In fact, before he discovered Xie Zhifei, Xie Zhifei had already discovered him. After all, there was a team of 14 low-level Sheepshead followers behind him. The thoughts they spilled out were as obvious as torches in the dark night. It's hard for Xie Zhifei to not feel it.

Xie Zhifei deliberately changed his direction and walked towards the little leader. There are two purposes, the first is to test their disguise. If you can see through even a small boss, then there is no need for you to go deep. It just so happens that the threat here is not too big, and if it is discovered, it will run away.

If you bypass him and wait until you are found further inside, it is not a pleasant thing to be surrounded by higher-level Sheepshead believers. The second word is to hold the heart that can trigger an event.

After all, although the high-level Sheepshead believers have broken brains, their thinking logic is still there. They won't wander around the shadow world like low-level ones, there must be something to do. And now the most important thing for the Sheepshead believers is the resurrection of their Lord. The odds are high.

Sure enough, when the high-ranking Sheepshead Cultist saw him, his eyes lit up obviously. "It's because of your own bad luck that you came to such a place." A smile appeared on the pale and wretched face under the white robe.

Then Xie Zhifei felt that a distant thought fell directly on him, "Follow me, believer." It felt similar to the way he used the thought storm to crush the thoughts of the Sheepshead Cultists.

However, this thought was not as violent as he made it, but it was well integrated into the instinctive thinking of the low-level believers he simulated. It seems that the Sheepshead believer has more experience than him in the use of thinking. However, Xie Zhifei still walked towards him.

Became the fifteenth member of the high-ranking cult team. This scene is very strange, very similar to the corpse-hunting team in the legend of Xiangxi. More than a dozen pale-faced people lined up, one deep and one shallow, walking forward slantingly. From time to time, he opened his mouth, revealing withered teeth and black blood in his mouth.

At this time, the leader will scold him, but it is not a real scold, but a thought that falls directly into his thinking tide. Then the grower would shut his mouth obediently and move on.

Xie Zhifei was the most obedient one in the team, and he didn't open his mouth and growl without delaying. After all, if the pale complexion can be fooled by the perennial anemia complexion, his big white teeth can't be fooled by one mouth. He also worried that if he interfered with the thoughts of the high-ranking believers a few times, he would see something. So Xie Zhifei kept walking quietly.

And just like to reward him for his peace of mind, after the team hasn't had a situation for a long time. The leading high-ranking cleric took time out to start thinking about something else. Something about the team's destination, and his mission.


Chapter sixty five chaos six

This is a very normal thing, although no one has noticed it, but it is true that very few people will walk on the road without thinking at all. As if the brain can't bear to waste its powerful thinking ability, the plot of last night's TV series, the girl walking across from the opposite side looks very beautiful, there are so many people on the road today...

There are all kinds, and so on, but if there are things to come, there is no doubt that basically everyone will think about what to do when they reach their destination. How to do the first step, how to do the second step, how to speak when you meet someone, what kind of tone to use... It's still not enough to rehearse the whole thing in your brain, if you are still on the road, you will be in Perform the second and third times. The more important things are, the more so.

Obviously, the next task of this high-ranking believer is a very important thing. When the low-level Sheepshead Cultists were making a fuss just now, all his energy was on how to make them travel with peace of mind and go faster. And once they settle down. He couldn't help but began to think about his mission this time. And this is what Xie Zhifei likes the most.

'To be able to pick up a leak here, my luck is really good...'

'Why don't these low-ranking believers be managed uniformly? ’

'Yeah, it seems like more energy is wasted managing them...'

"Would you like to go further to find someone..."

'In the distance there are forbidden places that can eat people without spitting bones...'

'Fifteen people have completed the task beyond the normal, will the priest reward me? ’

From these chaotic thoughts, Xie Zhifei probably also extracted a trace of logic. Among the Sheepshead Cultists, there are still a few high-level believers who can stay awake, and it takes a lot of energy to restrain the low-level believers, so let them walk around the entire shadow world at will.

The high-level believers in front of them should have been ordered by a priest to collect nearby low-level believers to use as labor. But because the distance was too dangerous, he only dared to search nearby.

Xie Zhifei suddenly thought that his first job brought a high-level cultist who exploded a tank to his brainstorm. There are also many low-level believers around him. Most likely he is also performing this task.

It is hard to say if there is only one team, but it is enough to show that two high-level believers are performing this task. The task that requires low-level believers as labor is not something a priest wants to build on a whim. It is a real big task, Xie Zhifei estimates, as long as his disguise is not seen through. In this mission, he will most likely have the opportunity to come into contact with things related to Shi Yuqing.

With the continuous advancement of a group of 'people', artificial traces have begun to become more and more. The most obvious of these is the concept of roads. It's not clear, but the truth of being stepped on one by one is telling Xie Zhifei that he is getting closer and closer to his destination.

In this place where there is no concept of day and night, I don’t know how long I have traveled. Along the way, I have encountered several groups of Sheepshead cultivators who are also advancing. Although the two sides have little overlap, even the leading senior cultists have no intention to say hello. Perseverance And silently hurrying on the road.

But being able to meet someone means that it is really close. Finally, when he pretended to look up inadvertently, Xie Zhifei saw his destination. In the distance stood a huge and towering strange building on the ground.

Huge pitch-black spires stood on the shattered plains. The black tower is made of some kind of unknown black stone, and the stone is tightly bite into everything, leaving no place for ventilation like a window.

The same black mist leaked out from the cracks in the black tower, surrounding the tower. Some kind of huge blood-colored vines grew from the bottom of the tower, and were gradually climbing towards the top of the tower.

At the top of the tower, there is a strange light group, and the dazzling light is released from the light group, as if to expel all the last color of this gray-white world, and let it return to the light.

This scene was so shocking that Xie Zhifei was stunned for a while, so much so that the leading high-ranking cultists used his will to infuse him again to wake him up.

Although the timing is a little strange, but thinking about it, I won't let myself be seen through. After all, all the sheep's head believers in this team are in a lot of situations. He had never committed such a one-time problem, but was an outlier.

After restraining his emotions, Xie Zhifei continued to follow the high-ranking believers. The closer you get, the more you can feel the huge black tower. So that it has to get closer to the bottom of the tower before you can see the white spot of the light ball, which is actually constantly moving.

That's people. High-level or low-level Sheepshead cultists, compared with the giant black tower, their size is not much different from that of ants. They gather in this place and carry out some kind of huge project.

And Xie Zhifei's team must also participate as a supplementary element.

Taking thinking seriously, the leading Sheepshead cultist quickly found the priest who gave him the task. The sacrificed white goat skull covered the priest's face, and the strange fleshy white horns opened on the top of the head, like a A huge palm.

"Take them to the Black Tower." The reward the high-ranking believers imagined did not appear. Regarding the arrival of the group, the priest issued such an order indifferently. For the two with the same thinking logic, communication still relies on dialogue instead of thinking dispersion.

The high-ranking cleric readily accepted the order, turned his head and ordered the group of walking corpses behind him. He staggered and walked towards the black tower again.

It was only when Xie Zhifei walked in that he noticed what the group of Sheepshead believers were doing. Men and women, old and young, all the Sheepshead believers are devoutly prostrate on the ground, praying aloud in their mouths.

Originally, they had been destroyed by their sanity, but at this time they showed amazing consistency. And as they prayed, the blood-colored lines on the white robes moved. Something like fish or tentacles wriggled on the white robe.

Then slowly a trace of blood flowed to the ground along the white robe, and a trace of a person, like a river flowing into the sea, converged on the ground like a stream, and the rivers meandered forward and converged into a wider red river.

In front of several rivers is a huge circle, and the huge blood-colored tentacles coiled around the black tower grow out of these circles. The red lines flowing out of the Sheepshead believers seem to be the nourishment of these tentacles. Xie Zhifei could see that they were indeed and slowly proliferating more structures upward.

And it can only be seen below the black tower. In the huge light ball, some dark shadows like ink have begun to mix.

"That one over there!!" At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, calling out the leading high-ranking cleric.


Chapter 66 Chaos Seven

Although they are the embodiment of chaos and order, the demons are actually more orderly than anyone else. From the most low-level little demons born in the chaotic will, to the abyss demons, demon lords, demon warlords, and demon kings, the barriers between each class are even stronger than those between the ancient kings and the vassal.

The high-level person completely controls everything of the low-level person, life, will, and soul. The real word determines life and death. But it is not discipline or belief that determines all this, but pure violence.

"Sacrificing adults." This situation naturally extended to the Sheepshead Cultists, and the high-ranking Cultists stopped when they heard the sound. He said respectfully.

This is the same sacrifice as the one who ordered him to collect the low-level people, and the level is higher. The body has been mutated due to the power of the white devil. The height is more than two meters, and the deer bone mask on the face is also larger and more appropriate. The face, but the face began to mutate and grow completely together with the mask, like some legendary death gods with bones as their faces.

"Take them there." He didn't even ask what the original goal of the group led by the high-ranking cleric was. Instead, a new task was directly issued. This is confidence in one's own position.

And Xie Zhifei also began to be ecstatic. After all, according to the previous situation, his task was to provide nourishment for the growth of those blood-colored tentacles through some kind of strange ceremony, just like these worshippers.

Although the white robe on his body is genuine, it can also secrete a red line for his face when he shakes his head and kneels there. He didn't expect anything at all.

Originally, he was ready to be discovered, but he just planned to follow the group a little deeper, and get as close as possible to Shi Yuqing before breaking out. But now there seems to be a turnaround.

The higher-level sacrificial problem is definitely closer to the core, and the higher the chance of oneself coming into contact with Shi Yuqing. Xie Zhifei couldn't even believe his recent series of good luck. According to this rhythm, could it be that the mission of this sacrifice is related to Shi Yuqing?

"Yes." The high-ranking believer dared to ask the content of the task before accepting the task first, "What do you need them to do?"

"The riots of the retinues of the oath-breakers are getting stronger and stronger. Take them to strengthen the blood prison." The priest nodded.

Hearing this news, Xie Zhifei's heart beat even more and it was about to come out of his throat. Just talking, isn't it really that lucky? Then should I think now that I will have a net worth of hundreds of millions in ten years, and a group of wives and concubines... It seems that the BUFF of the movie world is still running...

"I'll take them there right away." The high-ranking cleric nodded and replied. After hearing this sentence, I saw the high-ranking believer turn around. Xie Zhifei also obediently took steps in the direction that the priest said.

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