Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1120: , Become a Buddha!

If you don't even know when you don't cut it, you have already picked up the big knife not far from the cold lake and hid it behind yourself. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

And, at this moment, it was used.

As the owner of the decapitator, there is no doubt about the power he possesses if he does not cut it again.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to wield a beheading knife weighing at least twenty kilos.

And under the wave of his left hand, that broad sword also exerted a power that was not inferior to that of the beheading broadsword, and as the beheading broadswords were handed over to each other, Zhang Xiang was directly cut in half.

However, Zhang Xiang was not at all nervous.

On the right hand, the "Sora no Taiblade" that was just drawn from the God of No More Water Cuts, after rotating a half circle in the air, he used a clever way to hit Zhang with a big knife. Before Xiang, he blocked himself in front of him.


Zhang Xiang's "Sky Blade" successfully resisted and never cut the big sword in his hand.

Moreover, this is more than that!

After successfully blocking the broadsword, Zhang Xiang's right hand controlled the "Kora no Taiblade" but did not advance and retreated, causing the broadsword to withdraw slightly to the rear.

'not good! In the mind of not cutting anymore, this thought flashed through, wanting to control what he did with the big knife in his left hand.

However, everything is already too late.

Zhang Xiang’s right hand took advantage of the gap that was exposed for a moment of retreat, and the "King of the Sky" above his right hand accelerated suddenly, successfully trading space for the speed bonus, and bursting out a powerful force. In an instant, the achievement was knocked off.

The slashing mark appeared so conspicuous on the big knife, it was two centimeters deep. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

And the "Sora no Taiblade" in his hand followed the original trajectory, slashing towards the body that would never be slashed.

A feeling of slashing something tangibly came through, and the power on the other side of the decapitation sword that he was resisting with his left hand suddenly relaxed, and he retreated with the decapitation sword.

And at this time, less than a second has passed since the appearance of the uncut water body.

In just one second, so many things happened.

From this, it can be seen that the frequency of the two fights is fast.

And in the midair, an arm that was gradually turning into flying ash was flying high.

Even Zhang Xiang could hear the sound of the rustling mending dirt reincarnating in the mist.

Zhang Xiang's blow just now, although he didn't succeed in slicing the body that would not be cut in half.

However, he succeeded in hitting the opponent hard.

At least, the opponent's left arm and half of the body had already been slashed away.

Although, this is not a serious injury to the reincarnated body of the dirty soil.

Listening to the rustling sound that appeared to be so ‘loud’ in the silent mist.

Zhang Xiang did not hesitate this time, and walked in the direction where the sound was made in the mist.

Now that the battle has already begun, valuing the enemy is also a kind of respect for the enemy.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's eyes were slightly surprised.

Because, just when he was only about five meters away from the opponent, the figure that did not cut it suddenly moved.

However, the direction he moved was not hidden again.

Rather, it directly impacted in this direction of Zhang Xiang.

Suddenly, the mist rolled, and this time it rushed out of the mist without any concealment.

Above his body, wisps of dust floating from a distance are gradually repairing his somewhat broken body, especially his broken arm, only to recover less than a third.

However, these are the states that have no effect at all.

He still held the beheading knife in his right hand, biting a bit of Kunai in his mouth, and rushed directly towards Zhang Xiang.

His eyes were indifferent, and there was an inexplicable sense of rhythm between the actions, giving people the illusion of shadows between the figures.

The surprise in Zhang Xiang's eyes only passed away in a flash.

At the next moment, Zhang Xiang already rushed forward, and collided with each other after not cutting.

And not slashing is worthy of not slashing again, in this thick fog, he is like in his home court.

Regardless of which direction Zhang Xiang's weapon slashed away from, he was always able to make preparations based on the changes in the fog he felt on his skin, and blocked Zhang Xiang's attack.

Even, even with the karma in his mouth, it caused some serious threats to Zhang Xiang, which fully proved that a ninja can be a weapon everywhere.

However, the loss of an arm and the torn half of his body still affected him too much.

The lack of an arm means that there is less resistance, and it also means that the originally wonderful sense of balance will be out of balance.

So, just after Zhang Xiang discovered this.

No more defeated, after Zhang Xiang used a high-intensity attack to press his left side, a right side slash suddenly ended the battle, and the other arm that was not slashed was also cut off.

Even the body was cut off at the same moment as the right arm was cut off.

However, it failed, and instead of cutting the face under the bandage, a smile appeared.

"I admit, you have the ability to protect her. In the future, please continue to take care of her..." said with a smile on his face.

There is relief, warmth, and nostalgia in his eyes.

Immediately, a beam of light that was invisible to the naked eye shrouded his body.

His body, unexpectedly, did not continue to be repaired as before, but floated in the air, and the whole body began to disintegrate.

Zhang Xiang knew that this was the fulfillment of his wish not to be cut again, and it was a sign of becoming a Buddha.

And watching this scene, Zhang Xiang's eyes also flashed a complex look.

"Yes, go well." Zhang Xiang said solemnly.

"Also, my decapitation knife will be handed over to you. Help me find a good heir..." My body is completely disintegrated before I finish it.

His smiling soul escaped from the body and disappeared directly in front of Zhang Xiang along the beam of light.

At this time, a breeze poured into the small valley, and the mist began to drift away slowly.

But Zhang Xiang stretched out his hand, caught the decapitated broadsword that was falling rapidly after losing the figure that was not cut again, and sighed.

Then he turned and left...

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