Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1109: , Moon Eye Project!

"So, what's your decision?" Uchiha brought out his right hand, and glanced at the people in the room in the eyes of the scarlet Sangou jade. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Don't be delusional, I won't give Bi to you, a rat who hides his head and shows his tail." The fourth generation Raikage's right hand pointed to the direction of Uchiha's soil, and the lightning flashed violently on his body.

"So in other words, the negotiation broke down?" Uchiha took the three-gou jade round eyes that leaked to the outside and shrank slightly.

"Hmph, there is no such thing as negotiations. It's just that you are wishful thinking. When does an organization want to get a position comparable to a big country?!" The body of the three generations of Tu Ying came to the front floating and snorted coldly. Said.

"Why? It's based on my reputation and the power that I represent." Uchiha took the soil and stretched out his hands, embracing the world, his head slightly raised.

"A rat who can only hide its head and show its tail, what power will it have? Although, your virtual ninjutsu can prevent us from attacking you. However, the moment you attack us, it is your death date!" Three generations Tuying said in a disdainful tone.

"Really? Then, let me tell you my name. My name is Uchiha Madara!" Uchiha Tsutomu jerked his head down, and the kaleidoscope of three scarlet sickles, with Domineering glanced at everyone present.

The unbeatable voice resounded throughout the conference room.

"U... Uchiha Madara?" The fourth generation Raikage suddenly opened his eyes. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"No, it's impossible! U... Didn’t Uchiha Madara end up with the original Hokage long ago when he was in the Valley of End?" Hearing the news about Uchiha Madara, he had seen Uchiha Madara’s power before. The three generations of Tuying couldn't help but back up again and again, and almost didn't let his body hit someone else, and said with shocked face.

"Uchiha Madara, Grandpa's enemy?!" Tsunade also opened his eyes suddenly, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

As for the other two movies, although I have heard of Uchiha Madara’s reputation through other channels.

However, they hadn't really experienced it. Although their faces showed a surprised expression, they had not yet reached the point of shock.

"Then, you know who I am. You guys, do you still want to go against my will?" Uchiha brought out his right hand and continued to pretend Uchiha Madara's might.

It's just that the people present are not idiots.

After experiencing the shock, they also knew that if it was Uchiha Madara, then he must have a very serious conspiracy to get the nine-tailed beast.

"Huh, it's just an outdated guy. Even if you were once the famous Uchiha Madara, how much combat power do you have now? One tenth, or even less? Otherwise, would you still hide your head and show your tail like you are now?" The fourth generation Lei Ying took two steps forward and stared back without fear.

After all, Uchiha Madara was there when he was born.

However, he had never experienced the battlefield that was called a crushing type in World War I, and was ruled by Uchiha Madara and Senjuju, and even in the end when the major ninja villages had to accept the end of the beast.

For this reason, after he was shocked, he also left Uchiha Madara's power behind.

Not to mention, he is not a person who is good at muscles than thinking, and he will not be convinced if he has not been beaten.

"Yeah, if you were really Uchiha Madara. Then, with Uchiha Madara's character, if he still had the power, he wouldn't have been hiding in the Ninja World for so many years before appearing. If you really If it's Uchiha Madara, it means that you definitely don't have the previous strength." Tsunade also took two steps forward and said loudly.

And with Tsunade, the person who had been in close contact with Uchiha Madara, everyone present, especially the third generation Dokage, finally recovered.

"Yeah, and, your plan must be something that endangers the Ninja World! This is something we can't agree with anyway!" Three generations Tukage said.

Although he recovered from the shock, he was still a little jealous because of the shadow in his heart, and even his tone became quite relaxed.

"Haha... plan? Yes, I have a big plan." Uchiha brought soil and stretched out his hands and laughed loudly.

"Its name is called the Moon Eye Project!" Uchiha brought the soil and lowered his head suddenly, revealing a trace of madness in his eyes.

"Don’t you think this world of Ninja is already full of too much pain? There is mutual distrust between people, there is struggle between people, and there is war between Ninja Village and Ninja Village. There are also wars between countries. Every struggle will cause a lot of hatred in this world. Hatred is connected with hatred, even if someone wants to cut the chain of hatred. But when After you cut a chain of hatred, it will trigger a chain of hatred. The hatred is connected with hatred, like an infinite reincarnation, turning into a big net covering the entire Ninja world. As long as a person exists for a day, Then the war will not stop, and the world will be in pain forever. Even if there is occasional peace between the ninja world, it is just brewing an opportunity to create greater hatred. Face this Ninja World, haven't you thought about changing it?"

"And I, after many years of thinking, came up with a plan. That is, the Moon Eye Project. By collecting nine-headed beasts, I will resurrect the Ten-tailed in ancient times and make me become Ten-tailed. Human column. Then, I can use the ten-tailed infinite chakra attribute to project my kaleidoscope writing wheel onto the moon, and display the infinite moon reading! At that time, the entire Ninja world will fall into peace, There will be no more disputes. Everyone will find their own happiness in the world of monthly reading. Let this world no longer have any pain!" Uchiha took the soil with an excited voice toward Everyone present told about their plans.

However, at the end of the talk, he was already back to normal.

"This is all my plan. How about it, perfect?!" Uchiha said while looking down at everyone present.

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