Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1160: , Body repair potion!

It's cold and gloomy, like leaking naked in the snow.

It was a cold heartfelt cold that took away the vitality of Zhang Xiang's life bit by bit.

Strands of blood slowly seeped out from the huge wound on his chest, dripped onto the loose ground, and penetrated into the mud.

The air also seemed to smell of rust.

Breathing slowly.

In my ears, there was also a sound of "click".

That was the sound of the armor made of angel power outside his body, which was gradually cracking apart.

Under the crush of tens of thousands of tons of boulders, even with the strength of his armor, he could not continue to resist it.

Cracks started from the huge gap in his chest and spread in all directions, and more invisible tiny cracks were in deeper places.

Time passed second by second, and each crack was gradually expanding.

As long as it takes a long time, the armor on his body that has lost the power of angels will be completely shattered into countless rays of light, and the ball weighing tens of thousands of tons will be bombarded without reservation. On top of his body, crush his unprotected body into mud.

No, I'm afraid Zhang Xiang will not last for that time.

Because Zhang Xiang could clearly perceive that only a little bit of his vitality remained.

Moreover, this little vitality is still fading away as the cold feeling spreads.

"I...Is this going to die?" Zhang Xiang's eyes looked at the huge ball that was only two centimeters away from the top of his head and was held up by the armor.

Due to the lack of oxygen, his brain's consciousness began to blur, making the world in his eyes blurred.

But, don't know why, his mind started to relive all the memories since he passed through.

Whether it was the confusion he knew at the beginning of his reincarnation in the world of "Listen to Dad", the period when he met the three sisters of Xiaoniaoyou was considered hard, but unexpectedly it was a day full of joy and warmth.

It was the first time to cross into the "Magic and Forbidden Book Catalog", the pain of the experiment as a white mouse rough, and later when the second time crossed into this world, it accidentally landed in the female dormitory bathroom of Tokiwadai High School The embarrassment, various ambiguities with Mikoto, Kuroko and others.

Or perhaps it was the first time to cross into the world of Naruto, to meet the trivial life of Bai and the others, as well as various calculations and all kinds of continuous battles through the second time.

All these are like rotating images, playing in Zhang Xiang's mind at a speed of a thousand times or ten thousand times.

Thinking about it, Zhang Xiang's pale face couldn't help showing a gentle smile.

"It turns out that my life was so wonderful..." Zhang Xiang muttered to himself weakly, and his eyes began to dim.

That was his reaction to the end of his life.

And at this moment, there were already three energies in his body that were on the verge of running away, no, now it should be said that there are two energies.

After losing his heart, the magic in his body was slowly generated.

These two energies also began to gradually clash, and they started fighting in Zhang Xiang's body, ignoring the situation of Zhang Xiang as a host.

On the contrary, because Zhang Xiang is unable to suppress them, their resistance is the strongest in history.

Soon, there were many subtle explosions on Zhang Xiang's body. It was an explosion of two conflicting energies, which exploded his body into a riddle.

Streaks of blood wet his clothes.

However, the pain caused by this explosion made Zhang Xiang awake from the cold coma.

"It's just that, my life shouldn't be so short, but it should be wonderful forever. I have to go back, and I have to take them back with them!" Zhang Xiang's teeth were clenched, it was actually squeezed out. With the last trace of vitality in his body, he stretched out his right hand tremblingly and grabbed it into the void, grabbing a test tube from it.

"Let's see if you are as described in the description!" Zhang Xiang reluctantly showed a smile from his face, and pulled out the cork of the test tube, which turned out to be directly poured into his mouth.

At the same time, the last trace of vitality in his body was also exhausted.

His right hand fell heavily to the ground, causing the test tube to roll to the side, and his breath suddenly disappeared.

At this time, we can see clearly what was originally in that test tube.

I saw this description on the test tube:

Body repair potion (advanced): This body repair fluid can repair most of the serious injuries caused by scientific weapons, potions, etc. within ten seconds, and repair a small number of residual energy such as magic and superpowers in the body Seriously injured. In the state of dying, swallowing this repair liquid can completely repair the injury of the body, and the repair time will be appropriately extended according to the severity of the injury (this sentence is omitted later). There are 15 basic repairs to physical injuries. There are 4 injuries that can completely repair the body. There is a possibility of 099, and can only maintain the state of the dying. There is a possibility of 001, it doesn't work at all...


It's just that when the body fluid of that test tube completely disappeared in Zhang Xiang's mouth, when his breath of life completely disappeared.

Zhang Xiang still did not move at all.

Zhang Xiang, who was in a state of suspended animation and dying, could clearly feel that within his body, it seemed that some unknown changes were taking place as the potion was swallowed.

However, Zhang Xiang couldn't wait.

Because, his consciousness has also begun to blur, as long as it is not long before, he will not completely disappear in this world.

However, at this moment, a shocking thing happened to him.

Then, it was his ‘Book of Death’ that he thought had been destroyed after his heart was shattered, but suddenly appeared...

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