Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1118: , Goodbye, never cut again!

Finally, Zhang Xiang cast his gaze in the direction where he was no longer cut.

At this time, he was hiding in the depths of the forest.

Feeling the position of not cutting, a complex look flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

"Mr. Kakashi, I'll leave first, let you handle the situation here." Zhang Xiang said with a sigh.

Immediately, his figure disappeared into the forest.

After running in the forest for about three minutes, jumping past the corpses of a few ninja coalition forces, Zhang Xiang finally came to a small valley.

This is a small valley, only about three hundred meters deep, and you can see the bottom at a glance.

At the bottom is a cold pool, and a small waterfall flows down from the mountainside into the cold pool.

And the cold pool didn't know if it was connected to the water veins underneath. No matter how much water the small waterfall fell into the pool, it did not even rise by that much.

And right in front of that cold pool, a figure was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a big knife lying horizontally on his knees.

However, it was not his beheading knife, but a simple knife.

"Are you here?" Just when Zhang Xiang stopped, he opened his eyes without cutting, and said slowly.

Originally, from the black eyes that reincarnated from the dirty earth, there was no emotion.

However, Zhang Xiang obviously felt relieved not to cut anymore.

"Yes, here I am." Zhang Xiang's words were a bit complicated.

After saying such a word to each other, the two people fell into silence for a while.

It's just that, after a while, the quiet situation was broken by not cutting it. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"She, is she okay?" No longer cut the tone and said in a somewhat complicated tone.

Although the other party did not say who ‘she’ was.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that he did not clearly refer to Bai.

Because, in the life of not cutting, there are only two things that can't let go.

No, or it should be a thing, and a person.

One thing refers to the attempt to overthrow the fog ninja village system, but one person refers to it for nothing.

But after Zhang Xiang heard the words not to cut again, he answered after Shen Ning.

"Well, she's fine, don't worry." Zhang Xiang said flatly.

And after that, Zhang Xiang still took another sentence as if he was worried.

"Moreover, she is not a ninja anymore. Although, she would worry about what I did."

As he spoke, Zhang Xiang's eyes also flashed warm emotions.

Among so many people, Zhang Xiang owes them the most.

They followed him the earliest, but the time spent with him was always short.

Especially in the past two years, for the so-called plan, he really ignored them for a lot of time.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but flash in his heart: Is it time to have children?

It's just that Zhang Xiang's thought was just a flash.

Because, in front of him, no longer cut is already standing up.

"Then, just continue with what we didn't complete. After that, you can officially take away the white. If you can't, just leave it here." No longer said inexplicably.

However, after listening to the words not to cut, Zhang Xiang also stood up.

Perhaps, if you don't cut it, you just want to vent, and Bai was taken away unhappy by Zhang Xiang.

Or perhaps, he wanted to try whether Zhang Xiang had enough ability to protect Bai.

It is even possible that Du Yuang just wanted to fight a fight.

But no matter what, Zhang Xiang will respect each other.

After all, the other party once stretched out his hand to rescue Bai when Bai was most difficult.

And, for Bai, the other party may be a father-like character.

"So, are you ready?" He raised his head again without cutting, and his aura suddenly changed, like a blade that was suddenly unsheathed.

This made Zhang Xiang a little surprised.

But immediately, Zhang Xiang seemed to understand something.

Perhaps, if you don't cut it anymore, you have realized something before you die.

Therefore, he has such a sharp momentum.

In layman's terms, if you don't cut it, you have already touched the threshold of the shadow level, and if you go further, you will become a shadow level master.

However, facing such a momentum, Zhang Xiang did not feel nervous at all.

Perhaps, when he first came to this world (referring to the first time), he was surprised and pressured when faced with such a momentum.

However, for him now, it can only be regarded as slightly surprised.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang spoke up.

"Wait a minute." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand to stop the opponent's upcoming attack.

And he didn't make a sound if he didn't cut it, just looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Here, here you are. You should not be used to that big knife." Zhang Xiang took out the decapitation big knife that had been rarely used since he got it from the space bag, and threw it away.

And looking at the decapitator at his feet, even if he didn't cut it anymore, he would have entered a state of ruthless killing.

But there was still a hint of excitement and nostalgia in his eyes.

And, after thinking about it for a while, he replaced the big knife in his hand with a decapitating big knife.

After all, the decapitation broadsword is something he has used for more than ten years and is one of his most important partners.

"Then, let's start." Zhang Xiang said softly, taking the "Knight of the Sky" on his left with his right hand, and an extremely sharp aura radiated from him.

Don't forget, Zhang Xiang is a kendo master who has been exposed to this level of sword intent!

"Well, let's start!" He nodded without beheading.

He held a tens of kilograms of beheading knife in one hand, but he had a seal with one hand.

"The technique of ninja fog and concealment!" As the words of no more cut, a thick mist instantly rose from the cold pool behind no more cut, filling the entire valley.

In an instant, the figure that didn't cut it disappeared.

Even the kind of sharpness on his body, like a sword out of the sheath, disappeared completely, as if it didn't exist.

‘Faster and hide better. Zhang Xiang secretly commented in his heart.

Of course, for the process to be more real.

He has no ability to use mental perception.

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