Under such a life-threatening rush, Xie Zhifei soon saw the boundary of the city, and Xie Zhifei turned sharply and threw a 90-degree bend! The power output, traction control and ABS anti-lock braking system of the car can be adjusted manually. Xie Zhifei turned off the ABS at the same time as it was activated. Deceleration is death, so what is the fear of locking. The cornering control light seemed to explode. Even Ducati, whose purpose was passion and performance, certainly never thought that someone would drift 90 degrees at a speed of nearly 100 kilometers.

This is not death, this is death!

Xie Zhifei is betting that because of the steering, the wheels are almost idling, and there is no way to provide any grip, and the anti-lock braking system that should be working at this time has been turned off by Xie Zhifei, and the next moment he will follow the car like a The hammer with the broken wire slammed into the store next to it.

But with the rotation of the tires, the car starts to lower limit, after all, he is not driving on the road but on the water! The water spray wanted to splash out, but was pulled by an unknown force, piled up like jelly, formed a wall-like thing on the side of the tire, and fixed it.

The next moment, the idling tires grabbed the ground again, and the powerful roar of the engine rang out again. And dozens of gods slammed into the store like cannonballs, and the entire small building became blurred. If it wasn't for the existence of quantum coherence, it would definitely collapse. The gods who were running wildly behind also crashed into the locomotive like a train.

Xie Zhifei finally pulled away some distance from them, but he didn't even turn his head back, as if he was chasing the tide and avalanche, or the scourge of God on Sodom and Gomorrah, just take a look becomes a pillar of salt.

In fact he was right, this rush was never a balanced game, it was like playing Temple Run, no matter how difficult and complicated the terrain was, the monsters chasing behind you always followed closely. Not affected at all.

The next moment, the gods jumped out of the ruined store. They couldn't interfere with the things in this world. They could touch but not destroy. This kind of shock that could knock out pig brains didn't exist for them. Same. The trains behind that really cause damage are generally the successors that come in piece by piece.

Crowded and trampled, there must be at least 20% loss in such chaos, but the two gods who were squeezed together actually merged into one and stood up again. Humans always like to assume everything by their own standards. In fact, more than 99% of the weirdness is something they have never understood or even imagined.

The amount of fuel in the chassis is dropping rapidly, and even the enlarged chassis can't support the consumption of running at the limit speed all the time. But Xie Zhifei's expression remained unchanged.

Everyone has only one life, and fear is often equal, but there is a kind of person who will think about what his death means. After thinking about it, he can take up his life and fight, as if he has forgotten the fear of death. .

Xie Zhifei is the latter type of person. He thinks more, and has already turned around several possibilities in his mind, all of which are related to what Alfonso did in the end. But no matter which possibility, in the end, the people on this island will not survive.

The little fat man who liked kung fu would die, so would Sylvia, and so would the old couple who cuddled each other in the rainstorm.

So although he may die, his heartbeat slows down slowly because it cannot die.

It was not only the heartbeat that slowed down, but also the speed of the car. The big devil finally stopped roaring, the speed dropped, and the gods behind him made a sound like cheers. Xie Zhifei turned another corner, and the inclination of the body even reached the limit of 40 degrees. He no longer dared to damage the kinetic energy.

But even so, the car was almost running out of fuel. The gods turned the corner and saw Xie Zhifei standing in the middle of the road, but he was not the only one standing there. There were also a large number of gods standing there. On the other side of the road, they came from the other direction.

And the prey they were chasing was standing on Xie Zhifei's shoulders. The next moment, the blue air permeated.


Chapter 126 Heroes 3

Xie Zhifei was never just running for his life on a bike, he was meeting with Ji Qinger and since he broke out, Ji Qinger's sword qi has been standing there, that is his beacon and road sign. He will find her or her body along the sword energy, and if he doesn't come, she can report the body for collection.

The huge azure qi fell like a sky, instantly pressing all the chasing gods to the ground, and the surrounding land suddenly became like hell, with flesh and black blood flying.

"Didn't you say go to solve the problem of the gods?" Ji Qinger's voice came from above her head, her calf was next to Xie Zhifei's ear, and now he can see the beautiful scenery under the skirt as soon as he looks up. "That's how you solved it? Get them all out?"

"They are restricted and cannot cause damage to the world. We have to hold out until support arrives." Xie Zhifei described the current situation of the two in the simplest way. This is also the reason why he must find Ji Qinger.

He is not suitable for this kind of battle, one-on-one may be very strong, but he has not had time to develop many, especially this kind of war-level fighting style. He needs a big killer like Ji Qingerdu. The relationship between the two doesn't even need to be said much.

"Hey, don't say a word now, will I propose to you if I can go back alive this time?" The sword qi gradually dissipated, and the gods struggled to get up. Ji Qinger was even in the mood to joke with Xie Zhifei. .

"Is it good for me to have a FLAG like this?" Xie Zhifei shrugged, but there was a hint of warmth in his heart. At this time, it doesn't matter whether you stand up or not. Although they are talking rhetorically, both of them understand that the possibility of going on is too small.

The difference between a hundred enemies and ten thousand enemies is too great, and it is hard to say whether a martial arts master has a bigger role in the battlefield. What they have to do now is to face a war with two people as a unit. The number of tsunami-like gods is too large, Ji Qinger is not qualified as a big killer, and even her big killer is already very tired.

At the moment when the sword qi completely disappeared, Ji Qinger and Xie Zhifei both clenched the weapons in their hands, back to back, the flesh and the metal light almost fused together, and the next step was to earn their lives.


"Has the situation been confirmed?" Bu Jun, who came to open the tent, walked in. The staff of more than ten Fools were busy with their work. A few minutes ago, the blocked communication was finally completely restored, and the massive amount of data was instantly restored. gushing out, and they are like sponges, absorbing this information like crazy, and then feeding back the useful parts.

"Yes, the law of quantum correlation is re-stabilized, the overlap ratio of the two worlds is 62%, and personnel below Level 3 cannot interfere with the law on another world." The first conclusion was drawn.

"Coherence Change Confirmed, Previous Decline Is Considered." Second report.

"If the coherence remains as it is now, Behemoth will be free in an hour and twenty minutes."

"BOSS." Lin Xue followed, "Lord Augustine is looking for you."

"Yeah." Po Jun nodded, confirmed that there were no new tasks, and followed. Augustine, who was fully armored, stood by the sea with a sword. In the name of military exercises, they occupied this piece of land on the coast of southern Italy, but in the future of this hurricane, no one will come to the sea.

The distance from here to Sicily is less than 100 kilometers, and you can see it from a distance, so you can see the ominous dark clouds. I believe there are millions of people living there. It's like the great work of God.

"Is the situation clear?" Po Jun asked Augustine.

"Well," Augustine nodded, "I don't think twice about anything other than war. The Vatican will never be threatened!" He weighed the sword in his hand.

"If it weren't for the betrayal of the gatekeeper, we would have compromised." Po Jun shook his head and said lightly. He would never use false lies to build confidence and pride in himself.

"Why?!" Augustine asked this question aloud, "No matter what the reason, we should not compromise with aliens! Even death is better than being ruled by them again, isn't it?! Why compromise?" This The question must have been in his heart for a long time.

"They can no longer enslave human beings, but they can no longer appear in front of human beings, at least not now. If there is no accident, we will completely block the island due to the leakage of the anthrax virus."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Humanity has made ten times more progress than the previous two thousand years in the past two hundred years." Po Jun looked up at the sky, his eyes seemed to be able to see the stars and sea behind him through the thick clouds, "It's all about human beings. ' he emphasized again.

In the distance Pope Benedict VII baptizes and blesses an army.

More than half of them wore white full-body armor, the blue or red cloaks on the backs were painted with the coat of arms of St. George's Cross or St. Martin, and the shoulder and breastplates were also etched with irises and sharp blades, as if from a certain It looks like it came out of a fantasy RPG. That was a member of the Knights of Courland, the Knights of Swordsmen, the Knights of Cala Torra Nueba, the Knights of Santo Stefano, the Knights of Teutonic and the Knights of Malta. The absolute main force of every crusade jihad, they have crossed more than half of Europe, and they have recaptured Jerusalem from the infidels countless times.

They are the sharpest swords in the hands of God, shouting the name of Jehovah, wiping out all disrespectful people with blood and fire, while keeping the Ten Commandments, and spreading the glory of the Lord as the benchmark of morality and etiquette.

The rest are a group of people in black robes, the Inquisition of Heresy, the Church of Necessary Evil, the Judah Institution, and the Eighth Mystery Society. Unlike the knights standing beside them, they have no radiance at all, they bow their heads and sneak in the darkest places, doing the most humble things with the noblest heart, to practice the name of the Lord.

"Why are you here!" Clement stood in front of Benedict VII and shouted loudly to the army.

"For the glory of my lord!!" The neat answer seems to pierce the sky. The people here are less than 10,000, but their fighting spirit seems to be able to overcome everything in the world.

"Why are you waiting?!" Clement asked loudly.

"Followers, servants and martyrs of my lord!" All the monks answered Andrewson's question in unison with the same loud chants.

"Then, martyrs, what are you holding in your right hand?!"

"Sword and Oath!"

"Then, martyrs, what are you holding in your left hand?!"

"Shield and Glory!"

"Then what are you doing, martyrs?!"

The black-robed man took a step forward, "I'll wait for those who wield short blades in the dark to drink poison in the sewage! For the light to come!"

The knight slammed heavily on the shield with the weight on the tail of the sword, "I am waiting for only one thing, I only bend over to receive grace! I only bend over to retaliate!!!

"I'm waiting to go to **** with the party members. I only wish to fight the 7,459,926 evil ghosts in hell!" Everyone shouted in a uniform, uniform motion and uniform response. To the invisible gives a sense of deterrence and oppression.

"Then, martyrs, the Lord will bless you to triumph." Benedict VII finally said the first and last sentence. "Amen."

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