Two-dimensional figure maker

Chapter 392 Escape the birthday (2)

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It is expected that the pain in the knife is not coming, but a crisp metal impact sound is ringing.

Xia Hao looked up, and the skin of summer blood appeared in front of Xia Hao.

"Summer blood ..."

"You are really waste."

Summer blood holds [Sakurahong], it is very easy to block the attack of Jianchi.

"Na ... Ni !!"

Jian Yi Lang was surprised to find that his attack was blocked, even if you can't advance, even a little! ! !

what's going on! ! Does the other party have been cut! ! Why can't she block their own attacks! !

Summer blood is not ignorant, and this is ten meters! !

"This power ..."

Being flying to the landing, Jian Yilang felt a power that was unable to resist, and the shock of his hands were squatting.

This little girl is unfortunate!

Summer blood did not pay attention to Jianfeng, but turned to look at Xia Hao, and his face was full of dissatisfaction.

"You are too abolished! Isn't the power to be sealed, it will be weak into this picture!"

"... You said that it is light." Xia Hao helpless.

Seeing the summer blood to deal with Jian Lang, and he is very safe.

This will not be worried about can't escape.

"Said that you are not in the package, how ..."

Xia Hao is very strange, isn't the summer blood not to say that he is also sealed?

But why is it possible to get a seven-order Jianyilang attack?

"... Are you stupid? I have always rely on the knife fighting, not all relying on the aura."


Said here, the summer blood is cold and cool to Jianfeng.

Today, her mood is not good, I want to find someone.

Xia Hao is his own master, so he can only look at Jian Airo.

"And even if my strength is sealed, I have a seventh-order strength, but these are not provocative !!"

For the eyes of the blood on the summer, the next moment, the heart of Jian Liling seems to be held by a big hand, and the breathing is uncomfortable.

In his sight, the body of the summer blood became blurred.

It is only a blink of an eye, and a red line appears in front of it.

Summer blood did not make other movements, just standing, indifferently looking at Jianchi Lang.

Although this is just a red line, it is like an overwhelming momentum.

The heart of the alarm is quite, and Jian Liro is shocked, and the red line will extend it by himself.

"I am ... I am dead?"

Jian Yi Mo has lost its resistance, and the tight body has also been prepared to meet the death of death.

"John Minister is careful !!!"

Just in the red line, the body is about to ride, the body is, a movie will push him down.

" - !!!"

The marble door bar behind was killed by the red line, but did not appear fine scratches like imagining.

It is around the red line, and all all annihilated dust! !

"Matsuma Minister ... You are nothing?" The arrogant branch, and the gray head looked down at the Jian Liling under the body.

And Jian Yilang is also a terrible move that is just now, and the two eyes stared at the adjutant.

The deputy official pressed the Jian Lang and looked at Jian Liling.

The Jian Diro was pressed by the deputy official and also looked at the deputy official.

...... So ... this scene is very embarrassing ...

If there is anyone who does not know the situation, it will be embarrassed.

"I ... I am fine."

Jian Lang looked at the eyes of the officer and pushed him.

"Get up, there is an enemy that is not solved."


So the two quickly got up, but this will, Xia Hao has already taken this opportunity to cross the two people, and rushing out towards the gate.

Seeing Xia Hao running, the farther figure, Jian Yi also did not chase it.

After all, I haven't used my family, and I have no use.

and so......

"Let's contact the 'highest battle department', let them handle the target." Jian Yiro said to the adjutant.

'The highest combat department, is the highest level of combat organization in the current highest level of the Republic.

Although the number of people is only seven people, but one is a seventh-order master, and it is also the highest level of fighting power in all mankind!

Now let them solve Xia Hao, which is reduced, is undoubtedly the most appropriate choice.

These is that Xia Hao is also difficult to escape.

Jian Yiro: ......

Why where did this sentence say?

"Hey! I am going to contact!"

Contact 'Supreme Fighting Department' requires a special contact, so a general walkie-talkie cannot pass the instruction to them.

After that, the departure officer left to contact 'the highest combat department', and Jian Yilang was also idle.

Recalling the junction of the 'hell', Jian Lang can't help but play again.

If you are not an officer, you just have just ...

Think of it, Jian Lang shook his head.

After all, it is the lack of strength, even if it is dead, I can only blame myself too weak ...

Jian Yilang sorted out and worked, I plan to go back to take a break.

After all, the battle is all over the day, it can be really tired.


Jian Yi Lang took the next neck [BT trial spirit module], some difficulties stretched out.

This module brings a lot of aura to Jianchi, and there is also a small side effect.

Under the aura, there is a small damage in the body, and it is very painful.

"It seems that the time to find time to improve the people of the research department." Jian Yiro self-pride.

At this time, Jianchi's intercom was loud.

"Call headquarters! Call headquarters! [People now the world] large-scale armed conflict in the entrance of the headquarters, how to dispose?"

Armed conflict?

Jian Lang feels confused, why the good end of the house will have armed conflicts.

"Is there a clear understanding of the identity of the other person?" Jian Yilang asked.

"Report Minister! It is the Heikawa family! There are more than 150 people!"

"... Ok, I understand, I will rush it right away."

Good guys, Jian Liro understood that it was the helper of Heichuan.

Don't talk more, it is definitely helping Xia Hao.

Jian Liling had a headache to knead his head.

It is really annoying that you have to continue working.

But say ... Master he should not come back ...


When Jian Lang came to [door], the deputy official has come back.

"Matsuma Minister, I have contacted the 'highest battle department', they have already chased the goals." The adjutant said.

"Well, I know, let's go back first."


"......and many more!"

"What is there? Is there anything to do?"

"... you will contact the 'highest battle department', but they sent two to the target, the rest of the [now world] headquarters gateway."


The adjutant said doubts, why Jian Lang wants to change my idea.

But it is just a confused, or the order is still recruiting.

Subsequent sergeant left again.

After Jian Lang looked at the arrival of the officer, he also ran to the headquarters gate.

His idea is actually very simple, Xia Hao is now a crimist of the board, so the faith is not necessarily.

The armed conflict at the entrance of the headquarters is not a small thing, plus the other party is a person in the Heichuan family.

This has to attract it.

Therefore, Jian Yilang will make such a arrangement.


The future Jianyu will regret it now make such a decision.



I have to sweep today, and many things are busy ...

I am bother! !

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