Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1100: , The death of Nagato!


The strong explosion wave swept all around, again adding more scars to the forest. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

And just tens of meters away from the explosion, with a flash of golden light, two people appeared there.

"Ahem... Damn it, if it weren't for the arrangement in front of me, even I would be involved in the explosion. Moreover, it seems that he doesn't care about your life..." Zhang Xiang held in his hand His body was a little broken, blood still remained at the corner of his mouth, and Nagato was a little scorched.

In the midst of that moment, Zhang Xiang successfully launched the Flying Thunder God technique and escaped.

As for the Nagato in his hand, he did not have such good luck, because the explosion was caused by the explosion from Nagato, but after he was affected, he was transferred by Zhang Xiang with the Thunder God.

Because of this, Nagato was so seriously injured.

As for the seal of the five elements, Zhang Xiang had indeed successfully sealed the Chakra of Nagato before the detonation talisman exploded.

However, even if Chakra was sealed, Nagato's reincarnation eyes still did not fade.

‘It seems that the supply of chakras for this pair of reincarnation eyes is not only supplied by Nagato, but there should still be supporters of chakras from Uchiha Madara. However, this is no wonder. After all, the original owner of these eyes is Uchiha Madara! This thought quickly flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

In the distance, Zi Lai also successfully cooperated with Naruto and defeated Tian Dao.

"Nagato!" I don't know when, but Xiaonan, who violated Nagato's order to retreat, appeared here.

There was an expression of anger in her eyes. With her movements, a large amount of paper began to fly, turning into a large number of paper shurikens and rushing towards Zhang Xiang.

It's just that, all of these have been done with the Jiraiya of Tiandao, after issuing an A-level fire escape ninjutsu, it was already burnt clean.

And under the attack of the two shadow level masters and another equivalent to the quasi shadow level (Naruto is in the fairy mode equivalent to the shadow level), Zhang Xiang believed that Xiao Nan would not have any chance to save Nagato back.

Unless, she resorted to the ultimate ninjutsu of the 600 million detonating amulet.

However, considering the reason why Nagato was in their hands, Zhang Xiang believed that Xiao Nan would not act rashly.

Seeing that the situation has gradually stabilized, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

‘It seems that the outcome should be a big victory on our side. "Zhang Xiang thought in his heart.

However, at this moment, unexpected things happened.

Zhang Xiang's eyes shrank suddenly, with an expression of extreme anger in his eyes, and the "Sora no Taiblade" in his hand stabbed behind Nagato without any hesitation.

Because, just in front of Nagato's chest, he didn't know when a handful of blood-stained swords appeared.

Although, because of the physique of the Nagato Uzumaki family, even if the spine and heart were both destroyed at the same time, they would not lose their lives on the spot.

However, Zhang Xiang could clearly feel that Nagato's life was quickly dissipating.

And the chief culprit of all this was that Uchiha who suddenly got out of the spatial vortex while Zhang Xiang breathed a sigh of relief took the soil.

But this time, under his anger, Zhang Xiang ignored that his Chakra was already in danger.

Under the stimulus of the powerful Lei Dun Chakra torrent, coupled with the full-powered lv5 physical enhancement ability, Zhang Xiang's body increased to an incredible state in that instant, and even Uchiha brought the earth company. There is no time to blur, only time to resist it with the armguard on his left hand.

However, this armguard, which was able to withstand slashes at the mid-level of tolerance at ordinary times, failed to even play its role.


The "Sora no Taiblade" in Zhang Xiang's hand didn't even have a sense of blocking, so he took Uchiha's arm guard on his left hand, and his left hand was severely cut off, and there was no sign of staying towards Uchiha. Earth's body was cut off.

If it is cut, with the strength of Uchiha's body, I am afraid that it will be cut off.

At this time, Zhang Xiang was already very angry, and he didn't think about his original plan. After Uchiha brought the native Toto resurrected, he killed him to capture Toto.

On the other side, Uchiha's heart was also plunged into horror.

‘Blur, no, it’s too late. Body, move me quickly, if I don't move anymore, I will die. No, I don’t want to die! I haven’t realized my wish...’

"I haven't made the world feel pain yet, I haven't realized the Moon Eye plan yet! I won't die!" Uchiha roared with the soil.

But at the next moment, as if he felt his will, on the broken arm of his left hand, a Bai Jue surged out at a geometric multiple of speed, and he rushed towards Zhang Xiang's blade.


It was still as clean and clean as it was, but Uchiha took the soil, relying on the power of Bai Jue to leap out, and his body suddenly accelerated back.

So, between that Baijue break, between that splash of blood.

A huge scar appeared on Uchiha's chest with soil, but his body was also successfully blurred.

And, in the next moment, a powerful speed broke out, and the whole person once again escaped into the void.

"Nagato!" A stern voice erupted from a distance.

As if a tsunami was coming, countless papers burst out of Chakra's Xiaonan's body desperately, flooding everything around.

But her body was mixed in the sea of ​​paper that came from the impact, and instantly rushed to Nagato's side.

And, before Nagato's body fell, he supported his body.

But it's a pity that Nagato's breath also weakened to the lowest level at that moment.

" on..." Nagato only had time to say this, and the breath of life completely disappeared into Xiao Nan's arms.

"Nagato!" Xiaonan hugged Nagato's body tightly, and tears couldn't help streaming from her eyes.

Time seems to have stopped at that moment...

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