Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1165: , Go to the moon! (This volume is over!)

"No...!" Seeing Heijue disappeared, Datongmu Huiye couldn't help but cried out sadly. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Then, she turned her hateful gaze to Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Die me!" Datongmu Huiye shouted with hatred.

The space ball that was originally spinning rapidly beside her suddenly separated into five, and rushed in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Vaguely, there are five illusions, including snow-capped mountains, sand, sea of ​​sulfuric acid, dark space, and white space, constantly alternating.

However, it was not an illusory scene, but a real space created by Datongmu Huiye.

The spheres are actually compressed to the extreme.

And how heavy is the total weight of a space?

That's an immeasurable thing, but if you are hit, you are afraid that it will be a kilometer-high mountain, or you will crash right away.

However, in Zhang Xiang's eyes at this time, these five space spheres are not so dangerous.

In his scarlet and dark kaleidoscope eyes, the world is different.

Yes, one scarlet and one dark.

I don't know what happened, but when he woke up and started the kaleidoscope to write the wheel, his eyes changed to this look.

This point, Zhang Xiang guessed, had a lot to do with the scarlet energy lurking in the flesh and blood of his body, full of strange vitality, and the force of death contracting in the heart.

But in any case, these eyes gave Zhang Xiang a powerful battle.

Because, in his black and deep kaleidoscope eyes, the world has become gray and white, and a strange trace appeared before Zhang Xiang's eyes.

That is the trajectory of the space ball about to slide.

Coupled with what Zhang Xiang felt and knew when he first killed Hei Jue.

Zhang Xiang guessed that his right eye had undergone an abnormal change, giving him the perverted vision that he could only have when he was in the state of consciousness, and he could analyze the opponent's weakness in time.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help getting excited.

If he had this ability, coupled with his body that was several times stronger, his combat effectiveness would have skyrocketed at least several times if he was fighting at the physical level.

Moreover, he felt that his eyes had other functions.

But immediately, he calmed down.

Because, the most important thing for him now is not to explore the power of this eye, but how to get rid of Datongmu Kaguya.

In Zhang Xiang's eyes, there was no trace of Datongmu Huiye's body.

It's like the other party is in another space.

However, at this moment, the five rotating space **** also came to Zhang Xiang.

Seeing that the powerful space ball came in front of him, Zhang Xiang did not fear at all. He clenched his right fist, and the force of death in his body naturally covered his right hand. On, blasted the past violently.

And the magic happened like this.

The space that was supposed to be invisible and intangible, turned out to be bounced out like an ordinary ball under such a blow, and it also smashed into the body of other space balls, ramming it.

In addition, a bit of dark light, centered on the place where Zhang Xiang bombarded him, spread in all directions.

It's like, this space is being corroded, in death.

However, at this moment, the energy in that space exploded.

The sulphuric acid sea in the space ball of the sea of ​​sulphuric acid that was hit suddenly exploded, but it temporarily blocked the dark death force that invaded into it.

However, this has no effect at all.

After gaining insight into the trajectory of those spatial spheres, Zhang Xiang’s body was covered with thunder and lightning, and he activated his body that had soared several times his physical fitness. All the space spheres that were in a supersonic state were bombarded out.

In addition, in order to ensure that it could be destroyed and bombarded to no one's place, he also made a lightning bolt to bomb the space ball above the sea.

But at the next moment, those five space spheres were successively eroded by the force of death, and the entire space was shattered.

The cold and freezing snow-capped mountains collapsed around a volcano, adding a snow-capped mountain beside the volcano that was about to erupt, temporarily suppressing the volcano that was about to erupt.

The endless sand turned into a galaxy-like existence, covering the road from the land of sand to the land of water.

The sea of ​​sulfuric acid fell into a basin, corroding all the plants in it into coke, and a sulfuric acid lake was formed in the entire basin.

As for the dark space, countless space fragments were shattered, and then Zhang Xiang, who was on a whim, used a special method to seal it into a scroll.

And that white space disappeared strangely and silently...

At this point, Datongmu Huiye had only the last space left, which was the lava space she called the beginning ball space.

But after Zhang Xiang exploded all the five space balls, his figure suddenly flashed, and he came to the face of Datongmu Huiye above the sacred tree, and slammed into the past with a punch.

But it was a pity that a light mask that looked very thin appeared in front of Otsuki Teruya, and withstood his attack with nothing left.

The power of death, which was originally unfavorable, was like a mud cow entering the sea. After corroding a black spot, it was repaired by the power of endless space.

At this time, Datongmu Huiye also recovered his calm.

She looked at Zhang Xiang's direction coldly.

"It's useless. This is a tunnel connecting the two worlds. Unless you have the power to break the space. Otherwise, you don't want to break through this space barrier. Even I, after I started, can't go from here. Go out through a space tunnel. If it weren't for this, my five space **** would not have been broken by you because they traveled through space and consumed too much power." Datongmu Huiye looked at Zhang Xiang with cold eyes. , Became extremely calm.

It's like, the person who was in grief just now was not her.

‘Split personality? This word appeared in Zhang Xiang's mind.

Only the word neurosurgery can explain the stranger's constantly changing emotions. (The difference between a human being a mother and a fairy who is not a human being. You can see the story of Kaguya Ji in detail.)

But immediately, this idea was thrown into his mind.

The most important thing now is how to break this spatial channel so that the Moon World and the Ninja World will not collide with each other.

Otherwise, Zhang Xiang has a foreboding that unexpected things will happen.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly thought of a way.

He flew down from the top of the sacred tree and came to the bottom of the sacred tree.

At this time, because the sacred tree unscrupulously extracted the human chakras, most of the ninjas were already a little thin and yellow, with a thin circle.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and pressed it to the bottom of the sacred tree.

He slowly closed his eyes, and he actually began to communicate the death force entrenched in his heart.

Then, the moment he opened his eyes, he pressed his right hand to the place where he felt most suitable, and a black spot appeared in his right eye.

And just in the next moment, the power of death in Zhang Xiang's body was like smelling something delicious, and it turned out in an instant, instilling it into the sacred tree through Zhang Xiang's right hand.

Suddenly, the change began. From the place where Zhang Xiang touched, there was an extra grayish-white color on the body of the originally sturdy **** tree.

That is the color that represents death!

Moreover, the scope of this point is still expanding rapidly, spreading to the roots of the nearest trees, and to the roots of the trees covering the entire continent.

A large number of tree roots began to turn gray for no reason, suddenly turning into fly ash.

As for most of the ninjas entangled by the roots, they all fell to the ground.

However, there were also a few ninjas who had been entangled with the sacred tree too deeply, and were affected by the power of death, and they also disappeared as fly ash.

For this, Zhang Xiang could only say sorry in his heart.

Because, he also couldn't control the death force that went violently, but was able to control the direction of the opponent's surge as much as possible.

And this grayish-white color quickly spread to the body of the sacred tree, and even the blossoming flower bone.

During this process, the sacred tree began to tremble violently, and Datongmu Huiye, who was in the space tunnel, also began to hug his body in pain and fell down.

The powerful Chakra disappeared from her body.

Heaven and earth also began to change, and red lightning flashed past and bombarded Zhang Xiang's body.

The earth began to split, and the roots of the trees lurking in the deepest part of the mainland emerged, trying to hang Zhang Xiang.

But all the power of death that was violently taken away by him was completely wiped out.

When the force of death spread to the flower bones, and the entire sacred tree suddenly shattered into fly ash, the world's mutation reached the highest degree, and a large amount of unknown blood rain drifted down from the sky, dyed red This continent.

A huge fruit fell from the sky and hit Zhang Xiang's body.

However, Zhang Xiang has no time to pay attention to these.

Because, at the moment that the sacred tree turned into flying ashes, after the power of death that surpassed the conventional rush into Zhang Xiang's body, it even formed a vortex of death power outside of Zhang Xiang's body, and the entire vortex was thorough. world.

It wasn't until five minutes later that the huge amount of power of death was pouring into Zhang Xiang's body, hiding in his heart.

Then, he didn't even move.

No matter how Zhang Xiang did it, he couldn't make him move, giving Zhang Xiang a feeling that the opponent was overwhelmed.

At this time, Zhang Xiang had time to raise his head and look to the sky.

At this time, because of the disappearance of the sacred tree that provided energy to bring the two worlds closer, the originally stable space tunnel began to waver.

Then, in a flash of light.

That space tunnel turned out to be swiftly towards the sky, blinking, and the projection of the jade reincarnation eye that was on the verge of disappearing rushed away and disappeared into the air.

Zhang Xiang could see that Datongmu Huiye, who was in the space tunnel, glanced at this continent with some nostalgia.

Then, the whole person regained his coldness and mercilessness, and was dragged by the disappearing space tunnel to the moon.

Just like the protagonist Kaguyahime of "Taketake Monogatari", after putting on the'Tale of Heaven' (space tunnel) and devouring the'undying medicine' (fruit of the sacred tree), he forgot all the worries and ran towards moon……


After half a day, most of the ninjas were awake after the eyes of the jade reincarnation of the nine-goed jade disappeared.

Only a part of the ninjas, due to their own inner resistance, fell into the illusion forever.

Even the ninjas who came to their senses with their own willpower still remembered the world in the once illusion...

Half a month later, the ninja coalition was disbanded. From the 80,000 coalition forces at the beginning, by the time it was disbanded, the number of ninjas was already less than 20,000.

Even if you count the necessary power to stay in the Ninja Village, the number of ninjas has not exceeded 40,000.

In February of that year, the princes and great powers jointly launched a war against each Ninja Village, with the intention of forcibly including Ninja Village as a subordinate force of the country.

After losing a large number of ninjas and cutting off the supply of resources, facing the offensives of the princes, the villages of ninjas had the upper hand at first.

However, as the supply of resources fell short, the vassal states began to win large-scale victories.

At one point, he even hit the door of certain Ninja villages, and the consultants who forced them to retire from the Ninja villages all played, and the situation was stalemate.

Shortly after the disbanding of the Ninja Alliance, a surging tide was also emerging under Konoha. Someone did not know it. Rumors about Zhang Xiang were sent out, and it was pointed out that the infinite moon reading was initiated by Zhang Xiang. of.

Otherwise, why only Zhang Xiang's family were not bound by the **** tree and drawn chakras during the unlimited monthly reading.

You know, after the unlimited monthly reading was unlocked, most of the ordinary people who were drawn a lot of chakras were seriously ill, many of them couldn't survive and died.

Amidst the rumors, hatred began to shift.

In the same month, the families of various pro-fire nations began to attack Zhang Xiang, asking him to explain the situation in the rumors.

The Fire Nation also sent a special envoy to request him to temporarily accept an'investigation'.

Under the unbearable situation, Zhang Xiang launched a root cleansing, and by the way sent the special ‘kind’ place back to the palace of the name of the fire country in the dark.

Konoha officially fell under Zhang Xiang's control.

But the top leader on the surface, but fell into silence.

Because she also saw that something was wrong.

In March of the same year, the situation in the various Ninja villages had entered a precarious situation, and many Ninja villages had already thought of shrinking.

And Konoha, the most powerful, also received key care.

After Tsunade and Jilai also went to the battlefield, the situation was somewhat contained.

But the situation has not improved, on the contrary, it has become more difficult.

The daimyo of Fire Country didn't know when he had secretly cultivated two masters of the shadow rank to carry out a sneak attack on Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Unprepared, Jiraiya was severely injured to protect Tsunade, his left hand was severed and his chest was severely injured.

The worse things are yet to come.

An assassin who had been hiding for a long time launched a suicide attack while Tsunade was treating Jilaiya and successfully stabbed Tsunade with a poisonous needle.

Although Tsunade had a way to detoxify, in order to save Jiraiya's operation without fail, he carried on the venom and finished the operation for three hours.

And Zilai also lost control of his left foot because of the suspension during the operation, and his combat effectiveness dropped drastically.

After the operation, Tsunade also fell into a coma because of the deep poisoning, and could not wake up temporarily.

Since then, the name of Three Ninjas has been considered to exist in name only.

In April of the same year, after Zhang Xiang thoroughly mastered the power of Naruto Village, he began a counterattack.

He used the technique of reincarnating from the dirty soil to summon the shadows of the past and launched an attack frantically.

In addition, he used the writing wheel to display the tremor of the sky, and used the fan of flame to extinguish the fire, and successfully eliminated 10,000 people on the two battlefields, becoming the first person after the Six Paths Era.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiang launched a major counterattack. Based on the principle of getting closer and farther away, one Ninja village followed by Ninja village assisted in the past, and successfully took over the rest of the Ninja village with the help of his previously controlled illusions. Most rights.

In May of the same year, the country of fire was destroyed...

In June of the same year, the kingdom of wind and land were destroyed...

At the end of June, the country of water and thunder surrendered...

At this point, the entire Ninja World has been unified, and Naruto Ninja Village has become the center and actual control zone of the Ninja...

In the middle of July of the same year, a purple light enveloped the sky over Naruto Village.

Zhang Xiang flew into the sky and shouted: "Understood, it turns out to be so..."

At the end of July, Zhang Xiang, because he couldn't take Bai and the others through together, chose not to take them through for the time being, but only returned to the main world with Xiaohuo Lolita, and continued to look for ways to lead people through the world...

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