Two-dimensional figure maker

Chapter 378 Xia Hao VS Jianchiro

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The sharp sword collision has echoed for a long time.

Summer blood fiber is gently waxed, and the attacker has launched a few meters away.

If the party is not the summer blood, it controls the sakurande block, and Xia Hao can hurt.

"Hey! You are too lax." Summer blood said to Xia Hao, and the tone is still the same.

"So you can't hide, your strength is all!"

Summer blood can be quite worried about Xia Hao's safety.

Here, in addition to the rabbits in his hands, the powerful guys run out to fight.

I don't know if I have two people to protect their owners.

Xia Hao is dead, you can don't have a master.

At the same time, an excellent rations are also lost.

This is really not worth it.

Listening to the blood of the summer blood, Xia Hao did not respond to her, and his eyes kept watching the man in front of him.

The guy in front of him wore a simple kimono, which was covered with a long hair, and there was a very ordinary samurai knife.

Easy costumes, casual hairstyles, and ordinary samurai knives, which makes people feel that it is a very ordinary big and middle-aged people.

But Xia Hao can think so.

It is not possible to keep the other in front of the Titan Machine Anti-Monitor.

I should have a final BOSS that it should be undoubtedly.

I have to enter the last battle, and I will go back this.

Xia Hao thought so much.

And Matsumoto Jian Lang saw that he was still taking it back, hesitated, no immediately attack again.

It is a little girl who shoots yourself. It does not appear in the survey record, it is estimated that the most recently produced hand of the goal is.

Jian Yi is so thinking, but ...

The attack did not explore the strength of the hand, if they rashly, it may be unfavorable.

So now, you must do not move, then think about the countermeasures.

In the time of Jianyuiro, Xia Hao gently sent Lafite back to 'shadow', and then looked at him.

"Hey, look at your strength, you should be the highest force of this battle." Xia Hao said.

Jian Yiro carefully looked at Xia Hao and took out a breath.

"According to the truth, it is true if you said." Jian Yiro said.

"I am the general command of this battle, and it is also a six-order martial arts - Matsumoto Jianchi, please take care."

Said, Jian Lang Chao Xia Hao has a warrior of a Samurai to learn, giving people a polite look.

"Hey ~! After all, it is a false gentle." Xia Hao commented in his heart.

This kind of person, he has seen a lot in his childhood.

If he knows is a polite, it will not engage this set.

But you can't say that he is wrong, the battlefield is not a matter of ceremonies, and it is possible to die at any time.

So there is no mistake in this point.

"Total command? I didn't expect to come to the big fish." Xia Hao said again.

"Solve you, can this battle you should be over?"

Xia Hao filed a knife and placed usually training.

At this time, the blood shadow gradually became transparent, and finally disappeared in the air.

She returned to the cherry red, and this rookie mutual mutual she was not interested.

Jian Lang looked at Xia Hao's movements, and he also placed it.

"I hope, as long as you can solve my words in a short time." Jian Yiro said.

So, two people, the general command of the two camps of the courses.



"Well? Father seems to have a situation."

At this time, the mad three will use the last corpse 'recycling "to look at the place where Xia Hao is located.

"What happened, did you have anything about my father?" Hongmei went over and asked.

"Some enemies are transferred to their father. Now they are in battle."

I heard this, Red Mei Ling and origami wrinkled.

"Father is dangerous! Let's go back now." Said, Hongmei has to go back.

"Wait, Mi Ling sauce." The mad three battled Hongmei, while thinking down.

"The father is protected by organic art, and there is also the newly joined little sister, safety issues should not be worried."

"But ... I am worried ..."

"Don't worry, I will let the body monitor the moment. As long as there is a danger, I will transfer the past."

"Moreover, this battle, just let the father exercise. Practice such a long sword, and there should be a matching battle to temper."

"I think my father should think about it."

After that, the mad three looked in the distance, and the eyes flashed in the light shine.

"Don't worry, my father will be fine." Origami is also a replied road.

For Xia Hao safety, the origami also means that you don't have to worry.

"... that line." Finally, Hongmei Ling is said.

"What should we do next?"

"Next, let's ..."

Suddenly, the mad three seems to think of a good place, and the corner of the mouth will not help but rise slightly.

"Say ... What should I be 'real world?"

"It seems that there should be no mistake." Origami said.

Although she didn't have a few times of 'real world', but here is more rich in the place than before, it is not difficult to know this is 'real world'.

"Since it is the" true world ", here ... should be not far from the big and headquarters?" Said this, the mad three smile is more strong.

"Yeah? How is it? Want us to go to the headquarters?" Hongmei asked strangely.

"Mad three sisters, what do you want to say directly, don't come well?"

Under the vomiting of Hongmei, the mad three will not sell the clever.

"The big and government transferred the remains here, and should collect the treasures inside the remains, concentrated in a place, such as what is the treasure room ..."

"( 0 ) ~! Oh! I understand, what you mean ..." At this moment, Red Mei Ling Mad Mad Three means.

I saw that the mad three smiled, using her 'shadow' soon determined the location of the big and headquarters.

"Search ~! Let us go to 'treasure hunt!"



" -! -!"

Xia Hao, the battle of this is being hot, and Xia Hao and Jian Lang's confrontation have no more than dozens of times.

When both parties, the time is divided, and sometimes it. The split is all in finding the flaws of the other party, trying to win.

But the actions of the two people are too tight, and there is no flaws so far.


"He Kawa · Ajun · Double Forged Steel !!!"

When the confrontation was once again, Xia Hao broke a sword skill, hoping to sell the sound of Jian Lang and the anti-anti-anti-defense.

Looking at the cutting edge from the left side, Jian Dynasty quickly lifted his arm, familiar with the attack on the left.

And again, and also attached to the right side.

Xia Hao's trick has two hits, left and right, mainly with high-speed fastness, giving people a unhappy harm.

However, this tricky of Xia Hao was crackdown by Jianfeng.

Next, Xia Hao's move, Jian Lang did not look weak, and waved the long knife using swordsman.

"He Kagawa · Bai Long !!!"




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