Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1136: , Cut Nanao!

A large amount of angelic power was suddenly instilled on the'Takablade of the Sky', causing the sword body to'buzz' unbearably, and the blue and white light representing the light of water shot from the blade Out.

There is the gentleness of water, and the violent and swiftness of water.

And as Zhang Xiang's right foot stepped toward the back, the whole person's body suddenly turned around, that ray of light appeared.

That is electricity, that is light!

An unmatched blue and white light, comparable to the sharpest sword light in the world.

And at the end of the sword light, the seven roots were completely formed by chakras, swept toward Zhang Xiang himself, each with a tail beast that was more than ten meters long.

If the mountain is swept, I am afraid it will be smoothed immediately.

But the result was that the seven huge tail beasts were cut in half by the blue-white light in an instant.

The strength of the angels, coupled with the mysterious blow of the Flying Imperial Sword Stream, could not be resisted by a simple tail beast body.

But at the next moment, as the seven-tailed beast's tail was thrown high, blood spurted out.

Nanao began to scream fiercely.

However, Zhang Xiang's offense has not stopped yet!

It was just an instant, and Zhang Xiang came to the face of Nanao who was screaming and retreating.

The physical enhancement of lv5 was suddenly turned on to the maximum by him, and even his body swelled in a circle unconsciously, and the purple-blue lightning light flickered slightly, that is, he was activating his body.

Zhang Xiang let out a low drink, venting the burden of exerting all his strength on his body.

Then, his whole body squatted slightly, so that the soles of his feet and the ground were actually in contact with each other, and his right fist slightly shrank in front of him.

"Let me take a look at what it's like to beat the tail beast!" Zhang Xiang burst out.

At the same time, his right fist swung out suddenly.

The purple-blue thunder light instantly swelled above his right hand, driving his body to hit the seven-tailed body fiercely.

Suddenly, his fists overflowed, and a layer of dust was stirred up on the ground.

However, Nanao's body gave a violent stop, and the whole body was suddenly bombarded into the air. It flew up to a height of more than ten meters, as if it had been bombarded by other tail beasts. .

After this blow, Nanao also temporarily lost his fighting power.

However, Zhang Xiang is still not satisfied.

Because his attack did not succeed in making Nanao's tail beast disappear.

So, at the next moment.

After his full burst, his stiff body suddenly moved, avoiding the continuous bombardment of the claws of the tail beast Chakra. The whole person was flashing once again, using the technique of the Thunder God to teleport to just reached the highest point. Point above Nanao.

"Take me another blow!" Zhang Xiang shouted with some excitement.

This kind of punch to the flesh, the collision between the flesh and the flesh, really made him a little excited.

His right foot was lifted high, and the powerful Chakra gathered towards his right foot, but it was on a whim that he incorporated the skills of the strange force punch into it, and wanted to test his strength to strengthen his body. How powerful it is.

However, at this moment, a spatial vortex suddenly appeared behind Zhang Xiang.

Uchiha with the soil quietly appeared behind him, grabbed the fan of flames behind him, and slashed towards Zhang Xiang's body.

If it were to be cut, Zhang Xiang's body might be seriously damaged by virtue of the non-metallic, non-wood, but incomparably hard material properties of the Fan of Flame.

However, after Zhang Xiang knew the effect of Uchiha's power of the earth, how could he not prevent this?

The mental perception has been around him for a long time.

"Haha... It's good!" Zhang Xiang's body, which was originally fully charged and unable to move casually, moved in an instant, and came to the back of Uchiha's soil!

Without hesitation with his right foot, he violently kicked behind Uchiha's belt.

The distance between the two is now only less than half a meter.

In less than zero and one second, Zhang Xiang's kick that surpassed the speed of sound hit Uchiha's body with soil.

He could clearly feel the sound of bone fragmentation heard from the opponent's body under his fierce kick.

However, such a beautiful sound only lasted for less than a moment, and then disappeared without a trace.

Because Uchiha brought the soil to Zhang Xiang's entire right foot, and the moment it was about to be applied to his body, it was dangerously and dangerously activated.

Therefore, after feeling a burst of blocking power, Zhang Xiang's right foot still slammed into the body of the seven tails.


An extremely powerful wave of air radiated from the place where Zhang Xiang bombarded Seven Tails, showing that his attack was several times greater than the previous force that bombarded Seven Tails for more than ten meters.

The powerful force acted on Nanao's body layer by layer, bombarding all the flesh and blood of its huge body, and blood-colored flowers burst out layer by layer.

Before being bombarded to the ground, the body of the tail beast had already begun to disintegrate, transforming into the appearance of the seven-tailed heavy man Zhu Lifu, like a meteor, which hit the ground heavily.


That explosive power swept all the distance within a hundred meters in an instant, and the body of Zhu Lifu, the Shige Ming Ren, sank deep into the ground.

From the height of the sky, the body of Zhu Lifu, the Shige Mingman of Nanao, was already cracked into countless parts, almost without being bombarded to pieces.

However, at this moment, Uchiha's body with soil materialized again.

He turned out to ignore his close-to-seriously wounded body, a stamp formed on his right hand, and he slammed his left body.

Suddenly, Uchiha's clothes on the left half of his body suddenly burst. A giant hand made up of Mu Dun suddenly grabbed Zhang Xiang, trying to bring him back from the big move. Give a trick to solve it.

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