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“Since I became familiar with the battle method in “SAO”, the battle has become smoother.”

Mu Fan spoke of the way he had thought of explaining his progress. While speaking, the long sword in his hand lit up with a brilliant orange rays of light, and the sharp sword edge penetrated the skeleton soldier’s body.

At the moment of being penetrated by the sharp sword, the whole blood bar on the skull soldier’s head disappeared without any remaining, and then the skeleton soldier struggled while falling backward, and suddenly stopped at an unnatural angle.


There was a glass-like shattering sound, and the entire skeleton soldier burst into stardust and disappeared in the entire area.

The experience bars of Mu Fan and Kuroneko both increased by about 2%.

“Does it become fluent after being familiar with the battle method?”

Kuroneko finally showed a shocked expression on his calm face, sighing: “I have to say, it’s really an amazing game innate talent.”

Since System drew innate talent for the game, Mu Fan felt that his reaction ability, awareness, and anticipation had more than doubled, and the battle against monsters was much smoother than before.

Mu Fan looked up and studied the topography of the labyrinth area carefully. He couldn’t help but moved. He pointed to a cave in the labyrinth area where only 3 people could pass through, and said to Kuroneko, “We are like this. The speed of killing monsters is too slow, wait a minute, Kuroneko, you go to that location and wait, I will attract the monsters, and we will enter there to kill monsters.”

“Go in there?”

Kuroneko glanced at the narrow cave with a slight surprise, and then said in surprise: “Didn’t expect you to understand the card monster so quickly, as long as you get stuck in that narrow passage, the monsters who come here will come by at most 3 times. One, as long as the two of us in the cave can completely withstand the attacks of three monsters, the speed of killing monsters will be greatly improved.”

“This night, Demoness, I didn’t expect, and you, a mortal who signed a contract with me, thought of…”

Don’t win 2 at this time, okay?

Mu Fan rolled the eyes and walked into the depths of the maze without turning his head back and said: “Then Kuroneko, go to the monster spot just now, I will be back soon.”

Kuroneko was taken aback for a moment, and then thought of Mu Fan who had deliberately protected her. The pretty face couldn’t help but flashed a blush, reminding: “Then be careful not to be surrounded by monsters, otherwise there will be dozens of monsters’ terrifying output. I can’t rush in to save you. After all, I’ll rely on your output later, and I can’t continue killing monsters with one less person.”

“Well, the monster not at all in the early stage of the game is so difficult, as long as you rely on positioning and prediction to prevent being surrounded by them.”

Hearing Kuroneko’s concern, Mu Fan laughed. According to Hatsune, the monster on the first floor is the least intelligent, and combines low attack power and response ability, predicting the slowest ability and the one with the ability.

With the first-level game innate talent, it doesn’t matter to the monsters on the top ten levels, let alone the mobs with only one level.

Speaking of the only difficulty, a guardian beast with only one layer is more difficult to overcome.

Farewell to Kuroneko, Mu Fan rushed towards the maze with Hatsune.

At this moment, Hatsune sat on Mu Fan’s shoulders and smiled at Mu Fan and said, “Big brother, you got the first-level game innate talent, right?”

“Well, today the number of Weibo has just reached hundreds of thousands, so I picked it up. Didn’t expect it was so simple.”

Mu Fan stepped forward, cleverly walking an S-shaped route, avoiding a blade dropped by a skeleton soldier, and then rushed forward to attract the attention of other monsters.

“In fact, “SAO” tests the ability of human neural response, so it is also connected to the reaction speed of reality. The big brother’s reaction ability in the game has been improved. In fact, the reality reaction and consciousness have also been improved a lot. In short, the game is innate. With the upgrade of talent, the strength of the big brother will also be strengthened.”

Seeing Mu Fan’s precise response to Ability, Hatsune explained with a smile.

“In addition, the Gourmet Mission of the big brother’s Strange World, you can buy a house in the town of Urbas on the 2nd floor of the main block to make food. In the future, Hatsune will continue to find out which towns in SAO are suitable for the big brother. , Keer, who had gathered enough to buy the shop, moved to the main battle site.”

Hatsune added.

“I see. It’s just that I redeemed the game innate talent. When can Hatsune talk to my soul?”

Mu Fan curiously asked. Last time, he remembered that Hatsune said that only by exchanging Magician innate talent in fate can he build a virtual space in his soul for Hatsune to live in.

But Magician innate talent needs 20 Fantasy Points to redeem, which is definitely a huge monster-like amount for him now.

The game innate talent also has a certain influence on Hatsune, but I don’t know how many levels it takes for Hatsune to talk to himself.

Really, with the System, it is really difficult to raise Hatsune.

Speaking of which I really don’t know if it’s time to build space first, and then when your mental power and computational abilities are too strong, you can use it as a basis for Hatsune to live in reality?

So if Hatsune comes to reality, will you find a way to find Luo Tianyi and Yuezheng Ling to become Hatsune’s friends?

I just don’t know if Hatsune and Yuezheng Ling will fight because of the competition for foodie Tianyi.

Or say that 3 people are happy together…

Well, after a lot of brain supplementation, Mu Fan realized that he was thinking too much.

“It’s all right now, just a few words a day, so only when big brother has any difficulties, Hatsune will talk to you to remind you. Keep working hard, big brother, wait until your innate talent reaches Level At 3, I can sound transmission with your spirit. It’s okay to talk for a day.”

Hatsune said with a slight smile.

“Well, then I will definitely work hard.”

Mu Fan laughed. After all, Hatsune is a bit boring in the game by himself. If you can build your own space, Hatsune can survive in it.

As for the increase in proficiency of game innate talents, it can only improve the operation in the game, while the mental and reaction ability can also be improved, but it is too slow, just like a boxer tempering and punching, not a day or two can avoid others It’s not very realistic to upgrade the fists by oneself, and can only be upgraded by redeeming and upgrading innate talent.

However, Hatsune is really the spirit with the most spirituality in the novel that Mu Fan has read from beginning to end, although other System spirits will also solve problems with Sect Leaders.

But Hatsune will be cute and help people solve difficulties.

That sense of existence was different from those of the Great Grandpa elves.

Taking Hatsune around the labyrinth area in a big circle, relying on the clever anticipation and ability to respond to the monster’s attack, after several turns, although the blood volume has dropped to less than half, it has already followed a black hand holding it. Skeleton soldier with cold light weapon.

In fact, there are many unknown areas in the labyrinth area. Thanks to Hatsune’s lead, Mu Fan can easily find his way.

In Kuroneko’s surprised gaze, Mu Fan rushed to Kuroneko with the skeleton soldier.

Just as the skeleton soldier behind him was about to catch up with Mu Fan and slashed a fatal blow to him, Kuroneko’s long spear lit up the pure white rays of light, and the sharp spear pierced like a raindrop, rushing at The body of the skeleton soldier in the front was pierced in an instant, and then turned into star dust and shattered.

Taking this opportunity, Mu Fan filled the bottle of blood and quickly blocked the gap. The cave could only accommodate 3 skeleton soldiers, so the one behind was stuck outside.

With Mu Fan and Kuroneko, the operation 2 and 2 not at all are difficult. Every time there are 3 kills, the subsequent ones come in again. The upgrade speed of killing monsters is several times faster than normal killing monsters. ….

After only 2 hours, Mu Fan reached Level 4, and Kuroneko was also close to Level 5.

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