Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1111: , Kaleidoscope experiment!

"Solution!" Zhang Xiang said softly.

At the same time, Danzo, who was walking on the surface of the snow, trembled suddenly, a kaleidoscope pattern in his eyes flashed away, and his eyes regained clarity.

It's just that Danzo didn't choose to escape the first thing after waking up.

Instead, he stood there and gave a wry smile.

"It seems that I didn't lose injustice." Danzo smiled bitterly and said in a bitter voice.

Because, in the process of being controlled by Zhang Xiang, in order to be able to play the greatest role of Danzo, he did not choose to completely control Danzo, but to keep him in a semi-conscious state, so that his memory and strategy can be Play a considerable role.

Therefore, he fully remembered everything that happened when he was under control.

Moreover, he also understands what he will encounter next.

"However, although I am controlled, I have no choice. However, it is worthwhile for me to eradicate an enemy for Konoha with my stump." Danzo said slowly.

At the end of the talk, the bitterness on his face has completely disappeared, and the former roots of Danzo is restored.

While talking, he started to untie the bandages that were entwined with him.

However, most of the writing wheel eyes on him have been taken away.

Relying on Mu Dun's powerful vitality, the traces of the writing wheel eyes were removed from his right hand, and he was completely restored.

He tried to squeeze his right hand, but there was no sense of hindrance.

Finally, he took off the bandage wrapped around his face, revealing the scarlet writing wheel eyes under it. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, it is not an ordinary writing wheel, but a kaleidoscope writing wheel.

Moreover, it still looks like a combination of three sickles, which is exactly the same as Uchiha's kaleidoscope writing wheel.

If Uchiha brought soil here, he would be shocked.

Because, so far, the texture of each kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is different, how can anyone besides Kakashi, who was once a gift from him, have the same kaleidoscope writing wheel eye like him?

And, is it the same as him in the right eye?

But unfortunately, there is no Uchiha soil or Kakashi here, only him, the upcoming Uchiha Sasuke, and Zhang Xiang watching him.

"It's really art. Is it possible to do this with just a little blood?" Danzo stretched out his right hand obsessively, stroked his right eye, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

After all, he saw with his own eyes how this kaleidoscope writing wheel was born.

Yes, this kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is made by Zhang Xiang.

Remember when Zhang Xiang was capturing Nagato, Zhang Xiang's shadow clone pierced Uchiha's right hand with soil?

It was at that time that Zhang Xiang successfully acquired the Uchiha belt soil gene.

Later, in order to test the ability of Uchiha to reach that point, but also to try whether to mass-produce the kaleidoscope writing round eyes, once to enhance the combat effectiveness of the root ninja in this battle.

However, Zhang Xiang began to try to decipher the genes of Uchiha's belt soil, trying to cultivate a kaleidoscope of writing wheels.

Of course, Zhang Xiang encountered a lot of difficulties in the beginning.

However, with the detailed information from the Academy City, and Zhang Xiang's experience in making his own alternative writing wheel eyes (although with magic assistance), he still successfully brought the genes from Uchiha , Extracted the part of the gene related to the eyes.

In addition, he successfully used some of the tools Zhang Xiang brought in the space package from the Academy City to cultivate those eyes.

However, even if it is cultivated, how to make the eyes open, and to evolve into a kaleidoscope to write round eyes, still takes a lot of work for Zhang Xiang.

He cultivated more than twenty eyeballs at once, but in the end only one succeeded.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang hiding in the distance couldn't help but shook his head.

"Too much energy was wasted, and the input and output do not meet the requirements! Otherwise, the kaleidoscope writing wheel can be popularized." Zhang Xiang sighed.

As for why he said it, it was because it took too much effort to make a kaleidoscope to write round eyes.

Not to mention the many precious medicinal materials that need to be used, the most important thing is the pupil power in the eyes of the writing wheel, which needs to be instilled.

And if you want to evolve the pupil power of the Shalunyan to the level of a kaleidoscope, the amount needed is about twice the pupil power contained in the ordinary Kaleidoscope Shalunyan!

In order to make this finished kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Zhang Xiang almost did not exhaust the pupil power of his eyes!

As we all know, pupil power is very slow.

Moreover, the large consumption of pupil power will also bring a huge burden to the eyes.

It is for this reason that Zhang Xiang finally only chose to make such a kaleidoscope writing wheel.

The purpose is to test the power contained in the opponent's kaleidoscope. (Note: Before Zhang Xiang crossed, he only saw Ten Tails being summoned, Madara was reincarnated from the dirty soil, and frantically tortured the Five Shadows, and did not see the plot of bringing the soil to become the second Six Dao immortal.)

But at this moment, a figure appeared on the road that was not far away.

A man dressed in a loose swordsman kimono, with a thick purple hemp belt tied around his waist, and a Kusanaru sword slung around his waist, was walking towards him step by step.

More importantly, in the eyes of the other party, there are hexagonal kaleidoscope-shaped kaleidoscope eyes.

No, it should be said that it is the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel.

"Are you coming?!" Danzo stood there, staring in the direction of Uchiha Sasuke.

"Yes, I'm here!" Sasuke Uchiha's eyes contained strong anger and killing intent.

"Oh, did you know the identity of your sinner and rushed to die?" Danzo said in plain words, looking down at Uchiha Sasuke with a down look.

"Sinner? Hehe, who the **** is the sinner?" Sasuke Uchiha sneered twice, and walked not far in front of Tuan Hide.

"Isn't it a sinner? I shouldn't have agreed to Itachi's request to let you as a sinner stay." Danzo said slowly, and continued to remove the bandage on his body.

However, Danzo's words clearly pierced the pain of Uchiha Sasuke.

"Shut up! Uchiha Itachi, you are not someone like you who can comment!" Sasuke Uchiha roared and rushed up.

"Well, let me clean up the door myself." Danzo said slowly.

At the same time, all the bandages wrapped around him fell off to the ground...

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