Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1030: ,Complete body!

It's just that, following the eight different snakes became crazy.

The opponent's strength also increased sharply. Under a single blow,'Suzuonenghu' staggered a little, and Zhang Xiang's flaw was found. A snake's head was wrapped around the Demon Devourer' Suzuonenghu. ''S right hand entangled him firmly.

The other snake heads also took advantage of this opportunity to successfully wrap around the body of Demon Devourer'Suzuonenghu'.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang's Demon Eater'Suzonenghu' was surrounded.

The remaining four snake heads entangled Zhang Xiang's heavily, and his hands were entangled and completely unable to move.

Even the crystal clear scarlet long sword on his right hand fell to the ground.

In his body, two other huge white snake heads were also entangled, and it was very difficult to even move them.

At this time, there was still a crazy look in the eyes of Baqi Orochi.

Just now, it was crazy just because of the Dashewan leading it, letting the nature of the eight-pointed snake that it transformed into be released.

The purpose is to take advantage of Zhang Xiang's despising psychological effect to enable him to successfully entangle Zhang Xiang.

In fact, his goal was accomplished, and Zhang Xiang was successfully recruited.

After successfully accomplishing these things, Dashemaru once again took control back into his own hands.

And with the return of Oshamaru's sanity, the eight-headed snake began to gradually display the winding skills possessed by snakes, and began to crush the body of "Suzuo Nohu" outside Zhang Xiang's body to the limit. .

Under the tens of times the body power possessed by the snake entanglement, even the body of the Demon Devourer's ‘Shu Neng Zuo’ body began to make an overwhelming voice. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

The sound of creaking and creaking sounded constantly.

It was the sound of the body of Demon Devourer "Susanoh" being squeezed, and there were signs of collapse in some places, and it scattered into a pitch-black flame and drifted away from it.

Even Zhang Xiang's body was under tremendous pressure.

After all, in order to be able to skillfully control the ‘must be able to left,’ he connects his mental power to it!

However, he didn't have the slightest worry.

Because his strength is far more than that!

"Amaterasu!" In the key-shaped kaleidoscope of Zhang Xiang's left eye, a dark pattern of a pentagram appeared.

But at the next moment, as Zhang Xiang's sight shifted.

The dark flames from the center of the sun also began to spread rapidly, starting to shift from where Zhang Xiang's line of sight was in the direction where his line of sight shifted.

It was only two seconds, and the body of the Eight-Different Big Snake was close to being covered with some dark flames.

The terrifying dark flames, burning the body of the Eight-Different Serpent, made it roar out in pain.

It's just the next moment.

What shocked Zhang Xiang a little, but it happened.

The head of a snake that was originally entangled with him actually bit his other head.

And that other giant white snake head didn't even resist.

Then, it turned into a puddle of white liquid, diffused towards his body, covering the dark skylight that was about to follow its struggle and covered the entire body.

And something magical happened.

The fire of the Amaterasu, which would never go out as long as the burning items were not completely burned, turned out to be quickly extinguished under the cover of those white liquids.

And, as the white liquid was covered, the other ones were cut off by Zhang Xiang, or were torn apart violently, and they started to squirm quickly, as if they were about to recover quickly.

However, Zhang Xiang is not in the mood to observe these.

Because, as one of the heads of the Eight-Different Big Snake turned into white liquid, the power that entangled Zhang Xiang suddenly dropped by one level.

Being unable to move from the beginning, it has reached an acceptable level.

But at the next moment, under Zhang Xiang's control, Demon Devourer'Suzonenghu' once again showed off.

"Give it to me!" Zhang Xiang roared.

The pupil power in his eyes quickly revealed, and it turned into the study needed for the recovery and growth of the Demon Devourer "Suzuonenhu".

In the next instant, a large amount of pitch black flames burst out from Zhang Xiang's body.

The Demon Devourer'Suzonenghu' outside Zhang Xiang's body also roared.

The huge roar can be heard even several miles away.

Then, the Demon Devourer'Suzonenghu', which was originally fixed at about 20 meters, began to increase further.

The sound of ‘creak, creak...’ continued.

That was the sound of bone growth, and as the Demon Devourer'Suzuo Nenghu' grew, the Eight-Different Serpent entwined outside the body of the Demon Devourer'Suzuo Nenghu' suddenly felt extremely powerful pressure.

A strong tearing sensation came from around its body, as if to pull him into segments of existence.

Under this kind of extremely powerful oppression, even the Eight-Different Orochi can only temporarily avoid the edge.

However, it wants to leave, but Zhang Xiang is unwilling.

The Demon Devourer ‘Suzano Naka’, who successfully continued to grow, stretched out his hands and suddenly grabbed the head of the huge white snake that had evacuated from his body at the latest.


"Ahhhhh!!!" Zhang Xiang shouted like a madman, with blue veins on his forehead.

And just in the next instant, only with the power of Demon Devourer's'beard can be left', the neck of that huge white snake head was violently torn into two ends.

Scarlet blood splattered the field once again, and fell on the body of Demon Devourer "Suzuonenhu", and a puff of red steam came out.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang's attack is not over yet!

He took a step back, grabbed his crystal scarlet long sword that had fallen aside, and pulled it out from the soft grass.

Then, the body of the huge Demon Devourer ‘Xu Neng Zuo Hu’ turned half of its body, and even waved out an afterimage, directly slashing past the body of the eight-pointed snake...

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