Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1082: , Combined ninjutsu!

The explosion that resembled a nuclear explosion swept all around, but the aftermath of the explosion that was originally swept towards Kakashi and others was completely absorbed by a spatial vortex that suddenly appeared when they hit them. .

However, even Kakashi's supernatural power is better.

With its size, at best, it was barely enough to protect him and the people behind him.

The aftermath of the violent explosion continued to raging towards the various parties in Konoha Village.

Seeing the explosion that spread rapidly, a desperate expression appeared on the faces of the villagers before all the evacuated villagers had time.

Because anyone who looks at the intensity and scope of the explosion knows that he can't survive anyway.

A desperate voice came from their throats. Some people had already knelt to the ground, while others were screaming in horror.

However, even when they were most desperate, a series of voices appeared.

"Combined Ninjutsu Dodo Doryu City!" 50

I don't know when, in Konoha Ninja Village, a semi-elliptical line formed by people with long intervals appeared.

They all jumped to the ground separately, and quickly laid the scrolls they were carrying on the ground, and their hands began to print quickly.

And, at the next moment, he pressed his hands on the scroll.

And in the next moment, the root ninjas above the ninja among the elites with the soil descent attribute selected from the roots, and the S-level soil ninjutsu "Doryu Castle" jointly displayed are like miracles. Generally appeared in their vision. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

It was as thick as a city wall, with a wall more than three meters thick, one by one emerging from below the ground, and quickly connected and merged together.

Just in the blink of an eye, a huge wall made up of thousands of reinforced versions of the earthen wall was already straddling the Konoha Ninja Village.

And, in the next moment, it completely impacted with the aftermath of the explosion.


An earthquake like a mountain shook suddenly spread throughout the entire Konoha Ninja Village.

The thick and thick city wall began to shake violently, and some cracks even appeared in some places.

Watching this scene, most of the villagers' hearts were raised.

Some people have already closed their eyes.

However, some people were praying secretly.

And I don't know if God heard their voices, or the shock wave could not break through the city wall.

With fifty root ninjas continuously instilling into Chakra, the thick and thick wall finally persisted, completely resisting the fiercest wave of impact.

As for the next shock, even the first wave of shock was successfully maintained.

Then, how could the subsequent waves of weaker and weaker impacts bring damage to the wall that crossed half of Konoha?

Not to mention, the root ninjas who are exporting chakras are constantly repairing the damaged parts of the city wall.

After two seconds, the shock finally passed completely.

And just outside that city wall.

"It's finally over..." Kakashi said weakly, the pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels quickly returned to normal, and the whole person almost did not fall to the ground.

However, fortunately, Mike Kay by his side would not watch him have an accident.

"Are you all right?" Mike Kay said nervously.

"No... it's okay, it's just some chakras and excessive physical exertion... The important thing is, what about the village..." Kakashi said weakly.

However, just before he finished speaking, a clamor rang from behind them.

It was a cheer of joy after experiencing a near death, and it was also a crazy vent of fear in the past.


"We don't have to die..."

"Oye...thank you, root ninja..."

A series of cheers came from far behind, making Shinobu on the scene a little unbelievable.

And at this moment, Shangren finally found something wrong.

"This, this is?" Xiyanghong looked at the continuous stretch behind her, as if she couldn't see the end. It was a dozen meters high and pierced the oval wall of Konoha. She couldn't help but let out an exclaim.

"City...City wall?!" Asma also glanced at the city wall not far behind him in shock, not even knowing that the cigarette in her mouth was about to burn out.

"What's the matter? Who has the ability to perform such a powerful ninjutsu in an instant?" Mike Kay's face also showed a surprised face, looking at the thick and thick city wall in front of him. .

Kakashi, who only heard the word ‘root ninja’ and learned that Zhang Xiang was also a member of the root, thought of something slightly.

"It seems that he has really become amazing..." Kakashi said with complicated eyes, meaninglessly.


On the other side, although Zhang Xiang was already trying his best to control it.

But the energy shock wave that burst out completely was not completely controlled by Zhang Xiang at this time.

He just had time to adjust the direction of most of the energy explosion to the opposite side of him, and he was affected by the extremely violent explosion.

Fortunately, even if he activated the'Xuneng Zuohu', the fiery red energy layer wrapped him in it.

But unfortunately, due to the excessive use of magic and angel power, the Chakra inside his body began to rebel, almost failing to break through the blood red barrier.

However, this situation was finally slightly resisted after he launched the huge ‘Shuneng Zuohu’ that consumed Chakra.

Of course, even if you successfully protect yourself.

However, he was unable to take advantage in the mid-air. He was hit by a violent explosion. I don’t know how far, before hitting the rock wall of the solid Naruto statue, which penetrated the whole area I don’t know how thick it is. The rock wall then emerged from below the ground and flew into the air, hanging on a big tree.

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