Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1077: , The power of death!

And at the moment when Zhang Xiang successfully performed the deification, the weakened version of "Super God Luo Tianzheng" that surpassed the level of twelve storm, also came to Zhang Xiang. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

And, in the next moment, the beam of light outside Zhang Xiang's body began to violently impact.

In an instant, the inexplicable thunder and lightning, the air shock waves colliding with each other, and the shattered light of energy impact suddenly burst out from the impact place.

A hurricane equivalent to about level 12, centered on the beams of Shenluo Tianzheng and Zhang Xiang, impacted in all directions.

Under this hurricane, the houses under Zhang Xiang's feet and the surroundings were instantly uprooted by the hurricane that was enough to uproot the trees that were tens of meters deep, and they flew up and shot in all directions.

The ground under Zhang Xiang's feet instantly changed from a complete street to a barren ground, and it was still bumpy ground by various winds.

Some items that were lifted up were attracted by the vacuum holes created when the beams of light of the Shen Luo Tianzheng and the angel's power collided with each other.

Then, it was crushed by the extremely strong energy shock wave, and it was crushed into pieces and turned into something comparable to sand.

This is the power generated by the collision between their two forces.

Even if a shadow-level powerhouse was involved, he would be dismembered instantly, and then turned into countless scarlet pieces.

It's just that the light beam of angel power that Zhang Xiang temporarily displayed, after resisting it for a while, was obviously unable to resist it.

Cracks began to crack quickly outside the beam of light, as if the beam of light was substantial. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, in a state of deification, Zhang Xiang, who was extremely calm, was not at all affected by that beam of light about to break.

Not to mention that after deification, Zhang Xiang's thinking will gradually lean towards the indifferent and ruthless way of thinking of the gods, just like a computer.

In other words, the situation in front of him is better, which was originally within Zhang Xiang's expectations.

After all, even though Zhang Xiang had captured the position of'God Power Gabriel', it was only the position of the opponent.

The other party's body with almost incalculable angel power, and his soul that was already close to complete regularization, Zhang Xiang didn't get it.

Therefore, even if it succeeded in seizing the opponent's position, and deified.

But his strength is still far behind the opponent's body.

Not to mention, this is not the world of the magic banned book catalog. Using the power of angels can't help not getting the bonus of the believer's power, and there are signs of weakening. (The structure of rules in each world is different.)

Therefore, he had no delusions at first, and after he was deified, he could successfully resist the opponent's ninjutsu attack that was almost annihilating the village.

All he wanted was to delay time.

And just when the beam of light began to shatter, Zhang Xiang's preparations were finally almost complete.

He closed his eyes slightly and sank his consciousness into his body. At the beginning, when the consciousness entered the body, he could only feel a lot of darkness.

However, gradually, a ray of light was slowly revealed in his vision.

The surrounding environment seemed to be opening his own mystery.

It's just that Zhang Xiang was not in the mood to observe the mystery in his body at this time, but directly sank his consciousness to the place of his heart.

In this place symbolizing the flow of vitality, a large amount of magic power flows from his heart.

Moreover, it is being transmitted to his whole body with the flow of blood.

However, that was just ordinary magic power, not the undead magic power he used in the Academy City to transform the undead reincarnated.

However, this time Zhang Xiang did not intend to transform his magic power into undead magic power.

And the higher thing, the power of the underworld!

Although the magic power in Zhang Xiang's body is very refined, it is very rough compared to the power of angels.

But next, Zhang Xiang's movements are to use both the power of angels and magic at the same time.

If the level of magic power is not good, then the chance of failure will greatly increase.

But Zhang Xiang thought about it, but found that even after transforming it into undead magic power, using the Underfire for the essence is not comparable to the level of angel power.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Zhang Xiang made a risky decision.

That is, using the ‘Book of Death’ hidden in one’s heart to transform that magical power into the power of the underworld.

"Found it!" Zhang Xiang's eyes lit up, looking at the ‘Book of Death’ hidden in his heart, as if he was breathing with the beating of his heart.

It's just that the breath absorbed by the "Book of Death" is not air, but magic.

The wisps of magic generated from his heart are attracted by the "Book of Death" hidden in the heart, and it looks simple and unpretentious, but in fact I don't know how many superimpositions it depicts. Inside the pages of the magic circle.

Then, he swallowed it out like breathing.

Finally, it was superimposed into a circle of dark energy surrounding the'Book of Death', and was swallowed by that dark power.

"This... is the power of death?!" The pupils of Zhang Xiang's eyes shrank suddenly, and an incredible look flashed in his eyes.

"Impossible, how could the legendary power of death appear here? Even the "Book of Death" cannot be transformed into the "power of death". Because, that is even the soul of the gods, It can be completely annihilated! If it were not for the death of more than a million souls in the underworld at the same time, it would be impossible to transform even a trace of'death force'!" Zhang Xiang's eyes were full of shock, and his mind It turned into a paste.

With such a level of existence, he didn't even think about it.

Because the level of the'Power of Death' is too high, so high that even most of the gods in the legend can hardly grasp the existence.

With his existence of this level, I am afraid that he would not even have the opportunity to get close, so his soul would be completely wiped out.

Such a thing appeared in his heart, how could this make him not feel shocked?

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