?"

It was good to replace it, but I wondered what I was going to do, and then Sierra fell into such a state.

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