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Only one bowl of Yang Chun noodles was sold in the whole morning and earned 1000 yen, but Mu Fan was not in a hurry. After all, today is the first day the Food Department officially started.

Seeing that class is about to start, Mu Fan and Yuuki Asuna closed the Food Department and temporarily returned to their respective classes.

I came to my seat and sat down. My predecessor was always low-key in the class, so I had fewer friends.

In this regard, Mu Fan is also happy and leisurely, so that no one disturbs him, he has enough time to code words, and strive to sell Accel World as soon as possible, and then finish the book quickly, and then exchange his fantasy points for the next book.

After earning a certain amount of money, you can start your own salty fish journey. First of all, you have to play the “SAO” game that is more real than the VR game he has seen in his previous life.

Mu Fan returned home and read the game introduction. It has a game with more than 70% real simulation. The game helmet is worn on the head, such as being hit by a monster or the weather becomes cold and so on. People will experience it inside. Corresponding sensation, but the introduction once said that the sensory closure can be adjusted to the minimum, so basically there is no feeling.

Of course, that is only a suggestion for female players. As a man, he will naturally adjust his senses to a state that does not harm his own spirit, as real as possible. Moreover, there are game innate talents in the mall waiting for him to exchange.

However, the game speaking of which seems to be co-produced by the “RECT” Company related to Yuuki Asuna and other countries.

I just don’t know if Yuuki Asuna knows this–


At this time, Mu Fan glanced inadvertently, and was surprised to find that a girl with a delicate face, fair and smooth skin, long beautiful pale-gold hair, and a petite figure was sitting at the next empty table. At this time, the beautiful girl was turning through her textbook meticulously, as if she was reviewing the content in the textbook.

She seemed to be aware of Mu Fan’s gaze. The girl turned her head and saw Mu Fan was staring at her. She couldn’t help showing a sweet and cute smile on her face. She smiled at Mu Fan extend the hand and said, “This classmate, you Okay, I’m a new transfer student, naive Gabriel White. We will be next to each other in the future. I hope that our classmates will take care of me. If my classmates find it troublesome, just call me Gabriel.”

At the same time, the sunlight outside the window fell down and fell on Gabriel’s face. A layer of holy rays of light was attached to his pretty face. It was as spotless and beautiful as the Angel falling on earth. Mu Fan looked. Can’t help but be stunned.

Mu Fan stared blankly at the sacred and pure girl in front of him. The girl in front of him inadvertently gave him the feeling of being an Angel.

After a while, Mu Fan came back to his senses. Only then did he realize that he had been staring at him for a long time, with a trace of embarrassment on his face, and self-introduced: “Student Gabriel, my name is Mu Fan, please take care of me!”

Seeing Mu Fan’s embarrassed look, it was beyond Mu Fan’s expectation that Gabriel didn’t panic at all. Instead, he smiled puchi and said, “Mu Fan, you look cute now. !”

“Cute? You are cute, right?”

Mu Fan rolled the eyes, Gabriel was originally a petite figure, and she said she was a Junior High School Student. It is estimated that no one would come out to object, plus the fair and tender skin, and the beautiful face like her younger sister Sagiri, it is completely Little Luoli in a cute high school.

“Mu Fan, are you in a bad mood? Just tell me if you have any difficulties.”

Gabriel looked at the helpless Mu Fan and smiled slightly: “Because my dream is to make everyone happy in the world. You are my next table, and I must make you happy.”

“Isn’t it because of you?”

Mu Fan has a helpless face, but facing the cute and gentle girl who is always smiling at him, he can’t lose his temper anyway. This girl is like a gentle girl who likes to help others. Angel is average.

In this case, if he bullies her again, he will probably arouse public anger, and he will be tied up by the whole class to parade.

“Don’t worry, classmate Gabriel, I’m fine.” Mu Fan could only smile back at this.

Hearing this, Gabriel folded his hands together on his chest and said with joy: “Since Mu Fan is okay, then I am happy!”

Are you idiot? Like to think about others so much?

Mu Fan rolled the eyes, just as he wanted to continue talking, he announced that the bell for the first class had started. Gabriel first went to the podium and introduced himself and then returned to her seat. A young girl named Weinet.

Mu Fan has been working on codewords, and he has not paid too much attention to listening. He has already attended high school once. Although he was not very good at studying at the time, he is not willing to listen now, because he still likes to continue creating Accel World during these hours .

Moreover, even if the knowledge needs to be learned, there are elementary learning knowledge to advanced learning knowledge in his mall, and all the knowledge from elementary school to university can be remembered in mind as long as ten Fantasy Points are spent.

However, Mu Fan does not intend to exchange this knowledge for the time being. With his understanding, the course is like talking on paper. If the content in the textbook is not put into practice, it is useless.

However, after waiting for Fantasy Point to spend a little more to redeem elementary knowledge, the high school test and so on should all be solved.

Mu Fan lowered his head and held the phone with both hands and quickly coded the word Accel World. Although the phone is a bit slower than the computer, it can still type a lot of words in a day. However, in the process of codewords, Mu Fan always feels sideways. He stared at himself again, turned his head, but found something unusual.

Is it Hiratsuka Shizuka?

Thinking of this, Mu Fan held breath cold air, lifts the head glanced at Sensei on the podium, and then secretly relaxed. This class is not a quietly cute class, but a bald Sensei class.

Since he is not his own violent Mandarin teacher, Mu Fan is relieved.

Soon, the morning passed, and the 5000-word manuscript was completed. However, as time went by, Mu Fan could also feel the line of sight staring at him more and more.

This seriously affects his codeword efficiency.

However, encountering such a thing made Mu Fan feel a little strange. It is reasonable to say that he should not be so concerned about in his capacity, but what happened today?

It seems that I am often paid attention to, and the sight is still the same person.

The bell rang at noon, and several girls gathered around Gabriel quickly, asking about Gabriel with curiosity.

For example, Gabriel’s age this year, which school he was in before, and where is his home.

Mu Fan was not worried about the topic of the girl, but turned off the codeword software of the phone, moved towards the Food Department, but was thinking about the operation of the Food Department. After all, the Food Department only sold out in the morning. It’s just a bowl of Yangchun noodles, so Mission will definitely not be completed within a week.

But when he arrived at the Food Department, Mu Fan was surprised that many students gathered in the seats of the Food Department. At a glance, there were more than 20 people and almost every table was full.

This scene made Mu Fan secretly surprised. When did he become so famous, he attracted so many people to the Food Department.

Yuuki Asuna had arrived at the Food Department a long time ago, and was diligently walking through the tables of the Food Department to record the food that everyone needed. Seeing Mu Fan came to the Food Department, he immediately waved to Mu Fan.

“Yuuki-san, why are there so many people here?”

Mu Fan walked over, looked at Yuuki Asuna in surprise and asked. If he remembered correctly, in the morning, the Food Department had only one middle 2 girl who claimed to be a big devil and liked to eat pineapple buns, but at noon there were more than 20 people.

This… is really incredible.

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