Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1192: , Yuanzi

However, it was when Zhang Xiang had just deposited the money in the bank and walked out under the welcome of the lobby manager.

He encountered unexpected characters.

"Xiao Lan, and... how come this lovely kid Conan are you here?" Zhang Xiang asked in surprise.

However, a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

Whenever Conan appears, it doesn't seem to be a good thing.

Either one person will die, or two people will die...

Well, in short, it is right to kill people.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang, who originally wanted to talk to Xiaolan, planned to leave immediately.

If he is involved in some inexplicable incidents, he will have nothing to do, but he will definitely be held back by the incident for a period of time, such as recording a confession, or even being treated as a criminal suspect.

In short, it's just a troublesome thing.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang will be allowed to go back later, and Xiaokong and the others will worry for nothing.

It's just that he just wanted to say the words back, when a girl who came in with Xiaolan and Conan started to speak.

"Ah, hello, my name is Suzuki Yuanzi. You are the manga artist who can draw comics mentioned by Xiaolan? Nice to meet you." She stretched out her right hand towards Zhang Xiang somewhat boldly.

At this time, Zhang Xiang was officially looking at the other party.

The other party has short brown hair, a nice face, and looks very sunny.

The appearance fits Zhang Xiang's vague impression of Suzuki Garden.

"Hello, my name is Yuta and Segawa Yuta. I watch 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese website, but I usually prefer to call me Zhang Xiang. By the way, I am also very happy to meet you." Zhang Xiang also smiled and stretched out Going out of his right hand, followed the opponent's hand and shook it.

And the other party is worthy of being the second lady of the Suzuki consortium, and the hands are well maintained.

However, Zhang Xiang did not give birth to any bad thoughts.

As mentioned earlier, he really doesn't dare to mess with girls anymore.

Moreover, it is also a very beneficial thing to deal with the second lady of the Suzuki family.

In Zhang Xiang's plan, the next thing would be very useful if it could draw on the power of a large consortium.

Not to mention, Suzuki Yuanko is still a worthy friend.

After introducing each other, the two also began to get a little familiar.

"By the way, why did you come to the bank together? Wouldn't they come to withdraw money at the same time?" Zhang Xiang asked with some confusion.

"No, it's because my father accepted a commission and got a clue. Please come to the bank to do something." Xiaolan answered Yuanzi.

"Oh, is that so? Then, I won't bother you. I have some more things, I will talk again when I have time..." Zhang Xiang smiled, wanted to say hello to the other party and left.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's face suddenly became bitter.

Because at this time.

The three robbers with masks suddenly rushed into the bank, and sprayed the flames of the machine guns directly at the two security guards before they responded.


The sound of a series of submachine guns rang continuously in the bank.

The two security guards who just wanted to take out their guns to fight back were all beaten into sieves, and bright red blood exploded on them.

Moreover, this has not stopped yet!

The other party seemed to be very familiar with the structure of the bank. He actually rushed directly into the security room. Before the security guards had fully reacted, they suddenly, suddenly... , The security guard who specializes in protecting the bank safe was also hung up.

Until this time, everyone in the bank seemed to have just reacted, and screams continued to rang.

However, at this moment, a loud shout suddenly rang.

"Shut up all to me! Whoever is moving or screaming, I will kill him!" A robber raised his machine gun and fired at the ceiling.

Amid the sound of ‘sudden...’, a lot of dust fell on the ceiling.

But at the same time, the screaming crowd stopped.

No one wanted to be killed by the obviously frenzied robber.

At the bank, there was only a whimper and a trembling sound.

Seeing this scene, the bank robber nodded as if satisfied.

"Very well, we only ask for money. As long as everyone actively cooperates, I can guarantee that none of you will die. But if anyone is doing some self-righteous cleverness, then don't blame me for those who hinder our money. It's cruel!" The guy who was obviously the leader said in a vicious voice.

However, the corpses of the two bank security guards who fell under his feet and the blood stains on the ground were very convincing.

"Then, everyone squatted down with their heads, and squatted down to the wall for me." The robber leader shouted loudly.

Zhang Xiang and Xiaolan looked at each other and squatted down in accordance with the other's request.

Of course, Zhang Xiang is not afraid of each other, but of trouble.

If he makes a move, of course, he can kill the robber all at once.

But what should he do to be able to kill the opponent within a reasonable range that humans can reach?

Facing five robbers with submachine guns in their hands, even special forces can hardly overcome them at once, right?

Not to mention, they are still in four places.

And the monitoring of the bank is monitoring again, there are still so many people here, once the superhuman strength is exposed, wouldn't it be troublesome?

Of course, with his current strength, he was not afraid of being dragged away as a guinea pig.

Even slaughtering the army of a country alone is not difficult.

But, what can I do to cause trouble?

Moreover, since seeing Haruhi, he deeply suspected the existence of the inner world in this world.

It is not a good thing to actively expose yourself.

Not to mention, although as long as Conan exists, there will be murders.

However, this also means that the bad guys will definitely be caught by Conan in the end.

Since the matter must be resolved safely, why should he worry?

It takes time and effort to leave it alone. Even if you successfully figured out a way not to expose your abilities, killing five people is not killing five mice.

Under the full view of everyone, the world has been defensively used as a term.

At that time, even if it’s fine, it will become very troublesome.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang decided to be an honorary audience of soy sauce for the time being.

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