Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1073: , Close combat!

Clang, Clang!

Zhang Xiang's "Sky Blade" drew a cold light, knocking out the two black rods that came. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But at this time.

Another dark shadow already appeared behind Zhang Xiang, his hands reached out, and the two black rods that flew past Zhang Xiang were held in his hands.

Then, there was no time to pause, and he swung the black stick in his hand towards Zhang Xiang, and slammed it towards Zhang Xiang's body.

Two black rods were in the air, drawing out two illusory afterimages, and even the air was pressed out of an inconspicuous trace.

However, Zhang Xiang, who has already spread lv5's mental perception abilities within a hundred meters of his own circumference, is so easy to be attacked?

He didn't even turn his body, just waved the aqua blue wings behind him.

So, in the next moment.

The aqua-blue wings that were more than six meters long behind Zhang Xiang suddenly flashed a stream of light. The entire water wings weighed tens of tons, and they slapped the incoming figure heavily. Above, he slapped the opponent's body and slammed into the cliff next to him.

Even the black rod in his hand, which was originally as hard as steel, broke into two pieces under that powerful force.

However, Zhang Xiang's actions are not over yet!

‘Dare to play close combat with me, do you think I came up with all my well-trained fighting skills? Zhang Xiang sneered inwardly.

However, his body was not affected at all.

With the power of the water wing to shoot the figure flying, coupled with the acceleration skills of the water wing itself, Zhang Xiang’s whole figure just like a teleportation catches up with the two black lines that just flung out. In front of the great human world.

Then, without hesitation, Zhang Xiang waved the long sword in his hand and cut it towards the opponent's body.

If it is really cut, then depending on the sharpness of the "Sora no Taiblade" and Zhang Xiang's powerful power, even if there are any black rods in the body of the human world, it will be cut. In two paragraphs.

However, it was already at the moment when Zhang Xiang flapped his wings.

The human world had already captured Zhang Xiang's attack by relying on the eyes of the **** road that Zhang Xiang shot and flew out.

Therefore, at the moment when Zhang Xiang arrived.

The human world that was originally swayed by this one suddenly turned his body, and two black rods appeared on his hands.

It's just that this time he took out two black sticks not for offense.

On the contrary, it is for defense.

Because, in the next moment.

The two black rods in the hands of the human world appeared in front of him overlappingly, colliding with Zhang Xiang's slashing attack that rushed over.

And of course, how can the hasty defense of the human world withstand Zhang Xiang's attack?

Not to mention, don't look at his actions right now.

But in fact, after the shock just now.

The human world still reluctantly forced the muscles of his legs, bursting out with such a powerful force that bounced out of the smoke and dust, already causing the muscles of his feet to burst.

Even the other muscles in his body have suffered considerable involvement.

Therefore, in the next moment.

The human world that was not able to show enough power, the two black rods that he held on his hands to resist the attack, were quickly knocked upside down and flew out because of insufficient power.

A cold light successfully slashed past the human body.

However, after the slash, Zhang Xiang's eyes showed a trace of pity.

‘It’s really a shame, if the opportunity was better grasped just now, it’s more than just a big hit. Zhang Xiang sighed in his heart as he looked at the human world that was flying out of his chest because of his slash and strength.

Because the slash he just did not succeed in slashing the human world into two sections, it just drew a huge gap in front of the opponent's chest.

Perhaps, such an attack is a huge damage to humans, and can even make the opponent lose most of the combat power.

However, such damage is far from enough for Payne Six.

Because the human world in front of Zhang Xiang is just a corpse being manipulated!

If the human path (corpse) manipulated by the opponent is not damaged to a certain extent, it is impossible to lose his combat effectiveness.

‘However, since the opponent’s whole body muscles, most of them are already broken. It is also very difficult to threaten me. Zhang Xiang felt the opponent's body that became more tattered after resisting his own slash, and came to a conclusion.

However, the conclusion is the conclusion.

But for Zhang Xiang, no matter whether the enemy still has combat capability, only the dead enemy is a good enemy.

Thinking of this, a trace of coldness flashed in Zhang Xiang's slightly scarlet kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

The aqua-blue wings behind him fluttered again.

The whole person once again turned into a water-blue afterimage, and chased up in the direction of the human road that was flying backwards quickly.

Only when it came to halfway.

Another figure shot flying out by Zhang Xiang appeared in front of Zhang Xiang once again. His mysterious black robe embroidered with red clouds has become tattered and exposed. Underneath that sturdy body.

Yes, he is Shura Dao.

As soon as he appeared, he rushed towards Zhang Xiang directly like a wild cannonball.

I don't know if it's because the opponent's physical quality is very good, or it has been specially modified, but the strength of the opponent's body is much higher than the others.

As a result, the powerful physical attack just now only caused injuries equivalent to minor injuries.

However, facing the arrogant Shura Dao, Zhang Xiang did not intend to dodge it.

For him, who has fully activated his lv5 physical enhancement, he does not believe that there is still a person's pure power, which is greater than him.

Therefore, in the next moment.

Zhang Xiang unexpectedly put away the Kusanaru Sword in his hand, and clenched his right fist.

"Let me try, how powerful is my full punch. Take it!" Zhang Xiang roared, a look of excitement appeared on his face, and the powerful force followed the beating of his powerful heart. , And it keeps pouring out.

Then, it quickly gathered on his right hand, like a beast accumulating power.

Once it broke out, it would be a shocking effect!

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