Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1202: , Threat?

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang's eyes also flashed a light.

'really! He made this request! Zhang Xiang thought this way in his heart.

However, there was no expression of dismay on his face.

"Oh, can you buy it?" Zhang Xiang showed a sneer on his face.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Suzuki Jiroki burst out laughing.

"Haha... you are still too young. In the world of capitalists, nothing is impossible! What if you maintain an absolute shareholding in those companies? As long as you go public, you will definitely be taken by us Acquisition. Moreover, even if you do not go public, you have always maintained an absolute shareholding, but what about it? If you want to grab your equity, with the strength of the Suzuki consortium, it will be too easy. When the time comes. , I'm sure, you won't have a good end!" Suzuki Jiroki's eyes flashed fiercely.

He is waiting for Zhang Xiang to take the initiative to sell him the company's equity.

After all, what he said can really be done with the strength of the Suzuki consortium, as long as some members of the company are bought to slander, and they can even make false accounts perfect.

However, the panic on Zhang Xiang's face he wanted to see was not at all.

Listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang's face showed a smile instead.

"Oh, can you really do it?" Zhang Xiang said with a contemptuous smile.

And just when the other party was about to violent, Zhang Xiang suddenly turned to a topic that seemed indifferent.

"I heard that there are three large companies affiliated to the Suzuki consortium. This time they were caught in the scandal. It also involved some insider trading of the top leaders of the Ministry of Culture and even members of the cabinet. See'Mao Xian, Chinese, Wen and Wang' The scandal has already caused your consortium’s stock price to drop by hundreds of yen and evaporate hundreds of billions of market value. If someone releases some insider evidence to the media or put it on the Suzuki Group Where is your opponent, what will happen?" Zhang Xiang showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, gently picked up the coffee on the table, and took a sip.

And listening to this news, although there was no change in the expression on Suzuki Jiroki's face, there was a flash of solemnity in his eyes.

"Are you threatening me?" Suzuki Jiroki's face showed an angry expression.

But immediately, a sneer appeared on his face.

"But how do I know if what you said is true or false?" Suzuki Jiroki said with a sneer.

However, Zhang Xiang could already see it, and a suspicion flashed in the other's eyes.

"Haha, you don't need to test me. Would you like me to talk about it? In October, where did the CEOs of the three major companies of your group connect with the members of the Ministry of Culture, and then where did they meet the next day? The members of the cabinet met, and how they went to a certain entertainment venue to have fun together, by the way, how to discuss overseas, how to open a'company' worth 10 billion yen!" Zhang Xiang carefully gave clues to Said it.

After having these clues, although Suzuki Jiroki did not know the specific content of the transaction.

But he knew that that transaction was facilitated in October.

Therefore, in the next moment, there was a fierce flash in his eyes.

However, his face showed a kind smile instead.

"Haha... Everything I just said is just a joke. Young people are promising, really young people are promising. I feel a little scared as an old man. Okay, I promise to cooperate with you on this project. Now, as for the sales channel, our group helped you get through. As for the various documents approved by the upper level, we will try our best to help you..." Suzuki Jiroki’s face has a seemingly bold smile. Said to Zhang Xiang.

"Okay, then I would like to thank the Suzuki consultant first. As for the documents approved by the upper level, although my strength is not as great as the Suzuki consortium, I have already done it, so please don't worry..." Zhang Xiang also With a false smile, he said to the other side.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, there was a glimmer of light in the other's eyes.

Because he has already investigated, and the other party's patent has just been approved.

According to the process, the other party only submits the report to it at most. It still has the efficiency of the officialdom. It is impossible to approve it without two or three months.

‘It seems that I still underestimated him. Without special approval by members of the parliamentary level, the approval of this document involving at least tens of billions of yen would not be so fast. Suzuki Jiroki once again raised his evaluation of Zhang Xiang in his heart.

However, he still did not put Zhang Xiang on an equal position.

He was thinking about how to get rid of the opponent.

Yes, as the largest shareholder of the Suzuki consortium, one of the four major consortia, he does not allow the Suzuki Group to suffer any losses.

Moreover, he believed that Zhang Xiang was just a strong ant.

It just takes a little more effort to get rid of him.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang seemed to see his mind.

"Consultant Suzuki, please rest assured that tonight, the things you want will appear on the table in the bedroom of the manor where you are staying. And, if something happens to me, my organization will deliver it, please Don't worry. After all, it's impossible for our organization to be me alone. So, we will cooperate happily." Zhang Xiang said with a smile, seemingly relaxed.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Suzuki Jiroki's pupils suddenly shrank.

He obviously heard a different taste from Zhang Xiang's words.

'organization? By the way, if the other party were not organized, how could a cartoonist come up with such high-end technology? Moreover, it is impossible to have any contact with the existence of parliamentarians. There is no chance of contact between them. It seems that it has to be treated with caution. As for sending things to the desk in my bedroom, hehe...Is there no such thing as a bodyguard! A sneer flashed in Suzuki Jiroki's heart.

But at the same time, he also exchanged two seemingly friendly greetings with Zhang Xiang before sending Zhang Xiang out.

However, he didn't know the true meaning of Zhang Xiang's words until the evening.

Because, when his manor was equipped with the most advanced security system and a dozen bodyguards surrounded his bedroom to protect it, a USB flash drive still appeared on his bedside.

A cold sweat came out of his forehead uncontrollably.

If someone slapped his neck easily...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but dispel the idea of ​​killing Zhang Xiang secretly.

Moreover, when the members who were hypnotized by Zhang Xiang went to investigate Zhang Xiang, some of them disappeared completely, and some of them were hypnotized by Zhang Xiang and instilled some fictitious information, but after being mistaken by Suzuki Jiroki for real information, he I feel even more that I made the right decision...

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