Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1036: , The reference room!

However, after watching for a while, Zhang Xiang already put the trophy in his hand, the Kusanaru Sword, the "Sora no Taiblade" into the space bag.

Then, he began to look for another Kusanaru sword that might exist.

After all, the Kusanaru sword in this world is different from the previous life, or other worlds.

In the world of Naruto, there are many Kusana swords.

The "Sora no Taiblade" owned by Oshemaru is the Kusanaru sword, and the short blade in the mouth of the poisonous snake that comes out of his mouth is the Kusanaru sword.

The ten-fist sword in the hands of Uchiha Itachi's "Suto Zuohu" is also a Kusana sword.

Even the sword in Uchiha's assistant was called Kusanaru Sword.

Therefore, in the world of Naruto, Kusanaru sword refers specifically to a type of sword.

Of course, among this kind of swords, the most powerful swords are still two.

One is the Kusuna Sword in Zhang Xiang's hand. The sharpness of this sword makes even the Ape Demon with a diamond body feel pain when it touches it.

From this, you can see the sharpness of this Kusanaru sword.

The other one was searched for by Oshemaru, but it was eventually obtained by Uchiha Itachi. In the original work, it was finally used by Uchiha Itachi to seal Oshemaru's "Ten Fist Sword".

Its abilities are terrifying, and the stabbed person will be'permanently' sealed in the world of drunken dreams.

Of course, in addition to the two Kusana swords, the other Kusana swords are also extremely sharp things.

Anyone who can get one of them is already very lucky.

Only the powerful Oshe Maru with a research addiction will collect three of them. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Of course, there are only two now.

After all, one of them was already given to Sasuke Uchiha by him.

However, after Zhang Xiang searched for a long time, he still couldn't find the relatively short Kusuna sword.

Zhang Xiang guessed that it was probably because Da She Wan had placed the Kusana Sword in the psychic world.

And, with his death, he continued to stay in the psychic world.

After all, every time Dashewan summoned Kusanagi sword, it was spit out from his mouth.

And in a person's stomach, it is obviously not suitable to hide a sharp Kusanagi sword that will be injured even if it is touched.

In addition, Zhang Xiang had already used his mental perception to scan the surrounding environment more than once, even the area five meters underground, but he couldn't find it.

That's why Zhang Xiang thinks so.

Therefore, after drawing this conclusion.

Zhang Xiang gave up the search and ran towards the very low of Dashewan.

And after a few minutes, Zhang Xiang finally returned to the base of Dashemaru.

To be precise, he was standing on the semi-elliptical crater that collapsed and had a diameter of more than two hundred meters.

Of course, Zhang Xiang didn't come back here to watch a big hole collapse.

What he wanted to find was the related research results of Da She Wan, as well as some secrets he recorded.

Zhang Xiang believes that within such a short time since he came here to fight.

It is impossible for Dashemaru and Tou to store all the things or destroy them.

Therefore, under this collapsed base, there must be a lot of relevant information buried.

Of course, Zhang Xiang did not choose to use the dumb method of digging out everything.

After all, for him, there are more useful things.

That is, his lv5 mental power.

Although, because of the obstruction of the soil layer, Zhang Xiang's mental perception scan can't be done on the ground. It can scan things within a radius of 10,000 meters.

However, it is very easy to go deeper into the ground and cover the entire collapsed area of ​​the Oshemaru base.

It was only more than 30 seconds, and Zhang Xiang had already found something related.

Perhaps it's because of Dashewan's research habit, and likes to record the research.

Zhang Xiang found a secret room that records related experiments and secrets.

What's even more amazing is that the secret room did not collapse.

Whether this was an accident, was not affected by the collapse, or Dashewan guessed that he wanted to use the collapse to cover up his research data room. Zhang Xiang didn't know at this time.

However, he knew it and posted it himself.

With these data, combined with the relevant human body research data from "School City," he can set off on the road to create artificial blood and limit ninja.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhang Xiang's research strength is stronger than that of Da She Wan.

In terms of achievements in research, Da She Maru is undoubtedly better than Zhang Xiang by a thousand times.

However, Zhang Xiang stands on the basis of the highest research in the two worlds.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang has this kind of idea.

Of course, Zhang Xiang also knew that this kind of thought of his own was just a fantasy at present.

If you want to realize it truly, you need related experiments and operations.

To accomplish these things, the most important thing at present is to get relevant data and information.

So in the next moment.

Zhang Xiang's body sank toward the collapsed ground.

Although his soil ninjutsu is not as high as his achievements in thunder ninjutsu or fire ninjutsu.

However, if you want to show the ninjutsu.

For him who is already a movie-level powerhouse and has no shortcomings, it is not so difficult.

However, Zhang Xiang sank below ten meters, and after arriving at the base, Zhang Xiang still did not stop.

Instead, it continued to sink below.

Because, that data room was not established in the base, and there was only a secret door connected to the base.

From this, you can see its concealment, and why it did not collapse in the collapse.

"Here!" Zhang Xiang's feet were empty.

Immediately, his entire body appeared from the ceiling of the research reference room.

Then, the whole person fell downward...

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