And according to her judgment, the black dog should have come back ten minutes ago and desperately, because of the increase in the number of wounds and excessive blood loss, its speed has dropped. This means that the injury it has suffered has affected its physical fitness, and running like this will only continue to expand the impact like a snowball.

But the black dog in front of him was still running away, desperately running, which made Ji Qinger curious and at the same time interested. After all, in this graduation exam, there are not many things that can make her feel interesting.

So this kind of chase continued for about ten minutes, and the black dog had about seven or eight wounds on his body. He jumped forward again, passed through the gap between the two trees, and rushed out.

Because it rushed too hard, it fell on the ground and rolled around for a few times, and then stopped when it hit a rock heavily. This is a clearing in the forest. After the huge trees died due to lightning strikes or other reasons, new vegetation has not filled this area, which will form this special playground-like place. It is rare to be able to see the sky here.

Ji Qinger also got out of the woods and stopped a few meters in front of the black dog. The sword in his hand slanted down and raised his eyebrows at the black dog in front of him, "Don't run away?"

The black dog moaned a few times, stood up from the ground with difficulty, shook off the dirt on his body, and then turned his head to look at Ji Qinger. The soles of the forefoot are raised and tucked into the chest, which is a bit funny. That's because the tendon of that paw was severed, and it was no longer able to bear the weight. That's why it fell so miserably.

In such a miserable situation, the black dog slowly raised his head and smiled at Ji Qinger. The corners of his mouth were pulled apart, and the white fangs and the bright red mouth reflected each other, the kind of smile that was very human after the plan was successful.

This smile made Ji Qinger instinctively feel a chill behind her, and then looked around. Then he smelled a strong smell of sulfur, which was definitely not something the black dog in front of him could emit. At the same time, several heavy breathing sounds that were finally no longer suppressed finally sounded in the jungle around her, pair after pair, dim red eyes lit up in the jungle like headlights. One after another, the giant black dogs came out of it.


Chapter 157 Shattered Memories 4

bait? trap? Such words popped up in Ji Qing'er's mind for the first time. Then there is a strong sense of strangeness, can this kind of thing be able to design traps and bait IQ?

At least in the previous records, these black dogs are absolute loners, and their relationship with each other is definitely not friendly. There is even a possibility of infighting when meeting, not to mention the current hunting. There must be something wrong here.

But no matter what the problem was, there was no way to change the fact that she was surrounded. Just looking at it, there were as many as six black dogs walking out of the nearby jungle, plus the one that served as bait, there were seven in total. It accounted for a quarter of the total number of black dogs released in this test.

They poked their heads out of the woods and formed an encirclement, enclosing Ji Qinger in this glade that was only ten meters in diameter. There was bloodthirsty light in his red eyes. There was a constant hissing growl in the throat, and the front paws were constantly swaying on the ground, forming one small pit after another. They all showed their current agitation, the kind of agitation that they wanted to jump on and bite Ji Qinger to death.

But at the same time, they were restrained and patient, and only formed a circle, but none of them took the initiative to step forward, as if waiting for some order. The actions of the black dogs also made Ji Qinger more sure of her judgment. It is not normal for them to be in such a situation. You must know that when multiple black dogs face the same prey, they will start killing each other in order to compete for the ownership of the prey.

This abnormal situation made her more uneasy, and she tightly held the green bamboo stick in her hands. In terms of individual factors, wolves may not be able to take advantage of animals, but wolves are the most dangerous existence in the wild. The reason is very simple, independent beasts are gathered together and become a kind of organization-like existence.

Weak things like ants and bees can gain the qualifications to live in front of the powerful through organization. What would it look like if something as powerful as a black dog became an organization. It's hard to imagine.

The entire jungle fell silent, save for a hissing sound from the throats of the black dogs. Until it was interrupted by a 'giggling' laughter, a rough, as if two stone slabs collided with each other, from the throat of the black dog that acted as bait.

The humanized smiling face cracked, as if it had been blown up, the black dog's skin cracked, revealing the pinkish-pink muscles, and then those cracks were filled with something bright yellow like lava . The black dog the size of a calf swelled to the size of a two-story building in an instant. Even the claws that had to be curled up after being wounded by the sword were put on the ground again, and a strong smell of sulfur emanated from it, and the most obvious change was that on its head, a Red horns come.

That's not a Baskerville at all, and it's probably worth the money. Frequently choked, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, stubborn, sullen, bald, bald, matchmaker, slaughtered, beak, loyal, slaughtered Ape frequency Meng Xianqiang general public, the bank is playing, the locust is hanging, the scorpion is unloading, the tomb is loyal and the lie is lying./

Ji Qinger didn't care how it controlled these black dogs, because after exposing itself, the demon dog let out a low growl. Then the black dogs that the roommates had been waiting for for a long time all launched an attack at the same time, rushing towards the food in front of them.

A slender and slender man rushed the fastest, almost instantly in front of Ji Qing'er, his long slender mouth full of fangs opened, trying to bite the girl in front of him by the waist. Ji Qing'er snorted coldly, ducked sideways, and at the same time drew out the rapier in her hand. While interacting with the black dog, the slender blade stabbed into its eye socket.

The black dog let out a scream, one eye was blinded, and a long wound stretched down the eye socket to the back of the ear. But the smell of blood did not deter the few behind. They also rushed forward one after another. For a time, Ji Qinger was in danger with a big mouth and dancing claws in all directions.

In terms of individual strength, Ji Qinger can crush any of the black dogs, but she will be at a disadvantage against two of them at the same time. After all, her current ability is suppressed below Level 2. What's more, facing six at a time, even if she seriously injured one of them at the beginning.

However, although the black dogs got together to hunt, but after all, the Lone Rangers had not run-in, and could not cooperate like a pack of wolves. They are all looking after themselves to enjoy the prey as much as possible, so all the black dogs are huddled together. Some places are dense, and some places are naturally overlooked, and Ji Qinger naturally won't overlook it. His eyebrows tightened, and the blue sword qi instantly soared to several meters. The whole person was in the sword qi, and shot out from the hole like a swimming fish.

When a group of black dogs fell to the ground, she had already rushed out of the encirclement, and the dizzy black dogs turned their heads suddenly. Ji Qing'er was already ready, she made an oblique stroke of the rapier in her hand, and the sword glow left a wound that was dozens of centimeters deep on the black dog facing him. For a while, foul-smelling blood splashed. The black dog wailed even more.

But after using these two moves in one breath, Ji Qinger's face turned pale, and the hand holding the sword was a little weak. The demon dog was not at all prepared to give her a chance to rest. He let out a ferocious growl at the black dogs.

The black dogs shook violently, then opened their mouths one after another, and a mouthful of crimson flames rushed towards Ji Qinger. Flame breathing is an innate ability that basically all creatures in **** have, but when several black dogs spit fire, the flames cover Ji Qinger like a continuous tide.

Ji Qinger didn't want the consequences of trying to resist the flames, she turned her head and ran, and the black dogs followed her, turning their heads and running, the crimson flames following her like a shadow. The running speed of the black dogs is not much slower than that of Ji Qinger, not to mention that they are still spitting flames.

Ji Qinger could feel the burning heat in her vest, but she had no better way. When the first ray of flame floated to her side, she still clenched the rapier in her hand, seeing that she was going to use the sword to break through again. But a demon dog who was watching around suddenly moved. Throat squirmed and eventually sparks overflowed, as if to vomit something out of his lungs.

Between the open mouth, it turned out to be a fireball leaping and shooting. Unlike the black dogs that breathe fire, the higher-ranking black dogs can achieve a higher level of fireball spray. Although it is not as powerful as the fireballs summoned by the third-order magic fireball technique, its power is comparable to that of a grenade, and it can also shoot. Speed ​​advantage.

What it has to endure until now is to decide the outcome in one fell swoop. Its fireball is about to smash out in front of Ji Qinger. If Ji Qinger doesn't solve it, even if she moves her sword out, she will definitely be caught in the fireball. within the range of the explosion. And if she splits the fireball, she will inevitably fall into the flames of the black dogs behind her. For a time, it was a dilemma with no choice.

She could almost see the triumphant sly smile in the Demon Dog's narrowed eyes. Are you going to lose to this beast? She cried unwillingly.

But at this moment, a faster and more urgent sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a black figure shot out from the woods. Like a cannonball, it slammed into the demon dog. The two flew to two different places like billiard **** colliding with each other.

And the fireball in the mouth of the devil dog lost its aim and flew straight towards the sky, like a fireworks.

"Cough—" The young man got up from the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood. The collision just now made him feel that his limbs and bones were about to fall apart. He really did not expect to be beaten and fly so far. But then it doesn't matter, after all, there is only one black dog behind me, and my two grenades are still useless. No matter who made the move here, he dared to confront the black dog, and he must have the confidence to flip one. If we add the two together, there will be no problem in flipping the two...

With this thought in mind, Xie Zhifei raised his head and saw seven pairs of red eyes in front of him. Then swallowed.

It seems... different from the script? ? ?


Chapter 158 Broken Memories 5

In fact, Xie Zhifei's idea is not a problem, in general, it can indeed work. The worst situation is nothing more than giving up all the results of killing the two black dogs, but at least their lives are saved. That's why he was in a desperate run, and when he heard the sound of battle, he rushed over quickly. Even if it was given by the black dog behind him.

But I also said that that is the normal situation, and the current scene is not the normal situation. Xie Zhifei, who got up from the ground, didn't even feel that he had no time for the injury he just suffered, so he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

If you add the unidentified thing that knocked you out, there are seven black dogs here! On the other hand, among the group of black dogs, Ji Qinger was the only one with a rapier. One-on-seven, and it seemed to be an advantage, Xie Zhifei was shocked to the core. I've always known that you are very strong girl, but now I know that my previous guesses were only a small case. How strong is your level? It's clearly unparalleled in the world, okay?

"That, Your Royal Highness, if possible, please help..."

"Get out of the way!!" Before Xie Zhifei could finish speaking, Ji Qinger interrupted him with a loud shout. The demon dog that was knocked away by him had already stood up from the ground, obviously feeling extremely unhappy that he was interrupted, and a bright fireball was already in his mouth. Only then did Xie Zhifei react, and he didn't care about the pain in his body, he stepped on the ground suddenly, and the whole person flew out again.

But the fireball in the Devil Dog's mouth smashed straight towards the place where he was standing just now. In a hurry, Xie Zhifei didn't care about his beautiful posture and almost smashed straight into the ground. That's it, he also raised his head for the first time to observe the situation. Then I found out that the target of that fireball was not him at all!

The orange fireball exploded a few meters behind his previous location, and there stood a black dog with its paws raised. The black dog who had chased him here had already touched his back at some point.

"Roar—" With a roar, the hill-like black dogs emerged from the fire, and they were extremely resistant to flames, which could have controlled fire. But even so, the orange-red **** flames still burned its skin and flesh.

In the face of the black dog's provocation, the demon dog roared back without hesitation. There was a fluctuating growl in his throat, as if he was explaining something to the surroundings. Then he took the initiative to pounce on the new black dog.

Xie Zhifei got up from the ground with a blank look on his face, and walked carefully towards Ji Qing'er. Although the black dogs around him were staring at him, they didn't seem to make any further moves. It just formed a new encirclement and trapped the two inside.


"Ji Qinger."

"...Ji Qing'er, what's the situation?"

"As you can see, some things got mixed in, and then the black dogs were grouped together." Ji Qinger didn't want to hide, and simply told Xie Zhifei.

Two giant beasts the size of a small building in front of them have been strangled together. Between the ten-ton behemoths biting each other, blood, Mars and soil splashed together. The scene was like a Hollywood movie with top special effects. If those two things won't come over and treat themselves as dessert after the fight, Xie Zhifei is actually quite happy to appreciate this kind of battle.

I couldn't see it from a distance before, but I just thought that Her Royal Highness, like the legend, does not eat the fireworks of the world. After walking in, I saw that the reason why Ji Qing'er was faint was that her face was white due to the loss of strength. What he guessed was that she had gathered a large group of monsters, and after preparing to fight the group, it was obviously wrong to get this thing done in one go. There is only one possibility left. She was ambushed by a trap set by this group of monsters.

This is not good news for Xie Zhifei. You must know that what he wants to find is a person who can win a black dog. If the fighting power of a black dog is one unit, what he wants to find is one point five, including his zero point eight, which can be done together. , two black dogs.

But the current situation has changed from 1 to 7 to 2 to 8, although in terms of numbers, it has changed from 1 to 7 to 1 to 4, which has shrunk by nearly half. But you must know that Xie Zhifei can't even beat a black dog. The situation is the same for both, that is, the dead end becomes a little bit more dead.

"That...have you..." Xie Zhifei hesitated.

"Speak straight."

"It's the kind of... that kind of precious item that can be used only once that can instantly kill the audience, or a skill that has powerful side effects but can instantly raise the ability to the sky-defying level..."

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