Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1171: ,Christmas

Time soon came to the day of Christmas. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

And in the morning of this day, Zhang Xiang got up early amidst the urging of Xiaokong and others, and walked towards the kindergarten with the young chicks.

Because, in the morning of this day, it is time for parents and children to dress up the kindergarten together.

Zhang Xiang carried the little chicks on his back, and happily set off in the direction of the kindergarten amidst the excited singing of the little chicks.

What Zhang Xiang did not expect was that there were not many parents who came to help the kindergarten dress up at Christmas today. About three-quarters of the parents came.

Perhaps this is the few times in a year when they can work and play with their children.

Although everyone is working together, they are all very happy.

Naturally, Zhang Xiang also suffered from many parents' doubts and puzzles because of his young face.

However, after the kindergarten nurses’ explanations and after some time of getting along, everyone became familiar with it.

Especially some women at the level of aunts gave Zhang Xiang some special experience in raising daughters.

Of course, in this process, because of Zhang Xiang's youth, many women at the level of aunts have also been "motivated".

For example, from time to time there will be an aunt who asks to introduce her girlfriend to him.

And, urging him to get married too, hurry up and give birth to a cute child to accompany the little chicks.

In this process, Zhang Xiang of course only smiled and declined, or accepted it as a joke.

However, in the process.

The little chicks looked so cute that day, but they were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and they were liked by most parents.

And just after the dressing was over, Zhang Xiang took the chicks and set off in the direction of returning home.

Since the kindergarten’s Christmas meeting only started in the afternoon, Zhang Xiang planned to take the young chicks home to take a rest and then set off with everyone.

Not to mention, the little chicks are looking forward to the Christmas lunch

So, under the urging of Xiao Chi, Zhang Xiang took her back home first.

However, when Zhang Xiang opened the door, a fragrant breeze appeared in front of Zhang Xiang accompanied by a beautiful figure.

"Ah, Xiao Chi, are you finally back? Sister Lai Xiang is waiting for you so hard," a sweet voice sounded in front of Zhang Xiang.

Then, Zhang Xiang felt his hands empty, but the figure of Xiao Chi was hugged by this beautiful figure in front of him.

Burgundy eyes, beautiful face, slightly wavy black long hair, purple jacket, purple-blue skirt, the key is that there is at least the D-level Opie, the name of this person is self-evident .

"Senior Sister Laixiang, it's okay to make a noise when I show up next time. Listening to what you said just now, I thought I met someone who had ulterior motives for our young chicks, so I almost punched it out without a punch!" Zhang Xiang some Looking helplessly in front of me, although it is very smart and beautiful, it has a lack of ribs and a somewhat indifferent expression, but it is only the woman who has a good impression of the cute girl and is holding her little chick and rubbing her face. .

"No, didn't I make a noise. Moreover, even if you punch me, as long as I can hold the chick earlier. I haven't held the chick for a long time." Senior sister Laixiang A satisfied expression appeared on his face.

However, when she was halfway through, she puffed her cheeks and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction, as if she was angry.

But listening to the other party's unreasonable remarks, Zhang Xiang patted his head helplessly.

"I didn't call you over. Wouldn't you come to see the young chick by yourself?" Zhang Xiang said silently.

"Ah, then I will definitely come here when I have time!" Senior Sister Laixiang nodded and said in a serious voice.

Then, as if afraid that Zhang Xiang would regret it, he hugged the baby and walked towards the entrance.

Only the cute little chick was left: "Sister Laixiang, itchy, giggle..." laughter came from the hallway.

But Zhang Xiang could only shook his head helplessly, and then walked inside.

At this time, Zhang Xiang had time to watch this specially decorated room yesterday and this morning.

After walking in from outside the door, the first thing I saw was the beautiful colored ribbon hanging on both sides of the wall of the entrance, as if welcoming people.

After entering the hallway, not to mention the bright ribbons, the first thing that caught Zhang Xiang's eyes was the Christmas tree.

However, this Christmas tree does not have only the green branches and leaves like yesterday.

Outside the turquoise branches and leaves, under the meticulous dressing of Xiaokong and Miyu, there were a lot of colored ribbons around them, and there were also many light bulbs that would emit various colors as long as they were energized.

As long as the night arrives, press the power button, and a beautiful shiny Christmas tree will appear.

The most attractive thing is the shining five-pointed star crystal at the top of the Christmas tree!

It is about the size of a palm, and even if it is not powered on, it is shining brightly under the reflection of sunlight.

It was a kind of magic material that Zhang Xiang used fire magic to directly add various materials to refine after he couldn't find a suitable decorative accessory.

Its hardness is no less than that of special hardened glass.

That is the material that is usually used to make special magic storage items.

Of course, the most important thing is that this kind of magic item is crystal clear enough, so it was refined by Zhang Xiang.

At this time, Senior Sister Lai Xiang had already arrived in the direction of the hall kitchen with her baby.

"I'm back" Xiao Chi's tender voice rang.

"Come back with joy"

"Little chick, come and taste the taste"

A gentle, lively voice rang from the kitchen.

And as Zhang Xiang also walked into the kitchen, two young girls in pink and light yellow aprons appeared in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

One is a beautiful girl with a blue ribbon on her head, brown medium-length hair and brown eyes. It is the eldest daughter of the three sisters of Little Bird.

Although she is usually a serious and courteous sister, she is actually a girl with cold outside and hot inside.

And the other beautiful girl with golden yellow double ponytail and medium long hair, like a doll, is the second daughter of the three sisters.

She was a very lively girl who sometimes liked pranks.

But in general, they are all kind girls who like and spoil their sister

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