But the madness of the Sheepshead Cultists helped them a lot at this time, and the great fear between life and death was suppressed by the tyrannical desire for destruction. Suicide attacks can only be used to describe the offensive they displayed. The companions who fell down by their side all the time seemed to them not to exist, it is better to say that the **** smell stimulated their madness even more.

Roaring and roaring, while throwing green energy **** and corrosive arrows with the only energy he had, he used his only energy to attack the mountain that was rolling over.

"Tsk, this is probably dead." Seeing such a scene, Xie Zhifei could only tut his tongue, and then licked the blood scab on his dry lips. There is no suspense in this fight at all.

Even if the number of Sheepshead cultists is so large, it will be wiped out by the Kuroshio before long. To what extent will the Kuroshio grow at that time?

Just imagining such a thing, he couldn't help shaking a little. You must know that this is a monster that feeds on human imagination, and despair before death is almost the best bonus to it.

Maybe it will eventually become a tyrannical tide that covers the entire Shadow Realm... The moment the observers intervene in the seemingly calm ground, the phenomenon mobilizes the existence of more than one ocean to kill or something. Such a scene made Xie Zhifei shake his head uncontrollably after thinking about it.

This kind of thing will decay. Although I don't know what its decay rate is, the fact that I encountered a silt monster at the beginning proves that the imagination of the Sheepshead Cultists who strayed into the fog before has almost decayed.

But even so, Xie Zhifei didn't dare to bet whether he could survive the Kuroshio that devoured all the Sheepshead Cultists until it decayed.

If he came to save the world and perished with the Sheepshead Cultists, the current situation would probably be over, and it would be enough to add another Ji Qinger's condolences to him and Shi Yuqing's tombstones.

But he is not, saving the world has already been placed further behind. He is not here to save the world, but to save people! How could he save Shi Yuqing when the dark tide is overwhelming?

So after taking a breath, Xie Zhifei simply dealt with the injury on his body. Simple wounds like bruises have begun to heal on their own, mainly on the right arm where the beam has penetrated.

A thin blood blade protruded from the tip of his left finger, and like a scalpel, it cut into the carbonized tissue, gouging out the scar little by little.

The severe pain made his face turn pale, and the large beads of sweat poured out. Pieces of charred flesh fell from the right arm. But there is no invisible barrier that blood pours out, blocking the blood in the blood vessels. Form a textbook-like cross-section of the body.

After the wound was cleaned, the blood blade did not fall out of the hand in the next moment, the blood in the hole rushed into the air, and the red blood directly blocked the piece. Xie Zhifei shook his right hand, and although he was a little trembling, he could barely use it.

However, judging from his pale face and the blue veins on his forehead, the pain has not diminished at all. The preparations are done, just touch it. Carefully moved around the big circle towards the place where Shi Yuqing was.

Fortunately, in order to suppress the daughter of the shadow, the priests themselves were at the outermost periphery of the Sheepshead Cultists, and Xie Zhifei deliberately attracted the Kuroshio from the other side. Only when the sea-like sheep-headed believers below the black tower have exhausted their efforts, will it spread to the sacrifice side. He still has time!

After Xie Zhifei went around a big circle and touched the back of the black tower, he was stunned for a moment. The red vine on the black tower...is that big?

When he saw this thing for the first time, it just slowly climbed to the middle of the black tower. Even if the Sheepshead believers kept praying and nourishing, the top of the vines only gave birth to tiny creeps. Climb slowly.

Although it took him a lot of time to go back and forth, he would definitely not be able to get to this position at that climbing speed. Because now, that red vine... is about to climb to the top of the black tower.

The higher the height, the smaller the red vines are, like the blood vessel network of human beings. Different from the way the creeper is attached to the wall, it directly inserts the spikes into the wall and fixes itself on the black tower.

"Dong——" In the random roaring and killing sound, Xie Zhifei suddenly heard a heartbeat clearly. It's not huge, that is, a little stronger than ordinary people, the kind of heartbeat that can't be heard clearly unless it hits the opponent's chest.

Xie Zhifei didn't have anyone's chest beside him, but even if he had, such a heartbeat should be completely suppressed by the hustle and bustle of this battlefield, and could not reach anyone's ears at all.

But it just came out, faint but clear, like a different law and soundtrack to all the other sounds in the world. Non-interference, non-overlapping, and non-covering were directly transmitted to Xie Zhifei's mind.

He turned his head sharply to look at the source of the sound, and a thin blood-colored vine finally climbed to the top of the black tower. The heartbeat came from the vine.

"Boom—" The vine trembled gently, and there was another heartbeat. The top of the vine stretched out a little further, leaving the black tower and facing the sky, as if extending a finger to touch it, straight , stretched out toward the ball of light in the sky.

Xie Zhifei suddenly realized what he had done wrong.

From just now, even though countless Sheephead cultists died under the impact of the Kuroshio, the priests had no intention of taking action at all. Not only them, the White Devils did not intervene at all.

Even in Longcheng, he was able to lower the Son of God and raise the giant pillar of the pale fruit to attack the city. How is it possible that nothing can be done in the film industry? It is impossible for the vitality to be seriously injured, after all, the Kuroshio is a phenomenon that may completely kill the Sheepshead Cultists. And once he died, his awakening would have to wait until the next time. And this time, I don't know when it will be.

Especially after the secrets of the White Devils had been told to the four majors by the Hao Lian clan. The White Devil, like his followers, is just crazy, not stupid. He wouldn't bet on that possibility.

There is only one possibility that they did not do it, nor did the priests do it. That is, the slaughter of those low-level Sheepshead cultists by the Kuroshio will not affect his recovery!


Chapter 74: The Prince of Darkness

What, what is driving this vine to grow like crazy, Xie Zhifei naturally doesn't know that after he escaped, the priest used the thought storm to oppress all low-level believers to speed up their prayers and exchange vitality for the growth of the red vine.

But at least he knew that the growth of the red vine was nourished by the blood-colored silk threads dripping from the white robes of the Sheep-headed believers in prayer. So he pulled his gaze away from the finger that extended towards the ball of light at the top, and looked straight down.

"Boom--" There was another heartbeat, and with this heartbeat, the magic circle grown by the red vines sucked a wave of blood-colored liquid from the surrounding whales like a tide. It is this wave of absorbed nutrients that promotes the amazing growth rate of the red vine.

But now almost all the Sheephead believers are fighting against the Kuroshio, and there is no time to pray to generate enough nourishment! What is the magic circle whale sucking?

The answer is not difficult at all. It is related to the behavior of the priests who let themselves go and let the Kuroshio kill low-level believers. It doesn't take much thinking to come up with this answer.

Without the blood-colored thin lines produced by prayer, the magic circle is directly growing on the blood, or vitality, of the Sheep-headed believers. If you have to compare, the blood-colored silk thread dripping from the white robe is a more cost-effective growth nutrient. He was slower, but was able to draw enough material from the limited number of Sheepsheaders.

And if you directly feed on flesh and life, although it is fast, the conversion efficiency is much lower. If you do this directly from the beginning, you will lose all the Sheepshead believers here, and the red vines will not grow enough to cover the black tower.

So in the beginning, the reason why the White Devils or the priests didn't choose this method was not to love the low-level Sheepshead Cultists, but to them. They are just resources, a one-time resource that can be used to revive the White Devil. There is no need to economize at all, no use just because that usage would lead to not enough.

But after a long prayer squeeze, the red vine has grown in half in a scientific and slow way. Enough resources, why not get to your own results in a faster way?

At this time, Xie Zhifei just happened to pull the Kuroshio. Compared with the thought guidance of the main priest, this is even a faster way to use it, so the priest and the white devil did not interfere. Let the Kuroshio slaughter the low-level Sheepshead believers.

Because with the death of Sheepshead Cultists, it is not just the Kuroshio that is nourished, madness, despair, desire for destruction, and death itself are also nourishing the awakening of the White Devils.

After realizing all of this, Xie Zhifei knew that his time was running out. Although he didn't know what would happen after the red vine came into contact with the light ball in the sky, he knew that it would definitely not be a good thing.

Taking a deep breath, his blood boiled instantly. He didn't even bother to hide his body shape or take a detour, and the whole person's blood rushed straight towards Shi Yuqing like an arrow.

The priests still maintained their previous appearance, surrounded by the city, and the shadows wrapped around Shi Yuqing like a cage. But this time they were also praying, which was different from the low-level believers who were sitting and preparing for the red vines to grow and the white devils to revive. Their prayers were not part of a ritual, nor had any special power, but were simply congratulations on the coming of their Lord.

Xie Zhifei slammed out from the side, waving the red gun in his hand into a red light and shadow, so fast that he couldn't even keep up with the sound of the gun cutting through the air.

The priest didn't even open his eyes, he was beaten in two by the red spear, and waited until his upper body flew out. A sharp, hawk-like sound of breaking through the air followed closely.


The first person to see his arrival was Shi Yuqing. Although she knew that the chief priest sent hunters to hunt down Xie Zhifei, she did not believe that he would die at their hands. Because he was her hero, from the time the Kuroshio appeared, she decided that it had something to do with Xie Zhifei.

This small nonsense was held in her throat for a long time and finally broke out.

Xie Zhifei didn't have time to reply to her. After the swipe, he turned around to dissipate the forward inertial force, and the red spear swung into the air in a huge arc, and then slashed straight at the main priest.

The gun power of this shot is so full, the timing is so good, and Xie Zhifei's killing intent is so full. The spear body is slightly arced, and the power on the tip of the spear seems to be able to cut through the space. The next moment the main priest will be split in two by this gun, just like the priest who was killed by him earlier.

But time seemed to stop at this moment, Xie Zhifei's gun stopped in mid-air. The fel energy and corrosive arrows thrown by the Sheep Head Cultists and the tail whip of the Kuroshio were also stagnant in the air, and even the sound and light stopped.

As if everything except thinking thought that everything was suspended at this moment.

Xie Zhifei held the gun in his hand in disbelief. He could clearly feel the texture of the gun body and the strength on it, but he couldn't swing it down. And the main priest under the gun blade opened his eyes at this time.

"Welcome to my lord." He didn't see the gun blade hanging above his head and would cut himself in half at any time, but just looked at the black tower from a distance.

The red vine finally reached out to the sky and came into contact with the huge ball of light, as if the touch of God and Adam in the painting.

From the bottom of the magic circle, all the blood began to collapse, as if all the energy was drained in an instant and turned into little ashes. The blood-colored liquid in the white ball of light began to ripple. All the energy is poured into the ball of light through this distant finger.

The blood began to spread out in the light group, at first a little and then quickly diffused, like dripping ink into water. The entire ball of light turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. Changes in light sources have led to changes in the entire world.

The sky above Xie Zhifei's head turned blood red at the same time, like flames coming from the sky, igniting this world that was only black, white and gray.

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