Two as One Princesses

Interruption and extended leave

As a result of Parra and Bertina's pre-emptive attacks, a single goblin was defeated in Parra's strike, causing considerable damage in Bertina's strike.Even if the blade of Bertina's wind were pointing at Goblin's head, it would not have been able to be defeated.

I would have been incapacitated if I had seen it, but I would not have been able to penetrate the hard skull.As with Viviana, it seems difficult to use powerful magic.

Even so, Viviana would have defeated Goblins with a single blow, but there was a difference in experience, or a difference in practice.

Though the ideal was to defeat only two, if you were a Sierra, you would be able to attract more than two, three, or whatever, ten Goblins without a problem.Still, I capped the Goblin at three because I had to use Maiden's power to attract more Goblins to one.Then simply think about Parra and Bertina.

Fighting more people than ours makes them nervous and unable to move.

No, you'll be able to escape, but it's hard to defeat.

"Hurry and defeat if you can."

While attracting the two goblins, Siel called out to the two in the back.I know how it feels, but I thought it was bad, and the two of them replied with a rubbing voice, "Ah, yes," so it seems that my expectations were met.

It turns out that the two attacked well enough to rush to the Goblin.If anything, it is likely to hit Sierra occasionally.She avoided it without any problems, and even if she hit it, it was fine.They both know about it, so I wonder if they can still attack in this state.

Considering that I can't focus on Sierra, I'm afraid I was impatient and could not attack.In that sense, a mock battle against Parra one day would be helpful.It is difficult to say whether it is better to worry about friendly fires and not be able to attack or to get used to attacking without worrying about them, but I decided that it would be better to have experience in fighting for the time being.

I think it is okay because it seems that I am still thinking of not touching Sierra.

Was it bad?

It's not no good, but it may not suit both of us.There's no doubt you should hurry... because there was no hurry. "

That's hard.

It's not like there's no way to tell what's right for the other person.But I think you can decide what Sierra wants to do about it. "

What do you mean?

It doesn't really suit people who don't think anything about it, just one way or the other.

It may be important to match them in difficult places, but I don't know if they will match us where they are.Then, how to do it changes the way people think.

Still, it's not bad to tailor everything to everyone, and one way of thinking is to have everything tailored to the other person.I think the most common thing is to change depending on the other person.

Maybe we can't really afford to talk about this, but we're not that stuck.I had bad luck getting a general review. Especially for Bertina.

Shortly afterwards, the lightning came down.And when the surviving Goblins are blackened out, the footsteps of the people are heard late.

Several overlapping footsteps are for five people.Only one person remembers his name.

It was a mistake to let things go.We should have sealed it off at the border. "

Oh Ain, are you angry?

I'm angry. I attacked Sierra.

Ein protected me.That's enough for me.Besides, I don't think I have time to talk. "

And Siel said, There is no more time to speak, and the LORD of footsteps appeared from among the trees.

"What is it, Bertina?"

It seems that the Alclays who showed up were not us or Parra, but Bertina was the first to see them.I must have saved myself financially, but Bertina must have saved nothing financially.

Then, when Alclay wronged himself, he instructed his surroundings to take the two goblins he had knocked down, the magic stone Parra had first knocked down, and his ears.I glanced at Parra and Bertina, but they weren't going to say anything about being taken with what they had defeated.

If this is what the hunter asked me to do, I would protest, but since this is a lesson and there is no relationship with Alclay in the future, I think I should avoid trouble as well.I think there's something about it, but it's this.It would not be good to involve Parra and Bertina.

I will return my palm if Sierra protests against them because she is a little upset.Apparently, they won't protest.

"You're weak. Get out of here. You're a blind man."

When Alclay saw that the surroundings were finished, he saw Bertina again and said so, and took his men and ran away somewhere.

In the meantime, Bertina looked scared, but when Alclay disappeared, she sighed with relief as the storm just left.

"Bee, Belle, are you okay? I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm used to being told."

Is that okay?

"It's okay."

Parra perhaps called out to Bertina, who behaved completely careless.This way, I think Bertina still has a liver somewhere.Did you only negotiate with your real father to win the tallest room in the dorm?

After Alclay left, I felt even more frightened of Parra.

"I'm sorry, Bertina. I knew you were getting closer."

"That's it, it's okay. It was because Belle couldn't defeat him right away because he was in a hurry."

If you say so, I'm sorry too, Einage.

She apologized and shook her neck to the right and left, saying that Bertina and Parra were unnecessary.

Now you know exactly why Sierra told you to take him down in a hurry.It seems that there was something I thought of as a Sierra.

All I can say is that when something like this happens to Sierra, I think I forgive both of you enough to apologize.

She seemed uninterested and apologized if she did anything wrong.But this time, it's not Sierra, it's Alclay's fault.Alternatively, Bertina, who is in charge of the search, is responsible for the defenses who could not defeat Alclay before he arrived.Looking at the whole thing, Siel's responsibility would be small.

Of course, Ciel and I were able to get rid of it, but if we said we could, then Parra and Bertina would no longer have a role to play.Anyway, we can do about anything on our own.

I think that's what Sierra said when she apologized.

"That's right. We need to find the next goblin."

Parra said that and pulled back where it was likely to become a reflection meeting.It was a plausible way to put it, but the speed of its switching is important.As long as we're not together, we can't afford to relax in the woods - in the monster realm. There's also a time limit for classes.

"That's right. Good luck finding the goblins with Bell!"

Take Bertina aboard to find the next prey.Lessons don't have much time to spare, and the next group you find will be your last chance.

If it were five, Siel would defeat two and leave the rest to them.

Should I not tell you that it will be okay to go back like this?

It seems like you two are motivated, isn't it good?I don't think Bertina noticed either.

There's nothing wrong with being able to defeat monsters.

As Siel pointed out, one of the teachers looked at the whole thing earlier.Teachers are expected, but there is no doubt about it.This time, full-scale combat is taking place everywhere, so we have some coverage and placement.

In that case, I would like to ask you to stop Alclay's assault, but in fact, I showed the appearance of trying to stop it.

Alclay moved before the teacher did.Normally, you don't run into thunder suddenly when you meet someone.It seems that the teacher side also has to value the autonomy of the students as much as possible, and it is very difficult.

In the meantime, I think I've seen the end of this, so I'm sure there won't be anything left for Alclays.Even if I don't get angry, I don't think I'll be able to significantly lower my rating.

A little later, after I found a new group of goblins, I was able to stably defeat them over time.

"Starting today, the school is going on a long vacation.You can either use it for a break, try it as a hunter, or go back to the area and tell your family what's going on if you start something new.Some of them will train for the competition.

However, if you make any noise, just be aware that the school will move.In the worst case, you may be expelled from school.

Anyway, I hope this is not a good vacation for you. "

The morning after all the classes in the first half of the first grade are over.I need to talk to the principal and get back to class.Then you'll get your report card for the previous fiscal year and then you'll go on holiday.It seems that this can be delivered directly to my parents at the first school.And it seems that the first school has a long vacation.Around here, the results will suit the aristocrats.

In addition, the second school does not say whether each student is studying differently, whether the concept of privacy exists, whether there are other reasons, or whether the top graders will be posted.

However, it is somehow understood who is the top grader in each class.I wonder if Princess Lexie has achieved a high overall score, or if Giweld is the top in combat.

A name is called like a flow task and you receive a report form from Dr. Crawler.Eilnage (us) is well above.I wasn't particularly surprised because I was aiming for it.

More interesting than that is the fact that grades are beginning to be shared between people who are close.Students seem to be students, whether they are mixed or culturally diverse.The noisiest thing about the current situation is around Jiweld.I can hear things like, "That's Jiweld," or, "Hmm, that's not how it goes."

It was a gradebook that was going well, but the moment one student received the gradebook, he shouted, "What is this?"When I looked at the voice that I thought I didn't like, it was a scene where Alclay was about to come to Dr. Crawler.

Perhaps one of the classes had an unusually poor grade.At least it wasn't recognized by Alclay.

The incident, which gathered eyes in the classroom, was resolved by Mr. Crawler telling Alclay something.Alclay returned to his seat with an unconvincing expression.

It was dissolved, but with the exception of Alclay and a few others who left immediately, there were no students who wanted to leave the classroom.

I'm sure you'll find something in your first school, your first long vacation.Above all, if you want to see me during the holidays, it will be difficult to contact me unless you decide at this time.

It is troublesome when there is no communication equipment.Still, if you stay in King's City, you will be able to handle it.However, if this leaves King's City and goes to another town, there will be little contact between them.I have a letter, but I don't know how soon it will arrive.

If you still want it delivered quickly, you'll need a reasonable amount of money.

If you want to contact me, you can use the app on your phone, and even in a distant town, you can get there in a day as long as you don't leave the country.

If we are serious, we may be able to cross the border in a few days, but don't think about this as a standard.

"What about your vacation, Ayrnage?"

"I'm going to the Hunter Union with Parra and the others."

"Yeah, thanks, but that's not it."

That said, what should I do with my vacation?

If we were alone, we could probably come back from the middle, but Mia would be there.You might want to ask Mia what to do before you decide. "

So you don't know.

Yes, I don't know.

"I don't have any plans so far.Maybe I'll go back to the middle. "

After all, is the middle far away?

Apparently, even if I heard that Parra was in the middle, it didn't stick.Or is the perception of other countries ambiguous?

I've never even been outside my village before.It seems like shopping in the neighboring town was a big adventure.

"Much farther than Parra's village."

When Siel answered that, Parra was impressed with the sound of both "yes" and "yes".Then we decided to go to the Hunter Union together.

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