Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1144: , "Monster" reappears!

The violent shock wave not only ploughed everything within a radius of hundreds of meters above the ground, but also made the birds standing on the tree trunk thousands of meters away fall to the ground in groups. Away. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

That's because of the super-strong sonic boom caused by ultrasound, and the brain death caused by the concussion of the brain of these birds.

Even two kilometers away, the ninja coalition forces who were fighting with the ten tails could feel the ground shake, and their heads were dizzy.

"Have there been an earthquake?"

"No, it shouldn't be, because I still feel dizzy in my head. It's a ninjutsu attack, right?"

"You're kidding, how can a ninjutsu attack shake such a large area of ​​the earth. Unless it's two Ten-tailed fighting each other."

"No, look, look somewhere!"

"What's so interesting, don't retreat quickly, if we are a little later, be careful to be included in the attack range by Ten Tails."

"Ten-tailed...Where are two monsters fighting!"

An unbelievable sound was made in shock from a group of ninja coalition forces who were retreating.

It was a member of the Ninja Alliance with the word "Nin" on his forehead and wearing a ninja vest. At this time, he was pale and opened his mouth, with some trembling right fingers pointing to a place two kilometers behind. .

And listening to this Zhongren's words, although the others didn't believe it, they still raised their heads and looked in that direction.

However, when they looked over, they were stunned.

Originally, in their minds, it was just a plain of barren land, and at this time they had completely changed their eyes. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

The barren plain has now become an extremely dense forest.

If only this is the case, he can still understand.

After all, it is also circulated in the Ninja World. According to the legend, the first generation of Hokage created an entire forest with a single person.

However, what shocked him was that.

At this moment, there are two monsters fighting in the forest.

On one side is a high-healing mountain, like a small mountain-like wood monster, while the other side has multiple pairs of water-blue wings, but it is itself ‘small’ like a human being.

However, the two are evenly matched.

"No, it's impossible..."

"Illusion, this must be an illusion!"

"Either we are crazy, or the whole world is crazy..."

The whole team was in shock.

However, what they all know in their hearts is that what is in front of them is not fake, but real!


In that high altitude, Uchiha Madara controlled the super huge wooden figure, and swung away in Zhang Xiang's direction with one punch and one punch.

The wood man's huge forest ran quickly amidst the shaking of the ground.

However, most of them were avoided by Zhang Xiang with flexible means.

Occasionally, there are mistakes and omissions, but they will also be blocked by the water wings outside his body.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara didn't know if he was familiar with the operation of the wooden man, or he knew that Zhang Xiang would not be killed if he continued like this.

He, however, launched another attack.

When the fist of the super huge wooden man was once again blocked by the wings of water.

He suddenly jumped out of the super huge wooden body, and galloped in the direction of Zhang Xiang along the thick wooden arm.

"Fire escape dragon flame singing technique!" Uchiha Madara quickly sealed, and instantly spit out three hot slender fire dragons from his mouth, bypassing the water wings from three directions, and attacking Zhang Xiang's body. Away.

"Do you want to attack me with fire escape? Too naive!" Zhang Xiang grabbed the fan of flames behind him with his right hand.

"Give me back. Uchiha's rebound technique!" Zhang Xiang slapped the fire dragon as he faced the impact.

Suddenly, the fire dragon tens of meters long was beaten by Zhang Xiang and hit the other fire dragon. There was a violent explosion, and both fire dragons broke out.

It even affected the third fire dragon, changing the trajectory of its impact.

But in the end, under the wave of one of the wings of water behind Zhang Xiang, the entire fire dragon was instantly annihilated.

However, Uchiha Madara's attack was much more than that.

"Wooden entanglement with wooden vines!" Madara Uchiha put his hands together and slammed onto the arm of the super wooden man.

In an instant, countless huge twisted vines shot out from the wooden man's right arm, and with the help of the sparks formed by the explosion, they quickly moved towards Zhang Xiang's body and the wings of water.

"Don't be delusional, let's see how I cut it!" As soon as Zhang Xiang thought, he wanted to control Wings of Water to remove those entangled vines.

However, at this time.

Zhang Xiang's face changed suddenly, he suddenly lowered his head and looked at his feet.

I only saw that I didn't know when, whether it was the water wings about a hundred feet long behind him, or the other water wings participating in the long-range attack, they were all entangled by countless trees.

Although with Zhang Xiang's struggle, countless branches are breaking, and big trees are beginning to be uprooted.

However, he was delayed a bit after all.

As a result, Zhang Xiang had only time to resist the last pair of water wings about ten meters long in front of him. Those dozens of huge and tough vines had already entangled Zhang Xiang and the water wings behind him. stand up.

"Give me to die. Mu Dun Mu Long crashed!" Uchiha Madara who stood on the arm of the super huge wooden man gave a low voice.

The giant wooden dragon wrapped around the super giant wooden man slammed into Zhang Xiang.


Zhang Xiang only felt that his body was suddenly hit by a powerful force, and even the trees entwining the wings of water behind him couldn't resist for a moment, and the whole person was slammed into the back.

Moreover, the impact that surpassed the power level of the tail beast was still endless.

Looking at it from a distance, it was a ferocious wooden dragon that slammed into a ball entangled by giant wooden vines, hitting a distance of thousands of meters, and directly crashing into a big mountain.

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