Two as One Princesses
Explanation, inquiry and merit
There were no requests, and to get away from the troublesome scene for now, I slipped out of town and into the woods.Mia stays silent like a servant, but Parla and Bertina follow with a nervous look from a short while before they left town.
In the meantime, I wanted you to forgive me because I was passing through a route where there were no monsters.In the unlikely event of an accident, we also want to protect it at the barrier.
You've gotten yourself involved in something strange.
Make sure there's no one around, then stop, look back, and call out to them.Sheil tells me that I am just a little more on the surface.I was told that it would be better to stay out all day today, but I refused.
Of course, I tried not to take up as much of Ciel's time as possible, but I couldn't defeat the monster without Ciel appearing.No, even I can defeat low-ranking monsters, but if I can't move as much as Shell, the picture surface will be a problem.
I took all the monster attacks at the barrier and beat them head-on.From the edge, I think it's bad for Parla and Bertina's heart because it looks like they're taking all of their attacks.
It simply takes time, and I don't feel like I can watch out for multiple moves like Shell.
As a good thing, the two of them, who were called upon by me, jumped their bodies in amazement for a moment, and then looked at each other in the face.Then Parla turned around and opened her mouth.
"No, it's okay. Because we didn't have anything.Was Eilnerge-chan all right? "
"Oh, what I said is unusual, but I've experienced a lot of trouble myself, and I'm fine."Rather, it's easier to get caught up in places outside of the capital.It could be worse in other places. ”
Thinking again about this matter, I think that some classmates, aside from Hunter and Hunter union side were on the sidelines - even if there was something they thought about, they didn't sandwich their mouths - but rather wanted to see how to deal with the trouble - so they wanted to experience the trouble in the Hunter union.
So, if our client had physically attacked us, we would have been stopped, and if we had been paralyzed and violent, we would have been stopped.
Is there a lot of trouble after all?
"Not a lot." Some people come to us because of weirdness, some just say they don't care, and others come to us because they're out of town.That said, I think it's possible that the appearance of the city makes it stand out from the rest. ”
That said, when you grow up, you can't be unrelated to the trouble.For example, the trouble with the client?Request for escort because it is easy to understand.Even though the client is an escort, he tries to make a mess, or try to make a stop that has nothing to do with the client.Although I am not the owner of the request in the first place, some people come to me for a toilet ride and complain about something.
Even if it's not an escort request, if it's a matter of communicating directly with the client, there may be trouble there.
"Besides, this time it was a problem within the Hunter Union."I think it was still better.In the worst case scenario, the Hunter's Union would have helped me. "
If you are 15 years old and want to work in a world where you can work from the age of 10, you can say that you are 12 to 13 years old, and that doesn't mean that you can teach me how to take steps.
However, I don't doubt that you believe that you are right, or that you are immersed in your own world... whatever you say will be interpreted conveniently, so I think the conversation has grown in vain.
"Yeah, I'm glad to hear that..."
Although I said something, I looked at Parla and thought I'd hear it--that's why I didn't swap with Shell--and asked questions.
“By the way, what did you two think of the trouble earlier?More plainly, do you think we should accept that request? ”
"Belle, I think it depends on the situation..."
“What do you mean?”
Unexpectedly, Bertina answered earlier, so she asked repeatedly to know the true meaning of the question.I think it is natural to think of her as an aristocrat who felt surprised but was originally close to us in a sense.
Bertina answers anxiously, but with a definite will.
“You can take it if you want to, or you don't have to take it if you don't.The situation that you want to receive, and the situation that you don't, is different from one person to another, and I think Belle may have escaped... "
“Thank you for your answer.”
Say thanks with a gentle smile so that Beltina doesn't deny her response.
If you break Bertina's answer, you can do what you want.I think so too.But I also know that this idea may not seem like a good idea.That's why people like Ziweld come out.
And Parla, with her complicated expression on her face, seemed to have some brave thoughts.
"I... thought... why didn't I take it at first?"There are people in trouble and there's a way to help them. ”
“Because it was normal to help where you lived?”
"Yes. If someone is in trouble, I've been taught to help as much as I can, and I've seen it..."
The village where Parla lived seemed small, and the inhabitants were connected.If something happens, we'll help each other, and we'll give back what we got.Where you can say that.
I thought so, so I was very curious about how Parla felt in this case.
Well, Parla didn't really know we had the herbs, either.I recognized that I had the atmosphere of the venue, and even if I talked on the premise of having it, I couldn't help it.
"But if you think about it, maybe Eilnerge was going to use it herself."If that's the case, I also thought there was no way I could take it. "
Just think of it that way, and I think Parla is closer to the Holy Maiden than Sirate.
Request - Neither the two parties involved, nor Ziweld nor the Syllate, were likely to ask about our situation at that time.
“Yes, I did plan to use it.How likely was it to be used accurately?Along the way, a replacement came to mind, so I let it go before it got any bigger. ”
"That's right." I'm glad to hear that. "
Parla had a reassuring expression like hers, but it immediately clouded her expression.
What's the matter?
"No. I just have a thought..."
"I don't think that what Parla has been taught is a mistake."
It is not surprising that Parla thinks that she was wrong, as we, of course, did not necessarily have to help Bertina.Besides, it is difficult to argue because I have the idea of a minority among them.
Maybe you feel like you've been denied your life.
Usually, we don't have to think about it that much, but if the other person likes Shell and I think about it in the future, it's only worth thinking about.
Is that so?
“If there's anything I can do to save someone's life, help someone in need, or help you out.In any case, I think it is a wonderful thing to think about.
And the person who can do what he says is a wonderful person.When there are people in trouble in front of me, there are probably not many people who can hold their hands. ”
My senses are much broken while I defend Sheil with Estoke.Only Sheil is dear, so that if Sheil is happy, and I am with her, I can truly think that it is good.
It's not like I've forgotten the ethics I once wore.So I can understand the pride of human life and the wonder of helping people.
So somehow, I don't know what Ziweld or Syllate thinks, and I think it's a difficult person to acquire if you look at only one side.If you continue to gain various experiences, you will surely become a fine hero who will save the country.They were still young and inexperienced, so to speak.
I just don't feel like thinking about what's going on around here.
While saying it's great, you should also tell them why you ignored Jiweld's story, so you can keep on saying "but".
"No matter how brilliant an idea is, if you push it without giving in, I'll be seen as a boring thing.No matter how wonderful it is, there's no way. ”
Is that a wrong idea?
“I'm not going to say it's a mistake.But that's right... "
Can we just talk a little bit about us?
It doesn't matter.I don't think it's a problem to talk to Parla and the others. "
“For example, do you think you can convince someone who has been trapped and treated irrationally that it is the right thing to do to help people?”
"That's... I think it's difficult."
"Is that person a bad person?"
No, no, no.
“In other words, even if they're right, some people don't honestly accept it.Rather, if everyone could do what they say, the world would be more kind by now. ”
So I don't think pushing is a good choice.I have to consider the possibility of repulsion if I press it.And we must consider the possibility of resentment.
At the same time, you should always communicate the risk of helping people.
“And helping people is not only not beneficial, it can also be dangerous for you.”
"Is it dangerous...?"
"For example, let's say you saved a carriage that was attacked by a monster."The carriage was not escorted, so it was in danger - but this should not have been easy. ”
Speaking inquisitively, Parla thought about it.
I know it's dangerous, but I don't know exactly what's at stake.I mean, after experiencing it, I can't say that this happened under a rather limited circumstance, so I don't think ordinary hunters will understand it.
Beltina seems to have something in mind, but she's not sure.Around here, I'm impressed that Bertina is good at protecting herself.I didn't keep running away from my parents' gaze in my house on Date.
"I didn't have an escort because the owner of the carriage wasn't very lazy, didn't know the world, or didn't have much money.Even though there was a road outside the town, it was basically monster territory.
If you're just going to be nearby, it's not unusual not to hire an escort to move around in a carriage. ”
"That's right. That's right."
"Of course, there will be situations where you will end up being helped and thanked.However, if the side you helped seems weak, there will be people who think about things they can't do.For example, if you want to capture them and sell them as slaves and exchange them for the money you lack,
Parla rolled her eyes and said, "No way," but Bertina nodded in surprise.
Unconditionally helping people, there are other risks, but as far as Parla is concerned, there is no need to say anything more.
"That's why I don't recommend helping people in the dark clouds."
”No... not?”
"There are people in the world who like to help people."I think that's fine.But I think it's better to do it after learning something to protect yourself when you get involved with someone you don't know. "
Heroes (Ziweld) will learn from their failures.Still, I wonder if he helps people, or if the royalty is trying so hard.It has nothing to do with us.
In the meantime, I've told you what I want to tell you, so I'll replace you with Shell.Although it is not for me to decide, I have concluded that Parla and Bertina are people who can be trusted.
"Um, Eilenej-chan"
When the rotation with Shell was over, Parla spoke as if she had made up her mind to do something.When I listened, I heard a sinking voice as if I was depressed.
I'm sorry I couldn't do anything earlier.
"As I said earlier, you don't have to force yourself to help me."
Sheil will take over my word.I do not know how Sheil felt when she heard my words, but if Sheil were to judge, then it would be fine for me to speak.I will tell you what I think, but I will leave the final judgment to Sheel.
"But you can decide for yourself...?"
Looking at Parla, who asked anxiously, Ciel gave her a dazzling look.Then he smiled slightly at the edge of his mouth and said, "I see."
I don't know if Parla wanted to help because she's Eilnerge or whoever she was trying to help, but I'd be glad if she was the former.And I was curious how she felt when she took it.
Shell called out "Ein" for a moment, but immediately canceled "Nothing" and showed a thoughtful gesture for a while.
"I'm glad you cared, but, yeah... I'm fine with that."
The words of Shell that were derived in this way were indeed like the thought of Parla, and I was sneakily moved.At the same time, I feel lonely.
"Well, that's..."
"I'll tell you guys."That said, I think Bertina would have noticed. "
"Yes!? Well, what are you talking about...?"
Bertina, who was suddenly named, asked in amazement.She will have all kinds of information about us.That's why, even if they say they are aware of it, they may not know which one it is.
Or maybe I dared not think deeply about it.
Neither do I know clearly what Sheil is going to say.I thought maybe this was it.
Whether it's because of Bertina's reaction, or whether it doesn't matter at all, she continues to say.
"I'm one of the advanced hunters."
"Advanced Hunter...?" Aylneju-chan. Isn't the E-Class Hunter advanced? "
While I am convinced in my heart, Parla asks confusedly.
On the other hand, Bertina was convinced.I don't know how much you can see, but I think you could have predicted it if you had noticed our magic power.
But I noticed something, and my gaze wandered around, and my behavior became suspicious.
"So, it's not really class E."
Isn't that right?
As I said, the original rank is Advanced, at least from Class C onwards.
"That much!?"
Whether it was because of the specific rank, or how much I knew as a hunter, Parla finally looked more surprised than puzzled.
“So I'm glad you're trying to help me, but I can handle the Hunter stuff myself.”
Regardless of Parla's reaction, it seems that Ciel is about to tell you what she wants to do.If the opponent weren't Parla, I would be happy to play with you.Shell's special evidence makes me happy, but it's kind of complicated.
“I can follow you in battle anywhere, so do what you can.”
You can follow it, or you can completely protect it, but that makes you less nervous.Shell and I must have thought about it too.
"Yeah... okay, but..."
"If you're not convinced, that's fine."I'll protect you on my own. "
Suddenly, I'm told I'm an advanced hunter, but I can't help but understand. It's a world where 15-year-olds are said to be early in class D.
Parla didn't want to deny Sheel's words either.When I'm in Eilnerge, I try not to show my strength.Parla might be able to convince us if we show her a little bit of strength.Maybe she told me because she thought I could show it to her.
When I thought about it, "Um..." I heard a voice talking to me.
What's the matter?
"Um, I mean...? That means you have a lot of Hunter IDs, right?Is that... um... okay? "
“It's all right, it's all right.”
I see!
Beltina must have noticed that she didn't want to be able to play.I'm not sure, but it must have crossed my mind as a possibility.Eilnerge (we) must have enough shields behind the top of the Hunter's Union to do something about it.
Even though that's not enough to connect me to Eilnerge = Fienamia's righteous daughter, it's going to be pretty good information.
Or if you become an S-class, will the Hunter's Union provide you with some convenience?
Bertina explains to Parla, who doesn't seem to know exactly what she's talking about, but Parla doesn't seem to be much of a pincher.
From the perspective of a commoner, it may be that he is a nobleman and is above the clouds.
"Do you understand the story?"
"Um, yeah. Somehow."
In the meantime, the story seems to have come to an end, and Mia, who was standing in the back, came up to Ciel and said, "Would you mind, miss?”I whispered in my ear.
Parla and Bertina seemed to care about Mia, and when I said that, I remembered that they hadn't introduced her.It was difficult to introduce Mia in the flow.
When I told Shell that I would introduce Mia to her, she opened her mouth wondering if she was satisfied.
"For now, but I'll introduce you."This is Mia, one of my servants. "
“My name is Sumiaria. You are the lady's friends, Parla and Bertina.Our daughter is here to talk to you. "
“I brought Mia with me today because she's the only one left while I'm back in the middle.”
Shell said all the good things she wanted to say, but Parla in particular seemed uncomfortable.
Mia noticed the situation and asked, "Lady Parla, what's the matter?” he asked.
"Eh, eh. Um... I'm not the kind of person who can be followed..."
"Bel, Bel, I'm not used to it, either."
Does Parla have a Bertina anyway?I've heard of it, but it's true that Bertina has never been treated so politely.
After hearing their words, Mia turned her attention to the question of what to do.
If you two care, you can call us as usual.
Ok, if so, Parla-san and Bertina-san.
I haven't lost my politeness yet, but they nodded.
I've been able to introduce you, and I've spent time looking for monsters, so let's go find them.
The three of them nodded to each of Shell's words and walked out with Bertina in the lead.
Five goblins in a few minutes of walking get a report from Bertina.It doesn't look like you've noticed us, and wherever it is, you'll notice it not far away.
If I had noticed, how many of them would I be able to defeat without me?
In response to Ciel's inquiry, Parla and Bertina looked at each other and concluded that they could only have two.
I can see that there was indeed strength in his eyes, and he hid from us and worked hard.After all, Ciel couldn't defeat me in the air.
If it is a shell, it will be easily approached.I couldn't defeat them from a distance, but they were aiming straight at me.
That fear would not be compared to the presence of Sheil.Goblins, though, because we had the experience we deserved and the power to match it.
You don't have to hold back today, do you?
I told you that I'm a senior hunter, so I don't care.
Well, then, I'll take down three of them, so you two try it later.
That said, because it was a goblin, Ciel activated the magic circle the moment she saw it, and cut off the neck of the three cats.The goblins, as well as Parla and Bertina, were surprised, and soon realized that the goblins were coming to us.
After that, the two of them returned to me and prepared to intercept us.
It won't take more than a dozen seconds for the running goblin to get here.But before that, two fireballs of Bertina that had finished casting their spells flew away.
There, while I was impressed, I hit the faces of the goblins, and the goblins stopped moving.
At that moment, I heard the sound of two arrows cutting through the wind and pierced into the brain of the goblin.The goblins, who were backing away with the force of an arrow, collapsed with a rumbling sound and became immobile.
Looking at that figure, the two of them stood still with their canes and bows standing still, but they jumped and jumped together in a voice saying, "I did it!"
I guess you were just happy that you didn't show up like that.
In fact, they were very growing compared to their predecessors.
Parla's liver was down, or she could surely hit with an arrow even if she was forced by the enemy, and it was under pressure that Parla would be dangerous to herself if she could not defeat herself with a single blow that she grew up.
Of course, I could tell that Bertina had improved her magic accuracy, and that she was probably desperate to think about what she could do.
Beltina's sorcery was, to put it mildly, a seeming defeat.Even if that fireball strikes directly, light burns are the best.If it was a monster, it would only be powerful enough to damage Wolf's hair tip.But it was enough to distract the opponent, and because of that, Parla must have been able to hit him with certainty.
It's only the first time I've seen you die, and even once you've received it, you can completely ignore it.But I was sure of my ability to activate magic in a short amount of time, and I could see that Bertina was doing so well.How long did it take to activate one sorcery in the first place?
The lack of power was not only bad, but also interesting in the sense that it surprised me that I could use the magic of fire in such a forest.
Beltina's growth is particularly remarkable, and I think she can eventually stand shoulder to shoulder with Viviana, who was carrying the same handkerchief.Growing faster than Parla, who benefits from her profession, may be due to a different starting line, but perhaps because of her profession (the Magical Eye).
It was so much better than I thought.
Yeah, we're doing our best, too.
We did our best.
The two of them responded happily to Ciel's words.
But it looks like we'll need a little more time to deal with the three of them.
"Yes, that's right."
“I did well this time, but what were you going to do if I got close?”
--The reflection meeting will be held later--this is what they did well today.I think it's okay to end it, but it seems that Shell has a stance to tell in the meantime.
Even though Beltina is here, she may be approached unexpectedly, or she may be allowed to approach without success, as she did this time.Whether you think about what to do at that time is important.
I was worried about the strength of Bertina's barrier, and I didn't think Bertina would be able to chant in time if she was not good at handling the magic circle.
"Today I was going to go out front with a knife..."If it's true, I was going to start fighting after setting up the trap. "
Parla was a hunter, wasn't she?
"Yeah, but if it doesn't work, I'll run."No, when I get close to the trap, I'll escape. "
“I think that's good.And I was relieved that I was thinking about it. ”
I don't know how many places we'll be able to pick you up in good shape, but the odds are up a lot with Beltina.
Bertina's presence was the only way to do it.Instead, Parla will be in charge of the finishing touches, and in the worst case, Parla will be the one who comes forward.
If the two of us were to form a party, it wouldn't be a bad division of roles.Shell and I are not as clear, but we should have a division of roles because we are going to form a party.
Now that you've roughly figured out what they're capable of, let's put Mia in and see how much we can do.
Got it.
Then Eilnerge (we) went in on the way and acted like a hunter.
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