Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1040: , The root of the underground!

It's just that when Hinata, whose face was flushed, panicked and wanted to walk back.

Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and grabbed her right hand.

"Don't panic, I'm not a big shark or something. Besides, I've been here for so long. Are you still so uncomfortable?" Zhang Xiang said with a joke, and pulled Hinata's body over and hugged him. In the arms.

"No, that, that's not it." In Zhang Xiang's arms, Hinata said blushing.

However, she did not dare to struggle vigorously.

Because, after she struggled vigorously last time, she was crumpled and twisted in Zhang Xiang's arms.

The thought of this made Hinata's face flushed even more.

However, Zhang Xiang did not take any further action.

After all, it's broad daylight now.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiang hugged the two women, walked downstairs, and enjoyed a meal specially made by Hinata for him.


The night came quietly.

After Bai and the others went to sleep, Zhang Xiang went to the secret base of the roots-the middle of the huge underground pipeline base without the women noticing them.

It was a very dark secret room, and it seemed very wet because of being deep underground.

If ordinary people stay here for a long time, I'm afraid they will get sick soon.

Because of this, Zhang Xiang used to curse Danzo in secret when he was forcibly assigned a task by Danzo.

Cursed him for having joint rheumatism earlier, making him sore to death in this environment

Of course, this is just a good wish. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

In fact, Danzo is already in his seventies, although his body has been transplanted with many messy things.

However, his body is still great.

Of course, except for his apparent strength, he has already dropped a lot.

You know, Danzo's strength was once able to compete with the three generations of Hokage to a certain extent.

And the three generations of Naruto are called the strongest in history. (Although it was later shown that the resurrected first generation (the first generation with self-awareness and the resurrection of the corpse of Bai Jue made by his cells) is at the level of hegemony, and the three generations are not comparable even if they are young.)

From this, it can be seen that Danzo was once stronger, at least the existence of the shadow class.

If his strength had not dropped so much, Zhang Xiang would not have been able to control the opponent without making such a big movement.

Of course, if Zhang Xiang was willing to use all his strength, it would be another matter.

However, there is another reason for Danzo's decline besides his own age.

Then there is no time.

Imagine how many things need to be dealt with in a day for a huge root.

Because there are only a hundred core members at the root.

But extending from these more than one hundred cores, it spreads to all aspects of the Konoha Ninja. The members of each family, as well as the outer members of the spies from the outer village, add up to more than ten times the core members.

Of course, many of the spies, as well as the root members of the periphery, are double-faced or even multi-faceted spies.

However, while they are using the roots, aren't the roots also using them at the same time? !

This is the root, the root buried deep under the Konoha.

Although Zhang Xiang is not only in the past, even now he has no good feelings about Danzo, and it can even be said to be hatred.

For a period of time, after he indirectly controlled the roots through Danzo, he still dreamed of changing the roots so that they were no longer dark, at least not to harm good people.

However, what actually happened was to slap Zhang Xiang severely.

It's not that if you don't want to hurt others, others won't hurt you.

It's not that you let others go, they will let you go.

The only criterion for breaking free between Ninja villages and different forces is profit.

During that period, because of Zhang Xiang's unauthorized intervention, there was even a little chaos.

It was not until Zhang Xiang resumed Danzo's technique that this small chaos was suppressed.

From that time on, Zhang Xiang understood what Danzo once said to the three generations of Hokage (you are Konoha bathed in the sun, and I am the root buried deep in the dark), and as the leader of the roots, he needs to consider How many things are there.

Originally because Zhang Xiang was hiding in the dark, he could also indirectly control Danzo to do these things.

(To explain here, Danzo was not completely controlled, but his mind was transformed and he became completely loyal to Zhang Xiang, but when Zhang Xiang did not go beyond, he was still the same Danzo.)

However, Zhang Xiang, who is now gradually approaching the front desk, has to gradually take over some things.

And these things undoubtedly took up a lot of Zhang Xiang's time.

Sometimes, after adding one's own tasks, it becomes even more busy, and there is even no time for cultivation.

However, at this time, Zhang Xiang thought of a way to strengthen himself.

No, it shouldn't be said that it is to strengthen one's own strength, but to extend the time when one can burst out the strongest combat effectiveness.

That is to seal into his body a ‘tail beast’ that is similar to a tail beast, which can continuously provide him with strength.

This is how he intends to increase his strength from the side.

Although, almost all the tail beasts in the Ninja World are famous flowers.

Moreover, in Zhang Xiang's plan, he intends to resurrect Ten Tails.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to catch any of those nine-headed beasts.

However, don't forget that in the world of Naruto, there are other existences with power similar to the tail beast.

Among them, Zhang Xiang's target was sealed in the country of ghosts and sealed by the witches of the past. In the age of the samurai, the "sprite" that almost destroyed the world was once.

That is even more ancient than the existence of the tail beast!

But at this moment, a figure with roots suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Sir, you have already determined the relevant seal location of the'sprite'." The root said on his knees.

"So good, let's go!" Zhang Xiang didn't say much, so he put on his monkey face mask and disappeared into this damp basement...

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