Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1020: , The beginning of rebellion!

Seeing that after he grew up a little bit, his personality has changed a little, and he no longer has the cold personality like the original one, and has also learned the skill of acting like a baby. Zhang Xiang couldn't help but smile. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"So, why didn't you know that it wouldn't be Tsunade-sama, looking at you so cute, or worrying about the current strength of the Hyuga clan, didn't you send you to perform the task?" Zhang Xiang smiled at the fireworks Said.

"Although Tsunade-sama still likes me very much because of my mute sister. However, I know that she is not a person who forgets public affairs for personal matters. Or she might have been such a person. But she is After serving as Hokage, this will never be the case again. Moreover, how is the strength of our Hyuga clan now? Even if we re-development, we can be compared to the Uchiha clan who once occupied Konoha's guard force in its heyday . Or is it comparable to the Senju Clan in the early stage, even stronger than the Uchiha Itachi clan?" Hyuga Huahuo stroked the hair around her ear, and said with a heavy touch on her face.

And she didn't wait for Zhang Xiang's answer, so she went on.

"If our Hyuga clan is not stronger than the Uchiha clan, nor is it stronger than the Senju clan. Then, even if Konoha would scrutinize us, but more of it would want to restrain us. And let the only existing heir of the clan die. If it is, it will cause the Konoha and Hyuga clan conflicts. But why not detonate the already contradictory intra-family conflict! After all, our clan is not built with pride like the Uchiha clan. Unity..." The more Hyuga Huahuo said, the worse his face became.

Because she can already imagine the end of the Hyuga clan.

And listening to the words of Hyuga Huahuo, Zhang Xiang was also a little speechless for a while.

Because, after taking control of Danzo.

Zhang Xiang has learned a lot from Danzo's memory. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

For example, the reason why the Qianshou clan was so dilapidated that it moved away from Konoha and retreated to an unknown place.

Among them, although there are strong people with a thousand hands, apart from Tsunade, it is already the reason for the destruction.

There is a more important reason, and that is that they were excluded from Konoha.

After all, he used to build Konoha with the Uchiha clan.

In the process of building Shinobu Village, they also destroyed many families and forced many families to form Konoha!

For these, when the Thousand Hands Clan is strong, no doubt everything will be suppressed.

Because at that time.

Just one person in Senjujuma could suppress any opposition in Konoha except Uchiha Madara.

However, when Senju Zhuma was fighting with Uchiha Madara’s Valley of End, he was seriously injured and died. In addition, the death of the second generation Naruto Senjuma, the death of Senju rope surgery, and Senju Tsunade’s departure after that.

Those small families that were originally suppressed, as well as some high-level members of Konoha, and the Uchiha clan, who was originally a feud with the Senju clan, began to work together to squeeze the living space of the Senju clan.

Moreover, they were forced to eventually move away from Konoha and live in an unknown place.

Although the process of the Uchiha clan's extermination was different, the result was the same.

Even more serious!

Because of Uchiha Madara's rebellion, the Uchiha clan began to have more and more difficulties in Konoha.

However, this has not yet made them feel rebellious. (Thousands of hands in order to avoid disaster, but also unable to kill Uchiha. The Konoha police force was established, and the main positions are held by Uchiha tribes. This is to express trust in Uchiha, and at the same time can observe Uchiha’s Every move.)

More importantly, Konoha's senior management, as well as the various clan forces that divided the Senju clan and began to grow rapidly, began to use the'Uchiha Madara's rebellion' as an excuse to crowd out the Uchiha clan in a thousand ways.

These things were not too serious when Qianshoujian was there.

However, when Yuan Fei and Tuan Zang competed for Hokage, and Yuan Fei became Hokage for a period of chaos, they evolved to the extreme.

Fortunately, even though the Uchiha clan had received a lot of impact in previous battles, their strength remained largely intact.

Therefore, the Uchiha clan persisted.

However, this has also created a rebellious heart for the Uchiha clan to plant a hidden danger.

Although in the back, the three generations of Hokage promptly used the soft policy.

However, it was useless at that time.

The seeds of dissatisfaction and rebellion are already planted.

After that, due to the birth of the genius Itachi of the Uchiha clan, and the subsequent raging Konoha by Nine Tails, Konoha's combat effectiveness dropped a lot.

Although the Uchiha clan is suspected of using the Shaluyan to control Kyuubi.

However, the Uchiha clan became stronger.

Moreover, he developed the pride in his heart to the extreme.

And it was at this time that rebellious thoughts began to emerge in the upper ranks of the Uchiha clan.

Moreover, the most obvious move was to send a ten (or eleven?) year old Itachi into the Anbu.

After that, he used various methods and Itachi's efforts to make Itachi become the team leader of Anbe when he was thirteen years old.

You know, this is one of the most powerful positions in the Anbu except for the Anbu Minister.

Of course, the Uchiha clan's fate was tragic.

After finding out that the Uchiha clan really had the idea of ​​rebellion, Konoha's senior leaders (mainly Danzo) used Uchiha Itachi to long for Konoha peace, and exchanged the Uchiha clan for his brother’s survival. As a condition, Uchiha Itachi was forced to join this massacre.

In addition, Uchiha Itachi, who was finally forced to behead his parents, attacked his younger brother with monthly reading.

And when Konoha's roots and Anbe set out to surround the Uchiha clan's territory, together with Uchiha Itachi and Madara, and Danzo who shot in the dark, the entire Uchiha clan was destroyed. !

The current Hyuga clan, although the process is different from the Uchiha clan.

However, looking at that direction of development, it is so similar to the Uchiha clan!

Although Konoha's strength is very weak, there is no problem in destroying a family...

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