Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1148: , Ten tails, out of control!

The distance of two kilometers, for Zhang Xiang now, is just the equivalent of two steps.

Seeing Zhang Xiang flapping the multiple wings of his back slightly, his figure was already over the battlefield of Ten Tails.

At this time, the ten-tailed appearance has changed from the prostrate appearance of the previous stage to the thin appearance that can stand, and the tail behind him becomes the appearance of claws, with only one eye and one ear on the head.

And behind Tenwei, near the right shoulder with soil, there is a column of inter-post cells spreading out, which is connected with Tenwei.

However, for Zhang Xiang at this time, he has some uncomfortable matters.

Because, when he dashed to the sky above the battlefield, he found that in the middle of the ten tails behind Ten tails, a black-tailed beast jade about ten meters in size suddenly shot over.

The direction, of course, is towards the headquarters of the Ninja Alliance.

But coincidentally, the moment Zhang Xiang came to the battlefield, the dark tail beast jade also came to him.

"I wipe it!" Zhang Xiang, who walked around and looked at the tail beast jade bombarded in front of him, after knowing his own situation, couldn't help cursing.

This is the first foul language he exploded since he came to this Naruto world again.

From this, we can see how depressed Zhang Xiang is at this time.

How unlucky is he in the end to come to this tail beast jade flying route among the thousands of routes that can be chosen!

However, since he had already encountered this incident, of course he would not pat his **** and just flash people, dodge this tail beast jade.

You know, at the headquarters of the Ninja Alliance, there are many members from his roots.


A silent scene flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

"If you let Silent know that I stand by and let Konoha's people and Tsunade's piglet die, I'm afraid it will make a fuss." Zhang Xiang was helpless, and muttered warmly.

However, when he raised his head to face the tail beast jade that told to fly, his eyes had already returned to indifferent pale gold.

"Get me aside!" Zhang Xiang said coldly.

The next moment, the Wings of Water behind him faithfully executed Zhang Xiang's will.

With the flap of the water wing that was a hundred feet long, a ‘bang’ sounded, as if hitting a volleyball.

The black-tailed beast jade, which was ten meters in diameter, was deeply sunken in the side that was hit.

The degree of the depression even gave people an illusion that this tail beast jade was about to burst out.

At least, watching the beast jade being photographed like this by Zhang Xiang's wings, all the members of the ninja coalition under Zhang Xiang's complexion changed, and they escaped in all directions at the fastest speed in their lives, just barely running with both hands. Way off.

Even Gokage, who was harassing Ten Tails in the distance, was nervous.

After all, a tail beast jade with a diameter of five meters can destroy a corner of the village.

If it was a ten-meter tail beast jade, once it landed, let alone the headquarters of the Ninja Alliance, even the villages near the headquarters would not be spared.

And if it breaks out from the position where Zhang Xiang is, let alone anything else, at least the second and third units below can be removed from the squad.

From this, we can see how much energy the tail beast jade contains.

But fortunately, in the next moment, the ten-meter-diameter tail beast jade was already lasing towards the distance at any speed and speed.

The ten-meter-diameter pitch-black-tailed beast jade crashed into a mountain that was more than 400 meters high, more than four kilometers away, penetrated directly through the middle of the peak, and then crashed into another taller mountain. Above the mountain peaks.

Then, a familiar ‘bang’ sound rang.

A huge hemispherical pitch black energy explosion centered on the ten-meter-diameter pitch-black tail beast jade, impacting in all directions, annihilating everything into nothingness.

When the aftermath of the energy burst disappeared, through the hole opened by the tail beast jade, we could see that the mountain over 400 meters high had disappeared in place.

In the same place, only a huge pothole appeared.

And this was just a ninjutsu released by Tokushima casually.

However, after Zhang Xiang took the ten-meter-diameter tail beast jade into the air.

Zhang Xiang didn't even have time to stop, and once again, his body disappeared in place between flapping his wings.

In the other direction, a feeling of anxiety suddenly appeared in Uchiha's heart.

And, it quickly grew to the feeling of becoming a super crisis.

"Not good!" Uchiha's heart with the soil shook, but the whole person suddenly teleported to one side.

At the same time, one of the ten-tailed tails rushed in front of him, wrapping around and blocking his body.

In the next moment, a loud bang rang through his ears.

Tokuo's huge body took a step back for the first time since it appeared.

Especially the tail that blocked Uchiha's belt soil, was thrown high.


A slightly painful roar came from Ten-tail's mouth.

I don't know when, Zhang Xiang's figure already appeared on the position where the tail of the ten tails was just now.

"Good luck, but you'd better die for me!" A dazzling red light condensed on Zhang Xiang's right hand.

As his voice fell, a beam of scorching flame like a laser blasted in front of Uchiha Daido.

At that speed, even Uchiha brought the soil almost failed to react, but he just turned his body sideways slightly in time.

Then, the scorching flame column rushed from in front of him, blasting a huge pit on the body of the ten tails, and a stream of unknown blood sputtered out of it.

But the inter-post cell column connected to the ten tails on the right shoulder of Uchiha belt soil was completely broken.

In other words, Ten Tails are out of control!

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