Two as One Princesses

Episode 200 and other commemorative gossip

When she was singing a few songs, she asked me, "Ein, can I ask you a favor?'.

It was just between the songs, so I immediately said, "What is it?".

"I want you to tell me the song and dance of the world where Ain was."

"Never mind, have you already taught me some?"

Yes, but maybe Ain only teaches a lot, right?

I'm not mistaken about what Siel said, which is a little hard to say.

In addition to expressing the song concisely in one word like this, it only conveys the image of the song rather than the content of the lyrics, and I have omitted many things about dancing and taught it.

Because when it comes to dancing, it's not for this world.I sometimes say that about the background of the times and cultural differences, but I think that the dance of the original world - especially the song I sing - is danced on the premise of watching it on TV, trying to make it an online video, being reflected on the screen, and so on.

From a distance, there are many movements that are difficult to understand what you are doing.

Even if you make a heart on your chest, it feels like you don't know what you're doing from a distance.

I am simply ashamed of the lyrics.Because there are a lot of songs about love.I don't think there are any other songs, but I think about half of them are romantic songs.It may be easy to use as a lyrics theme, but it would be a kind of punishment game to convey the lyrics to Sierra with my own interpretation.

That's why I avoided it, but the Inquirer said that Siel wouldn't unload it.

If Sierra asked me, I would be ashamed because most things are of a quality that makes me want to hear whispers, so I would give up and get on with her story.

"The first thing you didn't tell me about dancing is that I don't know much about dancing."

I've heard that before.However, I think I've grown compared to the old days!

"Yes, that's why it's a bad knowledge, but I'm going to tell you something."

I tried to rush in, but I don't know what it was taught from.I thought it was a blurry step, so I told you about box steps and idle steps, but I don't know how to use them.

She was reacting as if she understood, but she didn't know why.I felt like an elementary school student that the people who could do it were amazing.

Nevertheless, I am sorry about this, so I will try to dance one dance with total mobilization of memory.When she said that, she said, "Ain't you going to dance with me!I'm excited, I'm excited! I raised my tension.

It feels like the hurdles have gone up in vain, but I decided to dance unconsciously.Singing your own song.

After all, I'll try to reopen the relationship with half of them and try it with a fluffy cute love song.

Check the movement of your body a little before singing.

Is it the lyrics that say, "I'm so happy to see you, my heart flutters with love"?Does it not suit me or is it not suitable for me?

Because of that song, it becomes a fluffy movement with a knee rhythm that matches your hand's pretense.When moving left and right, jump so that the up and down movements appear large.

Move your hands large and soft to show happiness.Reach your hands to the left and right to inflate the skirt.

While I was dancing honestly, it was full, I couldn't afford to look around, and it wouldn't even have taken shape if it weren't for Sierre's body.

And the song is in the middle. I realized that my movements were too girly when I could afford a little more.That's right, because it's a prerequisite for girls to dance.

It was kind of embarrassing, but I couldn't stop singing, and my face got kind of hot.

The singing is over, the dancing is over, and the body is very tired.My heart is also very tired.It's not about singing and dancing for now.Though I've been breathing for a while, I still can't breathe.

Very, very cute!

"That's... yes, but you know what else?"

Well, I somehow understood what Ain was saying.There are a lot of small movements.Compared to what I did, I wonder if the space is small enough to dance.

I was fluffy, but was that because it matched the song?

"That's what it looks like. Some of the songs seem to be conscious of stopping."

I think that a cool song will make you feel so-called crispy, but I don't know what it is.

Even if I understand the words, it's fine because I don't understand Sierra.

"By the way, what was this song about?"

I thought it was a paragraph, but that didn't happen.I only wanted to avoid the fruit, but not the fruit.

In the meantime, I decided to ask Siel.

"Before I do that, do you know anything about love?"

How about asking a girl in her early teens about love?There seems to be a problem with that alone, and above all, I can't help myself.In contrast, what makes you so sure that she would have had a good smile if she was on the front?

I know that there are such things.But maybe we don't know what it is.Does Ein know?

"I'm not saying I don't know, but it's hard to say I do."

I've often seen it in stories, and I can imagine it.In addition, I think that I am experiencing the feeling of being close to it.

Nevertheless, I think that understanding and feeling differ from person to person, so it is difficult to say what it is.Even the feeling of liking it changes its meaning depending on how it is used.They often say things like Like or Love, but I still don't think it's enough at all.

I see. If Ain can't figure it out, it might be harder for me. "

"Well, then, what can I do?"

I was going to say no, but I heard a voice saying, "But," so I shut my mouth.

"I think what I'm feeling for Ain is close to that."

"Is it close...?"

There was someone who was relieved to ask that question.I also feel that I care about Sierra.It's as special as the person you're in love with, but I don't want to think that's all.

That's probably because I know that romantic relationships are fragile.Because I am very afraid of the relationship that could end.

That's why I hate it when I call my relationship with Sierra a romantic relationship.

Because Ain said, right?Ein said he could be anyone I wanted. "

"That's right. If that's what Sierra wants, she'll be a parent, a friend, anything."

"Yeah, I'm glad. And I think Ein knows it, but I'm reading a lot of stories."

"Yes, I didn't read very well."

Beyond the labs and reference books, Siel, who was able to read quickly, could read many books.I was too late to read, so I couldn't read a story except a simple book I read for my practice of writing.

There were quite a few scenes where love was depicted.But, Ain. "

"What's wrong?"

I didn't really admire the stories of the happy people.

At that time, she was the only one who knew how she felt.But it is not strange to have a yearning for the people of the story under those circumstances.They overcome any difficulties and eventually get to a happy end.

Even at the age of Siel at that time, she may want to be vague.

But Siel says it's not.

After all, I had Ain.And there's going to be Ain, right?

"Of course..."

I think that's all that makes me happy.So, Ein, can you tell me?

I have decided to teach the meaning of the lyrics with thoughts in the words of Siel.

Isn't the girl you love cute?That's why there were so many cute movements. "

"Well, I think so."

Annotate your interpretation, then tell Sierra the meaning of the lyrics, answer some questions, and then answer the words that Sierra told you tirelessly.

I knew it, but how spiritual it is to convey the meaning of lyrics in your own words.

And it came to pass, when I had thought that it would be better for me to be with Siel, that I could face my mistakes.

"Hey, Ain. Can you take that and show me again?"

"Er... well, that's right."

Yeah, I don't know what to do until I explain it to you.However, this happened because I postponed the explanation because I wanted to avoid it if possible.Reflection or shallowness... what Siel is saying makes sense, so I have to do it again...

Siel, who understood the lyrics of the song, dances in the garden of the mansion.

Fluffy, left-right rhythm with soft steps that are different from playing and jumping.Hands spread wide to show the magnitude of happiness, but occasionally in the chest like love.

Cute pale flowers bloom around when your feet are on the ground.If you spread your hands wide, cherry blossom petals will dance in the air from nowhere as if they were matching the movement.

It's obviously causing a drastic change in the yard environment, but I'm not mad at Mother Fi because I've been given permission.

The spirits seem to make me feel good in a strange environment, so I don't have to worry about it.

With more movement than usual to make the girl aware, immediately after dancing a song, she dances up a petal scattered around the blowing wind from nowhere.

The petals gathered in one place in the air scattered like fireworks as they formed the shape of large flowers.

Before the petals fell to the ground, they were wrapped in flames and vanished like balls of incense fireworks.

This is the new way of dancing in Sierra.A dance to be seen by many people.

"Fufu, it was fun, it was fun!"

It was only one song, but she smiled satisfied.

Yes, I enjoyed it too.

"I think it's better to know what the lyrics mean to be dancing with Ain."

And Siel said unto him, One more time, before I return unto him any thing: and I sang again.

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