"Speaking of which, Brother Zhixia, didn't you say you've been busy recently?" Cheng Lin asked suddenly as if remembering something. "Why are you free to come and see me?"

"What can be more important than our little beauty Cheng Lin?" Hao Lianzhi said Xia Yizheng, "I came back as soon as I thought that the little beauty should have her hair cut."

"Hmph, you're still acquainted." Cheng Lin's face flushed in reality, then she snorted and turned her head away.

"Then, can the little beauty allow the little girl to groom you?" Hao Lianzhixia continued to be obedient.

"Whatever you want." Cheng Lin didn't turn her head, just replied in a low voice.

Then Xie Zhifei saw Hao Lianzhixia skillfully picking out a set of tools from the room and posing on the windowsill. Shampoo, cut, trim bangs and blow dry. A set of procedures to do very skilled. Even the stone shell on Cheng Lin's head didn't cause much trouble. It's like it's been done a thousand times.

Afterwards, he told Cheng Lin a lot about going out and taking risks. Hao Lianzhixia added exaggerated body movements while talking. What happened when you met a bear in the deep mountains and old forest, or was besieged by a shark while catching a big marlin in the sea. Hearing Cheng Lin smile again and again and keep saying that he is a liar, she knows how to brag.

Then at Hao Lianzhixia's encouragement, Xie Zhifei also talked about high school life. However, in order to eliminate his own sense of existence, he has not participated in any clubs, let alone any activities. In fact, there are not many things to talk about. I can only talk about the basketball game of the Sicilian Sacred Heart and the conversations I overheard with my classmates in Qingyuan between classes.

He himself felt that it was really dry and boring, but Cheng Lin listened with relish, and from time to time would ask a question, and then showed a sudden realization. There are many things in it that are very basic common sense, and then Xie Zhifei realized that she may have been in this state for a long time.

Naturally, he didn't have the chance to go to school, so he didn't even know that common sense. So speak more seriously.

The two stayed in Cheng Lin's house until the lights were on. Xie Zhifei cooked the dinner, and Cheng Lin started the fight. Although she only has one hand, she has shown amazing proficiency. Many things that can be done with two hands, she has done with some special tricks.

It reminds Xie Zhifei that there have been many reports. People who have lost their hands due to illness or accidents can do what their hands can do with their feet. Humans are really adaptable creatures. Such thoughts naturally appeared in his mind.

Then the girl who looked like a smiling girl threw this idea out again, not because of human beings, but because the girl in front of her was strong enough. In the face of the same disaster, there are actually more people who fell. And there will always be some people who grit their teeth and stand up again. and keep going.

"Cheng Jian did all these things before." Hao Lianzhixia said to Xie Zhifei when he walked out of the Tongzilou. "No matter what, I will promise to go home once a week, and even if I can't come back, I will ask someone I trust to come back to take care of Cheng Lin."

"He hasn't come back for more than half a year. The little girl knows everything, but she never asked us anything."

Xie Zhifei didn't know what to reply. This world is like this, and no one is such a simple villain. No one was completely without stories or concerns, and if he stood in Scipio's force field at that time, Cheng Jian would not have been left behind. Knowing or not knowing about Cheng Lin is the same. Complex and changeable, is human.

"It's not the society's fault, I know." Hao Lianzhixia raised his head, "The mutation can be good or bad, it's fate, just like a story, some are comedies, some are tragedies. This is doomed from the beginning of the story. OK."

"But since it's a story, whether it's a comedy or a tragedy. I think everyone should have the qualification to know their existence. We, Cheng Jian and Cheng Lin are all human, and we should have the qualification to tell our sorrows and joys. . To be envied or to be sympathetic to. That is our right and that of others.”


Chapter fifty-seven light and shadow II

The future of the world, or the rights of everyone, are the Fool and the Big Four qualified to make this choice on behalf of everyone?

Xie Zhifei, who was lying on the bed, was thinking about this question. It is different from the general opposition between good and evil, and the struggle for authority to control the world. The opposition between the robin and the fool, and the Big Four has been ideological from the very beginning.

What they pursue is not their own rights and desires, but a higher level, freedom. The freedom to live freely in the world for yourself, and the freedom for others to know the truth about the world.

From a purely logical analysis, there is nothing wrong with the dreams of Robin, Hao Lianzhixia and Di Feiqiong. Everyone has the right to choose, everyone has the right to know the world, they can choose to entrust their power to stronger and smarter people, but no one can deprive them of the right to choose.

But the current practice of the four majors is not to let ordinary people know the truth of this world at all, and make a choice for them one step ahead.

So far, there is absolutely no problem in calling the four major tyrants a tyranny. But what if the tyrant does what he does not because of his own likes and desires, but in the best interests of all?

Not only did the Big Four get no privileges and benefits because of the choices they made, but they had to make constant sacrifices and sacrifices. The Big Four define the greatest significance of their existence as protecting an ordinary and reasonable world for ordinary people.

Always active in the dark side of the world, fighting against all the unknown and unreasonable in the world, and then sacrifice. And this sacrifice does not even have the possibility of being known and commemorated by the people they protect.

Heroes and dark knights are actually more suitable for them than tyrants. The reason why the Big Four dare not announce the truth of the world is also so simple, so simple that it is even clear at a glance.

What is the foundation of the world today?

All are equal.

These four words that seem to have no power, and are even spurned by countless utilitarian scholars, are actually the foundation of the existence of this world. There may be differences in appearance, skin color, and physical condition, but in the concept of being a human being, everyone is equal.

Based on this, human beings can completely eradicate slaves and class systems, and then establish the current social system and establish the natural human rights that the robin pursues, and everyone has the right to know and choose such a social structure. .

And once the truth of this world is announced, the result will be the most direct attack on the foundation of this world -- the four words of equality for all.

People are inherently unequal. Should one man possess the power of more than a thousand people combined, should such a man have the same power as a thousand other ordinary people?

If strength doesn't count, what about intelligence? A person has the intelligence of more than 10,000 or 10,000 people, so should the choices made by this person be taken more preferentially?

Then society will become a privileged society of a few people, and all the choices they make will become the choices of society. So what's the difference between not publishing it and directly letting the few people make choices? It also avoids the oppression and setbacks that come with being born unequal.

This is the paradox. It is also an inevitable conflict of ideas on both sides.

The lies threw by the Big Four are to maintain to the greatest extent the social system they insist on being equal for everyone. And depriving everyone of the power of choice in order to empower everyone is itself the greatest injustice and lie. This is the falsehood that the robin is against.

Xie Zhifei has no way to judge whether these two concepts are excellent or not. This is a very difficult thing, just like in the conflict between good and evil, people can often choose one side easily.

But when there is a conflict between the good and the good, the difficulty of making a choice becomes extremely difficult.

Xie Zhifei sighed, but it wasn't that he finally made a choice. But he knew one thing, about his own limit. He realized that he was not a decisive, resolute and resolute person. I also understand why I can't make this judgment.

In fact, it is not that he has no way of finding reasons to believe that one party is right to overwhelm the other party. But he is now afraid, afraid that he has made a wrong judgment, and there is no way to believe that he is right.

"I'm such an idiot." He shook his head, "Isn't this kind of thing clear long ago?"

Yes, this kind of thing has long been clear. What to do when there is no way to know if the right choice is being made.

No one can guarantee that the choices they make will always be right, and no one can guarantee that the judgments they make will always be right.

But the world will never move forward if no one dares to judge. So first plan according to the worst possibility, and then make the best of everything after this judgment, and make enough remedial possibilities, ready to correct your mistakes at any time.

Because we have never been wise and wise men descended from the gods to lead people forward, we are foolish mortals themselves, even more foolish than them.

Since you are a fool, you must have the self-consciousness of a fool! We walk at the end of mankind, and we have walked, which shows that mankind is moving forward. Behind the world, there is no light and no darkness, only us.

Although when he first entered Huangquan, he began to recite and memorize the concept of a fool. But until now, Xie Zhifei really dared to say that he understood some of the actual meaning of this term.

I finally understood that the decision makers of the Big Four did not make this judgment because of self-confidence. They were confident that they must be smarter and stronger than everyone else. Feel like you can make decisions for everyone.

In fact, they have struggled and struggled. Then this judgment was made. Not because they are proud of their abilities, but because they understand their own inferiority as human beings. Know what this kind of inequality means for the human race.

The advance of science, the exploration of the unknown, the development of an entire species? None of these matters, and there is no shortage of inequality. These long-term goals are nothing compared to the current inequality. Everyone only thinks about how to have a higher level than others.

Whether it is life or strength, those who possess it will be proud, and those who have not will be jealous. Inequality will increase. The whole world could be thrown into chaos.

Just like what Xie Zhifei had seen before, in the sewers, the tower of flesh and blood centered on the pale fruit, all creatures are driven by instinct to continuously climb up, trample the lower ones, bite superior. There is never a real summit.

After realizing that his way of thinking was wrong, Xie Zhifei quickly thought about this step. Then he fell into the second question. So, how to ensure that this group of vested interests - those with special abilities, will fight to protect the interests of ordinary people to maximize their interests?

How to ensure that they will do their best to protect that ordinary world, instead of pursuing their own unequal interests?


Chapter fifty-eight light and shadow three

After all, this is considered a kind of completely self-interested behavior, which is not in line with the nature of every creature engraved in its genes. Dawkins wrote in his masterpiece "The Selfish Gene" that the only interest in genes is to make repeated copies of themselves in order to strive for maximum survival and expansion in the evolutionary process.

It's hard to believe that there will be such a group of people, generation after generation, into this kind of battle that no one knows about, and there is almost no way to get a return. Of course Dawkins also wrote in the same book that apparent altruism is actually selfishness in disguise. But after all, this is not the same as caring for young children in favor of the perfect inheritance of genes.

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