"What about you? A robin?" Xie Zhifei smiled. "That's probably not a good word. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

"It's okay, we are mentally prepared." Di Feiqiong smiled casually.

"Well, conspirators, anti-human, anti-social organizations, avengers, etc." Xie Zhifei said these words.

Di Feiqiong first smiled bitterly when she heard it, and was stunned when she heard the Avenger, "Who is the Avenger?"

"You, should be the survivors of Marduk's agency?" Xie Zhifei didn't mean to hide. After all, apart from giving the background of the Robin Fool group of people, the information that can be provided is almost gone.

"Is this step already found?" Di Feiqiong smiled, "Sure enough, the Big Four are still the same. Can I ask what is the basis for finding out that we are related to the Marduk agency?"

"Fan Miyan." Xie Zhifei just threw out the name, "Do these things have anything to do with what we're going to talk about next?"

"Yes, but if I really want to say it, it doesn't really matter. It's just to satisfy my personal interest. After all, there is almost no chance for us to have a direct conversation with you." Di Feiqiong waved his hand, "Since we have found this, You must think that we are a bunch of madmen who went mad because they were experimentally studied by mad scientists and superhuman researchers when we were young, and want to take revenge on the world."

"However, Mr. Xie should be the one who has the most contact with us. Do you think so too?"

Xie Zhifei was silent for a while on this question, and after thinking for a while, he replied, "To be honest, it's not very similar, you guys are too methodical and logical. But I can't think of a reason other than lunatics for you to do these things now. Come on. Honestly, what is your purpose? Just to destroy the world?"

"Destroy the world?" Di Feiqiong shook his head, "We don't want to do such a thing." Then he said something serious, Xie Zhifei had heard it several times, but never took it seriously.

"We want to change the world."


Chapter 51 Light Chaser II

"We want to change the world." Di Feiqiong's expression when he said this was completely different from Hao Lianzhixia's, with a kind of piety and fanaticism, like a mad believer looking at ideals and the ultimate meaning of life.

And this also made Xie Zhifei suddenly realize, what was the difference between him and Mahanabo at the beginning, even though they were both born leaders. But although Mahanabha is the son of God, he is more like a political leader who pursues perfection everywhere.

Di Feiqiong in front of him is an idealist and a religious leader. The former is to make everyone willing to follow him and obey his leadership through absolute charisma.

The latter burns himself like a torch, emits light, radiates his ideals, and makes everyone agree with his ideals and concepts.

"Changing the world?" Although Xie Zhifei asked the difference in his mind, he still asked the same thing.

"Well, do you think the world is healthy now?" Di Feiqiong asked rhetorically. "Actually, the few of us don't care much about our childhood experiences. It may be an accident that Zhi Xia was born into a hidden family, but in fact, most of the people in Marduk's organization have lived through it even when they were at home. It's not very good, because of the appearance of places different from ordinary people, we are also regarded as monsters.

Although it is only a pretense, the name of the orphanage is actually worthy of its name. Two-thirds of our children are indeed orphans. "Di Feiqiong spoke a topic that was not easy at all in a relaxed tone.

"Even without the Marduk agency, our lives wouldn't be much better. And even though a lot of people died in the study, when we finally escaped, all the participants in this incident had already paid their fair share. cost."

Hearing his words, Xie Zhifei was shocked, "...How many participants in Europe?"

"Well, we also killed them later." Di Feiqiong said as a matter of course, "The Bible says an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and Confucius said, repaying a grudge with a straight face. We have already done it, and in fact we have done it. There is no grudge any more."

"Then...why are you still..." Xie Zhifei's mood is much more complicated now than he was at the beginning. As I said before, the shock comes from the sense of gap. A serial killer who witnessed his entire family being killed by the murderer in front of you before you found out that he was insane. When it was discovered that the reason why he was crazy was because of this incident, the impact would not be too strong.

And now the madman is telling you seriously, the reason why he is crazy is not because of this, but because the dumplings the night before yesterday were not dipped in old Shanxi vinegar but chili peppers, so he couldn't accept it, and he became a man who killed dozens of people in a row. madman. This will bring a huge impact. What Xie Zhifei is experiencing now is such a change of mind.

"Because we think there is something wrong with this world." Di Feiqiong said seriously. "You know what? When your daily life is nothing but eating, drinking, sleeping and being studied, you always have a lot of time to think about life."

"Our grievances with those in the Marduk organization have indeed ended, but we still wonder why we suffered such misfortune at such a young age? Is it because we are born different from others?"

"Mr. Xie, a natural difference may be a defect, but it is not a reason for our guilt. Can you understand this?" His question was full of delusions, making Xie Zhifei want something before he even made a judgment. Go down.

"Nearly a hundred children were kidnapped and disappeared, but they did not cause any disturbance in society. This is not only the reason for the modus operandi of the Marduk agency, but also because we were abandoned by this society in the first place." Di Fei Joan's voice grew louder.

"Why should we be monsters?

Why do psychics, awakeners and mutants have to hide in the shadows of the world?

Why can't we openly show that our abilities are different from our own, but hide it as if it were a sin?

Why were we abandoned when we were young? "

"Mr. Xie, this society and this world are not healthy, and we want to change the world."

"This... is the reason why you do these things?" Xie Zhifei couldn't understand Di Feiqiong's questions, and it wasn't that he didn't ask himself these questions. What he didn't understand was their practices. Their constant planning could destroy the world. The purpose of the plan is to reform the current world system?

"I know, you must think our approach is stupid. But in fact, this is one of the few choices we have. Mr. Xie, how do you think the current society is formed? Is it formed naturally?

No, it is artificially shaped. Just ten years ago, the power users were still active in every corner of the world as guardians. Their closing and retreating were not voluntary, but forced. "

"This is a choice made by the Four Great Fools, the Vatican, the Imaginary Space and the Hall of Vientiane. They believe that an ordinary, normal world is needed. After they made the choice, they eliminated all the opponents, and the world ended with this It's a form that works."

"Such a world protects the vast majority of ordinary people, who are too weak compared to us."

"Yes, I know that the Big Four are very powerful organizations. The social order they have established is very strong and very good. At least until now, there have been no problems. Look, even we have made so many so-called claims All the crises that could destroy the world were stopped." Di Feiqiong not only did not deny Xie Zhifei's words, but nodded in agreement.

"But, Mr. Xie, there's something wrong with logic," he said suddenly.

"One thing you think is excellent, so you have to force it on me, it sounds right. But what if I don't like this excellent thing?" Di Feiqiong smashed those big eyes, Very sincere.

"I may be a very stupid person, so what I like is also very stupid, very stupid things, you can tell me that my choice is not good. But you can't give me the right to choose, just put the so-called most A good choice is just shoved to me. You said that right?"

"Mr. Xie, the four majors are very good and powerful, and the world they plan and plan is not for their own interests. But ah, but, who gave them the right to help all mankind make choices?! !" Di Feiqiong's words were loud.

"Why do they think that power users must hide in the darkness, so power users can't see the light for a lifetime?!

Why do they think that ordinary people do not need to know the truth of this world, as long as they spend their whole lives in a false, ordinary peaceful world, and ordinary people have to live their whole lives without knowing the truth of the world they live in? "

"Mr. Xie, can you tell me the answer?"


Chapter Fifty-two Light Chaser III

It was the first time that Xie Zhifei felt that he was so speechless. The last time he had a similar feeling was when he was in Sicily, facing Alfonso's question and asking him whether the civilians in Sicily were innocent.

Then he suddenly discovered the similarities between Di Feiqiong and Alfonso in front of him. Both of them were selfless people who burned themselves in pursuit of what they thought they were, like moths into a flame. They were extremely sincere. Because of sincerity, it is extremely sharp and extremely extreme.

"I don't know." After understanding this, Xie Zhifei also knew how to answer. Any lie would appear pale and shallow in the face of sincere questions, so he was also sincere. "But that's not a reason for you to carry out these anti-social actions at the cost of other people's lives?"

"We know we are sinning. We don't think we are noble saviours." Di Feiqiong nodded, "but this is the only path we can choose.

Mr. Xie, you have also seen that we are not the super villains in the story who have been passed down for hundreds of years and can manipulate the world situation behind the scenes. In fact, our economy is very tense every month.

Have you ever thought about what would happen if we really went out on the street to appeal, the rise of supernatural beings, and what would be the result of showing how different we are from ordinary people? "

"We may get a little attention at the beginning, and then we will be secretly arrested by the action groups of the four majors. All people who see supernatural powers will be brainwashed, all data will be deleted, or they will be labeled with special effects, magic, and deception. The name of the class, and then a new wave of hotspots will be fired, and then our existence and everything we do will not make sense."

"Mr. Xie, compared with the Big Four, we are too weak. Taking the overall situation into consideration and reducing losses has always been a matter for the strong to consider. We do not have such a margin. We must use all our resources and do nothing. The price can only get the corresponding effect.

Only when a being like Behemoth or the White Devil wakes up can it be impossible for the Four Greats to hide it. They cannot brainwash the whole world, and the truth of the world may be revealed.

We are sorry and saddened for those who died in our program. But we still believe that everyone is entitled to know the truth of the world, and everyone is entitled to choose the future of this world. "

To be honest, Xie Zhifei was shocked by Di Feiqiong's words. Like Alfonso, he is also a person who has completed constructing his own three views, knowing what he is doing, what he is going to do, and what it will cost him.

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