Two-dimensional figure maker

Chapter 136 End (Next, Next)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Secondary Yuan Figure Producer Search Novels ("!"Rumble!!!" The ground shook violently, and the sound of a large creature running from the door not far away made everyone sway.

Needless to say, the visitor must be the specialty of this ruin-the seastone mecha.

"I lost it! It's really lingering!" Xia Hao felt a little headache for these mechas.

This has been chased several times!Once Yan Qingxiao attracted, and once met with Shen Xiyun in a team, are you still coming now?Are you annoying?!

Although Xia Hao thought so in his heart, his body was still very honest.

"We have done what we should do, let's leave now!" Xia Hao said to the third daughter.

"Well, good!" the three women said in unison.

Before leaving, Xia Hao thought of Shen Xiyun, who was unconscious, walking up to pick him up.

"Stare~!" Bai Mozhi looked at Shen Xiyun with envy, wondering if he was in a coma, would Xia Hao...

Luo Leyue secretly glanced at Bai Mozhi in a daze, and then quietly retracted his gaze.

This girl was really fascinated by Xia Hao.


After the supervisors got rid of the thieves group, they spontaneously chased the members of the Suhui Cult who had fled, so now there are only a few corpses in this hall except Xia Hao.

And the guards of the Yan family and other private expedition teams, probably driven by the blood of the supervisors, also chased them out together.

In other words, if the guards don't protect the master, they will probably be fired?

And Yan Qingxiao's maid squad, are following Yan Qingxiao's side with all their energies, how are they like those guards?

"Hey! It's heavy! Why didn't I have been so heavy when I was running against it before!" When Xia Hao picked up Shen Xiyun, he found that he could only hold on for a few seconds, and his face was embarrassed. As soon as the palm of his hand was released, Shen Xiyun was relieved. Falling to the ground...face on the ground.

But it was so, Shen Xiyun still showed no sign of waking up.

too heavy!It is too heavy to imagine!Could it be that Shen Xiyun looks thin in clothes?

Xia Hao can't move Shen Xiyun, and it is estimated that the third daughter can't hold it.

Should the two move together?No, no, this kind of movement speed is too slow, you will be caught up...

"Or I will come."

At this time, a voice came from behind, and Xia Hao looked back.

"I (beep~!)!! Uncle who are you!" Xia Hao was startled by the man.

The man was a sturdy man over two meters tall. He was in a tattered and invisible clothes that barely covered his figure. There were scars all over his body, and... his entire face was bruised and swollen , Can only see the kind with one eye stitched.

"I, James." James said with a swollen nose.

"...It's you, uncle. How are you..." Xia Hao looked at James with an incredible expression and said.

"This...hey~! Don't say it." James didn't want to recall his experience.

"I'll hold her." James looked at Shen Xiyun on the ground, then hugged him.

For a two-meter strong man like him, Shen Xiyun is very light.

"Let's go, those damn things are coming again." James stepped forward and ran out from the side door of the hall.

"Well! Let's keep up." Xia Hao said to the three women, and followed in James' footsteps.

The three of Bai Mozhi nodded, and soon followed.


As the leader of thieves, James naturally has his own set of escape methods.

Originally, James and their evacuation method was the teleportation magic circle cast before, directly teleporting back to the United States.But now James is left behind...

Fortunately, James had made two-handed preparations early, and when he entered the ruins, he had already prepared a sufficient escape route. As long as he did not encounter the seastone mecha group, he could safely evacuate.

Rarely encountered groups of Seastone Mechas along the way, so Xia Hao and the others were able to evacuate without any risk.

At this point, the undersea ruins finally come to an end...

Author: eh?Did we forget something?

At this moment, Ouyang corrected his face, lying peacefully on the floor of the Ruins Hall...


"Wait a minute! Who are you!" Rainbow Literature Network

When they finally saw the gate of the exit of the ruins, Xia Hao and the others suddenly felt a feeling called'the temptation to go home'.

At this moment, the peripheral supervisor who was guarding the entrance of the ruins became alert when they saw someone coming out.

"We are a private expedition team, this is our ID card." Xia Hao knew what to do, so he passed the ID card prepared in advance.

Hearing that Xia Hao and the others were a private expedition team, everyone also put down their vigilance.

One of the supervisors came up, took the four cards handed by Xia Hao, swept a few times on an instrument, and let them pass.

"Wait a minute!" A sharp-eyed supervisor suddenly pointed to Shen Xiyun in James' arms and said.

"This is... the captain!" The supervisor immediately ran to James and found that Shen Xiyun in his arms was unconscious.

"Quick! Notify the medical team!"


After listening to Xia Hao's explanation, the supervisor finally knew why Shen Xiyun was in their hands.

Before he knew the situation, he thought...

After a while, after the medical team lifted Shen Xiyun away, the supervisor just walked up to James and bowed deeply.

"Thank you very much for saving our captain!" The supervisor sincerely thanked James.

He thought that this strong man was the captain of the team.

"No thanks, this is as it should be." James said nothing more.

"By the way, it seems that you haven't shown your ID card yet?" The supervisor suddenly realized that this guy who couldn't see his nationality (his face was swollen) seemed to have not checked his ID.

"Oh! This..." James is embarrassed, he is the captain of the thieves group this time!What kind of ID is there!

Seeing that James was silent, Xia Hao had to go forward to'help'.

"He is the captain of this thieves group and our captive."


"Oh! That's it!" After hearing Xia Hao's explanation, the look in James' eyes changed from gratitude to hatred at the beginning.

"Come on! Handcuff this guy away!"



Ever since, James was taken away by other regulators.

As early as the moment James decided to surrender, he was mentally prepared, so when he was handcuffed away, he acted very calmly.

After a series of basic inspections, Xia Hao and his party were finally able to return to the ground.

At this point, the journey of undersea ruins has truly come to an end.


Author: ah ~!Worn out!This undersea ruins is finally finished.

Reader: By the way, didn't Bai Mozhi and Luo Leyue's personal guards mentioned before: Mu Silong and Ji Junlan are coming to rescue them?People?

Author: ...... we forget.


Author: ...... ...... or else we now make up?


In a turbid sea, a team of dozens of people was swimming around in that sea, seeming to be looking for something.

"Junlan, are you sure that Miss and the others are in this sea area?" Mu Silong swam to Ji Junlan's side and asked.

"Don't worry, I will make a hundred confirmations. With this map, plus the location of the ruins on the map, the young lady must be here!" Ji Junlan packed the tickets and said with confidence.

Ranmu Silong quietly glanced at the map in Ji Junlan's hand.

"I said... your map seems to be reversed..."



Yawn~!Let's go to bed, good night everyone!

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