Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1153: , Use magic style to god!

Bang bang bang... bang bang bang...

A rhythmic roar echoed on this plain that had almost turned into a basin. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Under Zhang Xiang’s expulsion regardless of consumption, the 100-meter-long pitch-black giant of the “beard left to the left” turned into an existence like a violent apostle, and its fists were like phantoms, constantly bombarding the fallen. Ten tails above the ground.

Occasionally, the one-hundred-meter-long pitch-black giant ‘shun can be left to the left’, and backed a few steps behind.

It's just that it was not to stop the attack, but to issue a stronger attack.

It is just to take a few steps back, use the fast running speed to accumulate enough kinetic energy, and then bombard it.

Under such a powerful explosion, not to mention the number of attacks on the Togo’s body, that is to say, the environment around it has been improved. There are already three peaks that have been completely shattered, the terrain has been greatly changed, and there have been huge ones one after another. Potholes come.

And this whole process lasted about two minutes.

From the inside of the basin that was bombarded by the ten-tailed beast jade, the body of the ten-tailed beast was bombarded along the edge of the basin and hit the edge of the basin until there was a gorge about two hundred meters long. Zhang Xiang's offensive was considered to have stopped.

And when Zhang Xiang stopped, Ten Tails were almost inhuman.

It originally scrolled crazily, absorbing natural energy from the outside world to become its own chakra's tail. At this time, there are only six left, either a little wilted and limp on the ground, or there is a weird sense of distortion. The bones in it were broken.

As for the other four, it was because Ten-tailed was in the initial stage of the crazy attack and intended to counterattack. Zhang Xiang caught the opportunity to use the flame spear to cut the four tails directly, or directly use the brute force. Pulled strongly.

Of course, during this process, the ten-tailed resistance was tyrannical.

The tail beast jade that came out randomly from the mouth of ten tails was already in the surrounding mountains, and several basins were opened, and another one flew directly into the sea, directly placing an island on the chart. Wiped away.

As for the 100-meter pitch black "Shu Neng Zuo Hu" outside of Zhang Xiang's body, there are a few more hideous scratches, almost all of which can damage the bones of "Suzuo Nenghu".

But in the end, Ten Tails was suppressed by Zhang Xiang's crazy outbreak of "Suzuonenghu".

The whole body is already scarred, even if it attracts natural energy to recover itself, but without a minute or two of rest, it is difficult to move even if it moves.

Because the bones in Tentails have been broken countless times.

Repeated consumption has temporarily suppressed the opponent's ability to recover quickly.

"Well, it's time to give the final blow!" Zhang Xiang, who was in the center of'Xuneng Zuohu', said with a trace of exhaustion flashing in his eyes.

The super-intensity battle is not only a great burden for the "Suzuo Nenghu", but also for Zhang Xiang's body.

He not only has to bear a heavy burden on the body caused by a large amount of chakra transmission and consumption.

The suppression of the conflict of the three energies also caused his mental power to be consumed to the extreme.

His state of full-strength exploded, only more than three minutes left!

And just at the moment when his voice fell, not only Chakra, but the power and magic of the angels also started the final explosion, and all the energy stored in the alien space collectively came to a final explosion.


Zhang Xiang's hands were opened, and the water-blue sword feathers about fifty meters long suddenly stretched out behind Zhang Xiang.

"Covering angels!" Zhang Xiang raised his head slightly and took a deep breath. The ‘Angel of Water’ in his mind began to spin around, exuding a special kind of fluctuation.


A strange voice sounded, and a halo appeared from Zhang Xiang's forehead.

And then, another even larger halo appeared above the head of the 100-meter "Xuneng Zuohu".

The dark body covered with purple-black armor, coupled with the aqua blue angel halo, everything seemed so shocking.

And in such a process, the huge body of the ‘must be able to be left’ began to rise rapidly into the air.

The clouds and smoke in the sky were all shaken away, revealing the red moon behind.

At the same time, the flame spear above the right hand of "Xuneng Zuohu" also began to undergo drastic changes.

The spear that was originally burning with fierce flames, the fiery red flame on it had disappeared.

No, it can not be said that it disappeared, but was absorbed into the gun body.

A large number of fire elements began to sink into the spear like a bird homing, causing the spear body, which was originally only burning with flames, to become a crystal clear crystal.

However, everyone knows that it is a crystal solidified by extremely compressed fire energy.

Once touched, everything will be burned out!

And that kind of crystal clear fiery red, when it reaches its apex, it is the moment when all the magic in that alien space is absorbed.

"Use the magical red spear of Langkinus to the gods!" Zhang Xiang said slowly, the pale golden light in his eyes was extremely bright.

At the same time, the pitch-black ‘Shu Neng Zuo Hu’ giant that rose into the sky also stretched his body to its maximum extent.

Then, like a spring, the fiery red spear condensed to the extreme in his hand was projected down from the sky.

Red light flashed past!

It was like an aurora flashing, and like a star falling, a crimson light flashed away, slammed into the ground, and pierced into the ten-tailed body without any resistance.


Just like a nuclear explosion, the dazzling light flickered, illuminating the whole world.

The flame spear turned into a spear that could not be pulled out, firmly nailing the ten tails to the ground, sealing all its ability to move, and even making the tyrannical Chakra inside its body unable to flow.

This is the power of the spear of Langkinus, a magical technique used against gods!

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