Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1091: , Goemon!

However, Naruto still did not give up, but was fighting stubbornly, playing the power of a gun to Xiao Nan, trying to persuade her to surrender. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Even after he broke through Xiao Nan's paper avatar, he was once again scratched with a few wounds on his body by the scattered paper, just persuading him blindly.

But unfortunately, if Naruto used the mouth cannon to be Nagato.

I'm afraid there is still a possibility for him to convince him.

After all, they have experienced the same thing in a sense.

Not to mention, they are still brothers.

However, what stood in front of him at this time was Xiao Nan who was silently supporting the Nagato Plan, although he did not agree with this plan very much.

Yes, what Xiaonan supports is not Nagato's plan, but this person from Nagato.

Therefore, as long as Nagato does not change her mind, she will not change.

Seeing Zhang Xiang breaking in, Xiao Nan did not show the slightest expression of surprise on his face.

Because, the entire paper maze is actually under her control.

Although it was difficult for her to understand everything clearly during the battle, it was easy to grasp Zhang Xiang's whereabouts.

Not to mention, just to avoid the disappearance of the paper labyrinth, she controlled the paper contaminated with golden flame to dissipate on its own.

So, at the moment Zhang Xiang appeared, she ‘greeted’ Zhang Xiang without hesitation.

"Paper Rain!" I don't know when there was already a pair of Xiao Nan with white wings made of paper, suddenly flapping her wings.

In an instant, from the paper wings that were more than three meters long, at least hundreds of papers filled with chakras and became extremely sharp fluttered out. They cut through the space silently and came to Zhang Xiang’s. before.

It's just that the other party is constantly monitoring Zhang Xiang's actions.

Isn't Zhang Xiang investigating each other's every move with his mental perception?

So, at the moment Zhang Xiang rushed in, he was also ready for a ninjutsu.

"Fire escape fire dragon flame bomb!" Zhang Xiang spit out a large amount of flames from his mouth suddenly, turning into a huge flame dragon, scouring all the paper shurikens along the way into countless ashes.

Moreover, he continued to impact Xiaonan's direction without loss.

It was just when the Yanlong was about to impact Xiao Nan's body.

The other party's whole body suddenly turned into countless pieces of paper, drifting away in all directions, blending into the paper wall, and disappearing.

Even if Zhang Xiang tried his best to control it, it was nothing more than igniting only about a tenth of the paper.

"Did you escape?" Zhang Xiang frowned, feeling the paper turned into by the other party, re-merging into Xiao Nan's appearance behind a dozen paper walls.

The opponent took advantage of the paper escape, but was not hurt at all.

It's just that one piece of clothing on her body is missing.

"It seems that if this paper labyrinth is not eliminated, it is difficult to truly hit the enemy." Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes and quickly thought about a solution.

However, it is at this time.

The paper walls that had been erected on the left and right suddenly collapsed.

Then, the collapsed paper wall turned into a paper sea-like existence, flooded towards the place ignited by the fire dragon flame bomb, and completely wrapped it in it. Using the principle of consuming the air in it, The flame was completely extinguished.

It's just that the fire dragon bullet is also worthy of a B-level ninjutsu. Only this one shot has wiped out a dozen paper walls around it and consumed a large amount of paper, which is considered to have put out the fire.

However, in Zhang Xiang's field of vision, there were still dense white paper walls in all directions, without any change.

At best, it was just because the surrounding paper walls were consumed to extinguish the fire, which made the surrounding environment a little more empty.

‘It seems that Huo Dun is not without a solution. If there is a lot of fire escape cooperation, or simply display an S-level fire escape ninjutsu, this paper maze will definitely collapse because it is too late to extinguish it, or even be completely ignited. Zhang Xiang took two steps forward and picked up one of the sheets of paper spread together to put out the fire.

Through perception, he can clearly feel that the Chakra that was originally contained in it has disappeared.

On the surrounding paper walls, there is still a small amount of Chakra fluctuations.

From this, a conclusion can be drawn.

That is, the Chakra of Yi Xiaonan cannot maintain this paper maze.

The reason why I was able to use this ninjutsu to trap everyone in an instant was only because Xiao Nanping had already instilled enough chakras in the paper before he was able to control the paper.

If there is any evidence, then the pile of papers that have lost the chakra fluctuations, and why the other party did not restore the surrounding paper walls, is the evidence.

The other party can only control a part of the paper that still has its chakra fluctuations.

Once Chakra is exhausted, he loses control over convenience.

‘In this case, I have to find a way to contact Jiraiya. With his ninjutsu of the fairy method fire escape Goemon (S rank), it’s not difficult to break this paper maze. Zhang Xiang is thinking quickly.

Although he has some personal grievances with Zi Lai, he still chooses to let go when he has a common enemy.

Zhang Xiang also believes that Zilai will do the same.

However, what Zhang Xiang didn't expect was.

While he was thinking about what to do, the other party had already begun to do it.

On the other side of the paper maze, after fighting with Nagato for a while, with Nagato who can perfectly perform six ninjutsu, Jiraiya finally performed the fairy mode.

Moreover, after the big hand transformed by the paper maze controlled by Xiao Nan almost grabbed it, he made up his mind to break this maze.

And the opportunity soon came. Inadvertently, Jilai also displayed a trick, successfully bluffing Nagato and Xiaonan.

And in the next moment, he used the fire escape ninjutsu he had prepared for a long time.

"Senfa Fire Escape Goemon (S Grade)!" Jiraiya also let out a sudden low.

And at the next moment, from deep to let the wind escape, Jilai also spit out toad oil, Zhima set fire to escape, a terrifying fire escape instantly displayed the range of sight, and all the paper walls within that range of sight Swallowed in it.


A large amount of flames erupted from the end of the sealed paper maze, destroying most of the paper maze.

On the other side, after a wave of earthquakes, Zhang Xiang's mental perception also sensed that the other half of the labyrinth not far behind the paper wall had been broken.

So, he hadn't waited for Xiao Nan to react to those papers.

Zhang Xiang had already chopped the paper wall in front of him into countless pieces, and rushed out of the paper labyrinth that had trapped him soon.

The Golden Dragon, and Naruto, who was facing Zhang Xiang's psychological shadow, also rushed out.

At this point, the A-level paper maze is broken!

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