Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1069: , The sun wheel!


The violent explosion, the dazzling red and blue light that can blind human eyes, and the soaring fire light once again wiped out this area that was almost demolished. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

In the field of vision brought by Zhang Xiang's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye's super dynamic vision.

In the eyes of the human world not far in front of Zhang Xiang, there seemed to be a flash of surprise.

However, he still did not give up. With the chakra wave burst out of his body, his body once again approached Zhang Xiang.

Just a little bit, you can touch Zhang Xiang's head.

Zhang Xiang raised his head slightly, looking at the other person's plain eyes and the right hand that was only a few centimeters from his forehead.

However, the so-called difference is a thousand miles away.

At the moment he was about to succeed, he was overwhelmed by the red and blue light that surpassed the speed of sound and reached the realm of sound speed without any struggle.

Looking at his body, it disappeared little by little in the blue-white flame that was compressed to the extreme.

In the end, only a black rag embroidered with red clouds fluttered out, and was completely swallowed by the soaring flames that took a step slower.

Then, that unstoppable red and blue light continued to impact straight towards the area where the Dao was on the day.

The Heavenly Dao at this time was already in the time of the skill cooldown after the "Shen Luo Tianzheng" was used.

As one of the clones of Nagato's six abilities, his abilities only have the three abilities of'Shen Luo Tianzheng','Vanxiang Tianyin' and'Earth Burst Heaven'.

However, the "Shenluo Tianzheng" he is most suitable for dealing with this situation is in cooling down, and the "Vanxiang Tianyin" is obviously not suitable for the current situation. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

As for the "Earth Burst Star", not to mention that performing this trick requires him to take all the Chakra and attention from the other Dao to the Tian Dao.

The distance between the two parties and the time to perform this trick are not enough.

Therefore, in the face of such a situation, Tiandao seems to have only one way to die.

However, accidents always occur.

In other words, in the face of an enemy like the Six Ways of Payne, it is impossible that accidents will not occur.

Just when the sky-high blue-white light was about to submerge the Heavenly Dao, he quickly squatted down and displayed a ninjutsu trick.

"Psychic art!" He slammed his right hand to the ground, and the vigorous white mist enveloped him.

Then, as soon as the connecting spirit came out without seeing anything, Dao's body that day was already overwhelmed by the blue-white light, the skyrocketing flames, and the successive explosions.

Two seconds later, Zhang Xiang, who was embarrassed by the shock wave of the explosion, broke free from the rubble of the broken house and looked in the direction of Heaven.

"Did you kill it?" Zhang Xiang squinted his eyes slightly, and put down his hands that were blocking the shock wave in front of him.

However, before Zhang Xiang could clearly see the situation in the smoke and dust, a black shadow had already flew down from midair.

"This is?" Zhang Xiang quickly raised his head, and instantly saw the dark shadow coming from the attack. What was it?

Then, after firing all the shells stored in the body, even after releasing his own hands as weapons, he used himself as a human shell to jump into the air and directly impacted Shura Road.

And the moment Zhang Xiang saw the opponent, the opponent's attack also came at the same time.

"Vertical bomb!" A strong, flat voice sounded.

Immediately, Shura Dao's body hit the ground heavily.

And like a real cannonball, a huge impact and explosive power spread wildly around, sweeping away the rubble of the house that had been impacted by the Shenluo Tianzheng directly. The circle comes.

And of course, after discovering the opponent's attack, Zhang Xiang immediately launched the instantaneous technique to avoid this human bomb.

However, Zhang Xiang ignored one point.

That is, Payne's vision is shared.

And because of this, the moment Zhang Xiang escaped using the instantaneous technique, the attack came again.

"Sawtooth flying!" In the smoke formed by the explosion, several jagged flywheels flew out suddenly, splitting the air and galloping towards Zhang Xiang's direction, like a waltz, from all directions Surrounded Zhang Xiang on the ground.

It's just that these flywheels that rushed forward were not caught in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

At the moment when the flywheel struck, the "Sora no Taiblade" Grass Naruto sword appeared once again on Zhang Xiang's right hand.

He closed his eyes slightly.

Then, at the next moment, a round of sunshine appeared.

"Three Sun Moon Dance Sun Wheel!" Zhang Xiang opened his eyes slightly, and raised his right hand slightly, drawing a weird trace.

Brilliant sunlight shining on the vigorous "Sora no Taiblade" grass naruto sword, reflecting a dazzling sunlight.

But this ray of sunshine, how can it not be regarded as a round of sun!

However, at the next moment, the sun wheel appeared.

Under the control of Zhang Xiang's right hand, the Kusuna Sword of the ‘empty blade’ began to move slowly and quickly.

The dazzling sunlight also drew a dazzling light in the air following the movement of Kusanaru sword.

Gradually, it dazzled like a real sun wheel.

But in the dazzling sun, the fiery red light flashed from time to time, just like a flare burst on the surface of the sun, so dazzling.

Voices such as ‘ding, ding, ding...’ sounded continuously.

The several flywheels flew out from the dazzling sun wheel formed by the sword light, and fell weakly to the ground.

The end of the body made of steel that touched the slash was glowing red, and there was a hint of melting.

It's like this flywheel just hit a corner of this small sun.

This is what Zhang Xiang will use his position to collect, the three-day moon dance created by the second generation of Naruto and his own power are combined to transform a swordsmanship attack suitable for him.

The Moon Wheel pays attention to the fictitious and the real, the true and the false. It hides its body in the illusion created by the power of angels and sword moves, and sneaks from it, or hides its own figure.

The Sun Wheel, on the other hand, pays attention to being upright and upright, using the fire magic power as the source to carry out head-on attacks against the enemy.

However, as mentioned earlier, the vision of the Six Paths of Payne is shared.

Now that Shura Dao, who was in the impact dust, could determine Zhang Xiang's position and launch an attack.

That means that at least one of Penn's six paths can bring Zhang Xiang into his field of vision!

Because of this, the other one of Penn’s Six Paths, the attack is coming soon!

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