The heart carvings will be nailed into the human body, and then the sacrifices will use the divine oil soaked in this group of heart carvings and the blood of the recipients to paint indelible divine patterns on their bodies. This is the origin of the Divine Mark Warrior.

The team led by Xu Ruozhu is fully researching the ways to generate and exert the power of the gods, but so far Xie Zhifei has seen the materials, there has not been much progress. After all, as the core of the heart and the oil are not there. After all, Hao Lianhongyuan couldn't be dug out for research, although Xu Ruozhu really wanted to do it.

It is said that in order to show his sincerity, Hao Lian Yizhu expressed his willingness to provide some of the heart carvings and special wooden hearts to the Fool. I wonder if there will be any new discoveries by then.

"God pattern still has such a function." Xie Zhifei sighed sincerely.

"Well, there are many functions of the divine pattern. It is said that there are more than 1,200 divine patterns that have appeared so far, but only less than 400 have been researched to have actual effects."

"Why is this happening?" Xie Zhifei wondered, there are more than 1,200 configurations, but only more than 400 functions have been discovered, which is really strange.

"Because the divine pattern is not our... well, it was independently developed." Hao Lianhongyi thought about his words, "The essence of the divine pattern configuration is the natural origin pattern in the tree of gods, and we also know what they do. It's just a matter of guesswork and experimentation."

"But even this ratio is a little lower. After all, the nobles have so long to experiment slowly."

"If only there was so much time." Hao Lianhongyi laughed, "Do you know about the red sandalwood tree?"

Of course Xie Zhifei knew that because the wood is hard and dense, with a beautiful red color and texture, and resin can be used as medicine, red sandalwood has been a precious tree species since ancient times. However, as with its advantages, it has extremely strict requirements for growth conditions, and it grows extremely slowly, and it is extremely difficult to become a material. A large piece of red sandalwood is worth even more than gold...

"The tree of the gods is the same as red sandalwood?" Xie Zhifei suddenly realized what Hao Lianhongyi meant. Apart from the harsh growth conditions, another reason why red sandalwood is expensive is that this kind of slow-growing tree will start to grow after it grows to a certain size. The rotten heart begins to bore into an empty shell from the middle, so the finished red sandalwood is so expensive.

"It's a little more serious than that. The complete formation of the divine pattern can only last for half a year, and then it will slowly disappear. To study its function is not a random experiment, but only rely on human affinity to perceive it. Maybe In the era when a certain configuration appeared, there were no people who could be compatible with this configuration. And in the era when such people existed, there was no such configuration mature, so even after so long, the gods we mastered There are still no more than four hundred patterns."

"Even though these 400 kinds of sacrifices cannot be mastered by every sacrifice, this generation of sacrifices has mastered 280 kinds of them, which is already the highest number in history. He also developed this thing." Hao Lianhongyi He pointed to the small wooden cone in the sky.

"It is equal to a semi-finished heart carving. It can temporarily play a role through the injection of blood, but the time is limited, and it will be scrapped if it is used too much. But it is also a great improvement. Through which temporary heart carving, we can use it. There are several different powers of Divine Runes, which was completely unthinkable before."

"It's really complicated." Xie Zhifei nodded, looking thoughtfully at the temporary heart that was guiding the way in the sky, "Then the Divine Runes mastered by the Hao Lian clan can hide their body shape, eliminate their existence, or even be able to The one that goes through the wall?"

Hao Lian Meng Chun's footsteps suddenly paused, and subconsciously turned to look at Xie Zhifei.

"Young people, don't just think about good things!" Hao Lianhongyi suddenly laughed and said, "Although I wanted to peek at girls bathing all day at that age, but apart from books, how could I have such a convenient ability? ."

"Ah, that's true." Xie Zhifei also followed with an embarrassed smile, as if he didn't notice Hao Lian Mengchun's change at all.

"Okay, it's almost there." After laughing, Hao Lianhongyi straightened his expression and reminded Xie Zhifei that the red light on the wooden cone in the air became brighter, like a small aperture wrap it completely. And the place it guides them to is also so in line with the characteristics of the gathering place of the cultists - the sewer mouth.

There is also a difference between sewers and sewers. The streets and alleys are separated by iron bars, and the depth is not more than one meter. When the rain is heavy, water will pour out of the sewers. The prototype manhole cover with the words, it is also a sewer that can make people climb down the stairs. Even the maze-like sewer system that can be used as a tourist attraction and can be displayed as a tourist attraction is also a sewer.

The sewers of Longcheng naturally cannot reach the level of Paris and Japan, but as a rainy southern city, the main road is still extremely wide, so as to ensure that the torrential rain in the whole city in summer can be quickly eliminated without backlog. In terms of specific appearance, it is the most classic dome-shaped sewer. Xie Zhifei and the others are standing near one of her sewage outlets.

"Below?" Xie Zhifei frowned.

"Below." Hao Lianhongyi returned seriously.

"Okay, let me report the address. With this place as the center, there is no problem with the one-kilometer containment, right?" Xie Zhifei took out his mobile phone and confirmed it with Hao Lianhongyi first.

"Enough, the appearance of the Sheepshead Cultists at this stage is too early, there shouldn't be too strong existence, we should be able to deal with it." Hao Lian Hongyi nodded, obviously although the Hao Lian family studied hard There is basically no problem in communication with the external culture, but there is still a part of knowledge that is unknown to them. For example, now Hao Lianhongyi obviously does not know what is called fg.


Chapter 25 Tower

Some people say that the sewer is the back of the city, the mirror image of the twins, which can reflect the ecology of a city. That's right, sewers are indeed interdependent and symbiotic with cities, but they have their own ecology, like an independent world.

How much waste does each person generate in a day? Many people have done statistics, and it fluctuates, but it is basically more than 1.2 kilograms. The 16 million people in Longcheng produce 16,000 tons of garbage every day, and the sewage is 150 liters per person per day. Horrible numbers, almost 2.4 million tons of water would have to flow through the sewers every day, even if it didn't rain. This is an astonishingly large number, and as their carrier, the sewers of Longcheng are also much larger than Xie Zhifei thought.

In the middle of the semi-circular passage is a sewage canal similar to a small river. The three of them walked on the narrow cement floor on the side, and the top of their heads was nearly one meter away from the top of the dome. The peculiar stench that belongs to water corruption is dozens of times stronger here, and there is a smooth and greasy feeling everywhere, and the cement floor under your feet is also covered with a layer of black silt. It's a mixture of humus or something that turns up when the water is about to rise.

The texture of stepping on the soft tread makes people feel sick, but it is still much better than walking directly in the dirty water. In just a few minutes, Xie Zhifei had already seen a lot of things beyond his cognition float past the water. Even if a corpse of a person floats down at any time, he probably won't be surprised.

In fact, the appearance of human corpses is actually a normal thing. People will live in such wide sewers. Many people who have not found their own shelter on the ground, such as scavengers, homeless people, and beggars, will Put your eyes on this dark corner that most people will never set foot in their entire lives.

Although dirty and smelly, there is always a shelter from the wind and rain. Of course, this kind of damp and dirty place is really not suitable for human survival. The possibility of infection and disease is increased by dozens of times, and you may die in it at any time. .

And thinking of this, Xie Zhifei suddenly noticed something unusual, quiet, too quiet. Not to mention the humans living here, not even a trace of insects such as mice and cockroaches. The surroundings were quiet, except for the footsteps of a few people, no other sound could be heard.

Restricting human beings may be a fairly simple thing, but restricting these weak creatures is not the case. Their powerful vitality and reproductive power, even the gods will be amazed, and even the impact of destroying the dinosaurs is not enough. Defeat these little bugs, the reason why they have disappeared here is simple, either there is something particularly attractive to them nearby, or there is something particularly scary. Either of the two will not be a good thing for them.

Soon the three of them came to a fork in the road, and Mu Zhui Xin Ke pointed to the left side that led to the deeper part. Hao Lianhongyi nodded to the two of them, and then took the heart back. It is very likely that he will encounter Sheepshead Cultists directly. In such a dark environment, it is not a good idea to put up such a conspicuous red light.

After the only light source disappeared, the entire sewers suddenly turned black, completely invisible. The vast majority of information sources for human beings are the eyes, and the sudden loss of it will often make people at a loss, and it will be the best time to attack. That's why pirate captains always wear a one-eye patch, not because they were lucky enough to lose one eye.

But when entering the cabin, the one behind the blindfold can be opened and quickly adapt to the dark environment. The three people present also have their own methods. Xie Zhifei's pupils dilate at the moment when the light is lost, like a feline widening the light receiving range. At this time, if someone sweeps him with a flashlight, his eyes will even look like Wolves and foxes generally reflect green light.

With the improvement of his ability, his body has long been more similar to those strange humanoids rather than human beings. Although I don't know how Hao Lianhongyi and his son overcame it, Xie Zhifei could feel the surging energy, indicating that they had their own way.

Without taking two steps forward, they smelled a sudden sweet smell in the air. This is very strange, because the smell is neither too strong nor too strong, at least in the sewer, which is a place with many flavors, he definitely shouldn't have a distinct smell, but they can still clearly smell from the smell. Smell the sweetness in the taste. Xie Zhifei's blood line at the tiger's mouth has begun to probe his brain, as long as he needs to, he can throw out the red spear as soon as possible.

The three moved forward step by step, the sweet smell in the air became stronger and stronger, and even tended to overwhelm the stench in the sewer, and their nerves also tightened step by step with the sweet smell. . Before the start, I would say that the Sheepshead Cultists at this time are not at all favorable, and it is easy to clean up such words.

Now the three of them instinctively felt that what they were facing was not some new-born Sheepshead believer, but something serious and terrifying. This long sewer is like an ancient palace. Those who want to meet the emperor in the palace have to walk on this winding road for a long time.

This will make them feel their own insignificance, and the horror of the existence they are about to face, he has such a huge power that he can easily decide his own life and death. Now they feel the same way. After the long corridor, the sweet and fishy smell is the report of the eunuchs, but they still don't know what kind of existence they are going to see.

Finally, the corridor reached the end, and the feeling was very similar to Tao Yuanming's description in The Story of Peach Blossom Spring, 'the beginning is extremely narrow, the talent is able to understand people', and 'suddenly enlightened', but what appeared in front of them was not the flat land and the houses. Beautiful picture. But there is nothing less than the **** and magnificent scenery.

What appeared in front of them was a huge cistern. The sewer was never just a pipe, and the cistern was an extremely important part of it. When a rainstorm or flood breaks out, the pipeline will bear the pressure that is far beyond the load, resulting in the backflow of water and the cracking of the pipe wall, and the reservoir can well share such pressure at this time.

Each cistern can hold more than a thousand cubic meters of water, and the world-famous Paris sewer has more than 6,000 of these cisterns, capable of handling more than six million tons of additional water.

In dry and rainy seasons, the reservoir is generally empty. Now that winter is coming, it shouldn't be a wet season, but this big pit that should be empty is now being emptied by something else. Packed full.

A black tower with a height of nearly ten meters stands in this huge pit. It is absolutely inverted hourglass shape, the bottom is huge and almost covers the bottom of the pit, and the top is only the size of a human head. It looks like a huge pile of sand piled up by giants, but when you really look at a certain part of this pile of sand, you will find that it is alive! Every grain of sand that composes it has its own vitality, twisting desperately.


Chapter 26 Bach

Mu Xiao's report stated that when the pale fruit appeared, it would cause the butterflies to hatch early and attract them all, forming a spectacle as gorgeous as a cloud of butterflies. Xie Zhifei had also seen in the information that the Jinhuazhai was covered with butterflies on the corpse.

It was a picture that was difficult to describe as bizarre, but that picture was still insignificant compared to what they were seeing now. He has been wondering since just now, where have all the animals in the sewers gone? Why is it so quiet? Now we finally have the answer.

What are the creatures in the sewer? Aside from the mysterious and mysterious things like mermaids, crickets, water mice, snakes, cockroaches, flies, bats, ants, earthworms, stray cats, wild dogs, geckos, slugs, sewage worms, mutant fish and shrimp, snails ...and so on. Apparently the pale fruit's appeal isn't just for butterflies, or the reason it grows in the sewers makes it a lot less picky. Even the butterflies, which have always represented beauty, will form a strange and surprising picture. What will this group of things look like when they gather together and build a ten-meter-high tower?

The largest individuals such as wild dogs and stray cats were eliminated first. In the lower part of the giant tower, you could see tiny white bones, mostly from them. The taste of the pale fruit is the trigger that brings them together, but there is no way to provide them with real food.

They will be hungry, so while they are constantly fighting to climb up, they are still fighting and mating. The bottom is almost full of earthworms, slugs, and sewage worms with low climbing ability. They are crazy entangled together, like flesh-colored The hairballs are constantly flung out from the inside of the hairballs. It is the new generation. They are mating and breeding in a state of madness. Most of the newborns are eaten by insects such as cockroaches, and a small part feeds on the debris on the ground, grows at a speed visible to the naked eye, and rolls into the hairball.

Other creatures are similar, the cockroach is dropping its carapace every minute, and after a few minutes thousands of white larvae emerge from it. They even compete with natural enemies for food, and when the snake swallows a companion, the mouse will mate while feeding by its side. The alternation of generations has been accelerated here by dozens of times, and the energy transfer efficiency is generally only ten percent. The creatures here should have perished in such a frenzied interaction.

However, in the sewer, there are constantly small fish and krill coming up from the water inlet and into the potholes to bring in protein for this weird circle, maintaining this huge number. Every life is desperately struggling with two things, leaving its own genes and climbing to a higher place. And they don't even know what's at the top, some of them want to keep going up after they finally climbed to the top, and then they fall to the bottom again, like an endless loop.

He had no doubt that in the middle of the giant tower was the fruit of a pale fruit, and the sweet and greasy taste emanated from it. But now he doesn't know what the situation is. He had no choice but to turn his head to look at the two Hao Lian beside him.

"What is this doing? Raising Gu?"

And Hao Lianhongyi, who has always been very talkative and seems to be familiar with everything related to the White Devil, also looked at the giant tower in front of him with a look of shock, confusion, shock and even panic. "He doesn't need to raise Gu, he is the biggest poison, even the Sheepshead Cultists sometimes show extreme poison..." He suddenly stopped talking when he said this.

By the way, what about the Sheepshead! They are here to find them! In fact, he didn't care much about the turmoil caused by the pale fruit. It was an inevitable loss, and this group of snakes, insects, rats and ants was not a loss in itself. It was true that some poison was raised here, and the solution was also Natural creativity is beyond imagination, but human creativity in destruction is also shockingly high, as if destruction is the real talent of human beings compared to creation.

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