Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1107: , Embarrassed with soil!

"Oh, isn't your ability difficult to guess? Void, your power is illusion. You can temporarily dissolve your body into nothingness, so that no attack can touch your body. See 1 Mao 2 line 3 Chinese website" Zhang Xiang said slowly.


"No attack will work?"

Hearing these two sentences, all the shadow masters present were on guard.

"Hahaha... Unexpectedly, there are people here who know my ability. Yes, my ability is virtual. It can temporarily move my body away from this space, leaving only my virtual image here. . In other words, as long as I want to, you will never be able to hurt me. But, I want to kill you, I just need to get close to you, and then move my hand." Uchiha brought the soil and waved his right hand With a relaxed attitude like a hippie smiling face, he leaned forward slightly and said with his fingers.

His spiral-shaped mask looked so heavy and mysterious to everyone at this time.

All the people present were slightly shocked by Uchiha's ability to bring soil.

Because, if it is really like what he said, everyone present is afraid that they want to kill each other, it is an impossible thing.

Although, by virtue of speed, most people here can escape.

‘But, if you encounter that kind of ability again...’ In the minds of the five shadows present, this thought flashed through.

Only at this time.

A sneer was heard in the room.

"Hehe, I don't know your ability, you can reach this level! In my opinion, your ability is not invincible! Everyone on the scene, although it is very difficult to kill Difficult things. But wanting to hurt you is not so difficult! Because there is a big flaw in your ability!" Zhang Xiang sneered, took a few steps forward and stared straight at The Uchiha who sits on the high platform takes soil. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"It seems to Yoxi that everyone present is not all cowards, but, are you really capable of hurting me?" Uchiha said in a teasing voice.

It's just that at the end of the day, his voice was already with murderous intent.

He came here to deter, but not to be ridiculed by others.

So, at the next moment.

His illusory figure was suddenly absorbed by a whirlpool, and the whole person once again appeared beside Zhang Xiang through the whirlpool.

He stretched out his right hand and grabbed it towards Zhang Xiang's shoulder.

However, it is at this time.

A bright cold light suddenly lit up, slashing past Uchiha's soiled body.

However, it was useless, and no harm was caused to him.

The slash that was enough to cut off the big tree that several people hugged, but directly penetrated from his body.

"It's useless, haven't I said that? My ability is virtual, no matter whether it is a ninjutsu attack or a physical attack, it is impossible to harm me!" Uchiha said in a mocking tone. .

It was just the moment when Uchiha's right hand with soil was about to touch Zhang Xiang's body.

Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a sneer.

'wrong? Are there any pitfalls? This thought flashed through Uchiha Daido's heart.

However, his perfect blur ability made him hesitate a bit.

So, at the next moment.

He felt a huge force coming, grabbed his right hand tightly, and pulled his body along with it, and slammed it toward the ground.

'not good! Uchiha's right eye of Sangou jade that was exposed by the soil suddenly widened.

However, it is too late.


His body hit the floor fiercely, and the powerful impact even caused a few cracks in the floor.

Moreover, the shining cold light "Sora no Taiblade" was rapidly approaching his heart.

Seeing, his heart was about to be pierced by this sharp weapon.

But at this moment.

The three-god jade writing wheel eyes in Uchiha's earthy eyes converge again, forming a black pattern with three sickles united together.

And, before the "Sora no Taiblade" pierced his skin successfully, it was successfully virtualized.

And Zhang Xiang's "Sky Blade" pierced the ground without any obstruction until it had no root.

"It's you!" Uchiha took the soil, who suddenly emerged from a few meters away in embarrassment, looking at Zhang Xiang with hatred.

Looking at the unrooted "Sora no Taiblade" again, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Uchiha's forehead under the dirt mask.

Even if his heart was punctured, he couldn't live.

However, he is more concerned about another matter.

However, he hadn't waited until he spoke again, seeing Zhang Xiang's attack on the fourth generation Raikage, but it moved again.

"Hand over my brother to me!" The fourth generation of Raikage suddenly turned into a thunder light. Within a tenth of a second, he had already rushed to Uchiha's side with the soil, and his right fist violently Waving down.


The ground centered on the fourth generation of Raikage suddenly shattered and fell to the next floor.


"Ah, don't be so excited when you are old!" In the words, Uchiha, who was not affected by any damage during the bombardment, suddenly moved from the fourth generation Raikage that had penetrated his body. Dodged illusoryly under his arm.

Then he kicked it hard.


Although the fourth generation of Raikage had reacted quickly and resisted with his right arm, he was kicked so that his feet made two scratches on the ground.

"Impossible, why didn't you suffer any harm?" The fourth generation Raikage's face was full of shock.

"Didn't I say it? You can't hurt me" Uchiha said in a relaxed voice.

However, the four generations of Raikage who had experienced the incident just now did not believe this at all.

"Boy at the root, what method did you use just now?" The fourth generation of Lei Ying turned his attention to Zhang Xiang's body, the thunder light on his body became more exuberant, his eyes fixed on Zhang Xiang.

Listening to the words of the fourth generation of Lei Ying, Zhang Xiang raised his brows slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

"Do you want to know? However, I originally wanted to say it, but now because of your tone, I don't want to say it anymore. What should I do?" Zhang Xiang's mouth under his mask showed a sneer.

Even if his energy cannot be used excessively, it is not so difficult to kill the fourth generation of Raikage!

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the four generations of Lei Ying couldn't help getting angry.

"What?" The fourth generation of Lei Ying suddenly widened his eyes and glared at Zhang Xiang, as more thunder light appeared above his body.

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