Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1047: , Sprite liberation!


The barrier that had been heavily reinforced by generations of witches suddenly shattered into a crack. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

It's just that at the moment that crack appeared, the barrier seemed to have triggered some device, and it started to shine.

In the light that gradually flourished, the crack was being covered by the light like a streamer, and was recovering at an extremely fast speed.

But at this moment.

From the enchantment covered by gray volcanic ash and twisted purple-black energy, two purple-black tentacles intertwined, forming a sharp spear, suddenly rushed out of the smoke, and slammed into it. Brighten up above the crack in the barrier.

Suddenly, with the sound of ‘crack’, the crack that had been repaired for most of the time became bigger.

Moreover, with the impact of the thick purple-black demonic energy covering the sharp spear, the crack continued to increase.

The scene seemed to be temporarily deadlocked.

But don’t forget, Sprite’s purple-black tentacles are not just two!

In the next moment, more mutilated purple and black tentacles burst out of the chaotic smoke, whipping them like a whip onto the bright barrier, forming the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.


With such a crisp sound, the enchantment that was originally very bright suddenly shattered into countless fragments and waved toward the surroundings.


At the same time, in the country of ghosts dozens of miles away, Maitreya, who was originally with her daughter Zi Fan, suddenly felt anxious. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"It seems like something bad is about to happen..." She frowned slightly, looking far away at the place where the sprites were sealed.

However, because of the sealed enchantment displayed by the roots, she was unable to receive the message that the enchantment was already broken.

At this moment, her daughter's voice rang from the courtyard.

"Mother, mother, hurry up, I'm done." A cheerful voice came from the courtyard, making Maitreya a smile on his face and walking towards the courtyard.

However, before she walked in, she still looked at the sprite's direction.

"I just hope, it's better not to happen..." She whispered worriedly.


Let us turn our gaze back to the crater, as the barrier that resisted the eruption of the'tail beast bomb' shattered into countless fragments.

The frantic negative power and the tumbling volcanic ash also waved around.

The frantic power and the tumbling volcanic ash were only two seconds, and they had already swept the entire cave.

Only in this chaotic scene.

Zhang Xiang's figure did not move.

In front of him, among the rolling volcanic ash, the huge figure of the sprite faintly appeared in it.

However, even through the faint volcanic ash, the awkward figure of the sprite is undoubtedly revealed.

Even if the sprite itself possesses resistance to negative energy, the violent negative energy erupted from the ‘tailed beast bullet’ still almost tore its body.

Therefore, although it escaped from the enchantment, it still suffered heavy losses.

This can be seen from the missing half of its head and several broken tentacles.

But the other party didn't seem to want to wait for the smoke and dust to fall, and already launched an attack, wanting to remove the obstacle of Zhang Xiang.

The five purple-black tentacles that looked like an octopus launched a violent attack towards Zhang Xiang from five directions.

The place where the tentacles waved, even because of the strong wind pressure, and the rapid speed, left a rare gap in the smoke and dust.

As for the strong and corrosive purple-black demonic energy that pervades the surface of the tentacles, it goes without saying.

Even if a huge rock stands in front of them, it must be whipped into countless pieces!

However, facing such an attack, Zhang Xiang did not have the slightest timidity.

More precisely, Zhang Xiang has never been afraid.

Because the opponent's attack should be violent, can it be comparable to the tail beast attack?

However, Zhang Xiang's "Suzuonenghu" was able to withstand the beast bullets.

It's just that Zhang Xiang didn't intend to use "Suzuonenghu" this time.

Because, he suddenly felt that the power of ‘enchantment’, as long as it is used well, the practicality is not inferior to the other powerful ninjutsu.

So, at the instant when the five powerful purple-black tentacles bombarded, Zhang Xiang just moved his right hand.

"Jie!" Zhang Xiang said such a word softly, but his eyes looked at the figure in the smoke without hesitation.

But at the next moment, that fierce attack suddenly came with strong wind pressure.

The five purple-black tentacles carrying Wanjun power suddenly bombarded Zhang Xiang's body.

No, it's not Zhang Xiang's body, it should be said that it bombarded Zhang Xiang's body and did not know when it appeared above the purple enchantment.

Like the roar of a giant clock, it instantly swept across the cave.

Although that whole enchantment, because of the sprites' five consecutive attacks, it has become shaky, worrying about being broken at any time.

However, it was blocked.

The ‘Enchantment Technique’ Zhang Xiang displayed was to resist the five fierce purple-black tentacles attacks.

It only uses a barrier that is thicker than paper.

However, defense has never been a word in Zhang Xiang's dictionary.

After resisting the continuous explosion, it was after the attack of the huge monster sprite that was already a little exhausted.

Zhang Xiang's counterattack has already started.

"Knots, knots, knots, knots, knots!" Zhang Xiang continued to shout several times in a low voice, which rang from the slightly empty crater.

At the same time, the five consecutive purple enchantments trapped the five huge purple-black tentacles before they had time to withdraw them.

Then, Zhang Xiang only said a few words.


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