Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1207: ,Bastard

When Zhang Xiang walked over, the matter was already over.

Accompanied by the little pink loli's cry: "Big badass", a bright pink light radiated around, but the pink little loli turned back to the Likuluo card and flew towards...Sakura's arms.

Well, Zhang Xiang has worked hard for so long, and he has nothing but the title of ‘Big Bad Guy’.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang could only give a wry smile.

However, looking at the Likuro card in her hand, Sakura's face showed a little embarrassment.

However, after hesitating, Sakura still made a decision.

"Zhang Xiang Oni sauce, this, here you are." Sakura handed the Likuluo card in her hand to Zhang Xiang. Although there was a trace of reluctance in her eyes, there was no other emotion in it, only sincerity. .

However, watching Sakura's movements, Zhang Xiang's face showed a smile.

"No, since the Likuro card has already chosen you to be her master, you should keep it. Besides, aren't you shouldering the heavy responsibility of collecting all the Churo cards?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his own. With his right hand, he touched Kozakura's short and dark brown hair, and said with a smile.

"But...!" Kozakura's face was still hesitant.

"No, just treat it as a gift from me. Haven't I not given you a Christmas gift?" Zhang Xiang smiled and continued.

Moreover, he originally competed with Likuro cards, but he only wanted to help Sakura collect Likuro cards.

It is true that although the Kuro cards are due to the evil taste of Kuro Rido, there are many Kuro cards that are not useful or can only be used to sell cute.

However, among them there are many powerful Kuro cards.

For example, the four basic element cards, as well as the final unlicensed card, are all powerful existences. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

However, do these really help Zhang Xiang's own strength growth?

When he was in Hokage, after finding the purple mist and retrieving something he had lost from it, he was already very clear about his future goal.

That is, to completely retrieve the things he had lost.

Moreover, even if he is familiar with the combat effectiveness of the Kuro card, can he get it from Sakura's hand?

Not to mention, are these Kuro cards really lost?

Zhang Xiang expressed deep doubts!

Because these Kulu signs exist for a long time without the owner.

However, it is only for a long time.

This long time, if it were to leave the card book that could block the loss of magic power, it would take less than half a year.

And how long has passed since the Kuro cards were scattered to the present?

After all, it should be close to a year.

In such a long period of time, these Kuro cards can still have a magic storage capacity close to the peak, and the meaning of this is very intriguing.

Not to mention, these Kuro cards appeared one after another, and they all appeared around Sakura.

Among them, someone must be deliberately arranging for Sakura to grow according to the other party's steps.

And this person is likely to be the reincarnation of Kurorido he met last time-Eoria.

Or, it is simply that Kurorido had been designed before he died.

For that, maybe it is to let your cards find a good home.

Don't think that if Kuroli is dead, it will not affect the things after his death.

Don't forget that there is such an existence as Kurorido, but it can affect the whole world.

It was just because of the desire for a moment in Kuroli that the dimensional witch Ichihara Yuko, who was supposed to die, stagnated at that moment, leaving Yuko in the stagnant moment and making Yuko’s Time stopped at the moment before death.

And, it led to the creation of two world lines, xxxHOLIC and tubasa.

All of this is because of his desire, which has caused changes in the course of the world, which has led to the differentiation of multiple routes in the world.

This is just a thought that can have an impact on the world. If it has the intention, how can it not control the future development situation?

Not to mention, it remains to be discussed whether Kurorido is really dead.

After all, judging from xxxHOLIC and the Wing Chronicles, Kurorido even appeared in these worlds after his death.

In other words, it is very likely that the other party has just left this world for some reason.

In a sense, it can also be said to have passed away.

"By the way, I borrowed the Yukuluo and Shukuluo cards from you, and return it to you." Zhang Xiang took out all the Kuluo cards from his arms and put them into Sakura's hands.

"But..." Kozakura suddenly became anxious, a hesitant expression appeared on her little face.

"Don't hesitate, didn't you have to collect all the Kuro cards just a few short of the Kuro cards? Take these. If you want to repay the favor I gave you the Kuro cards, just Collect all the Kuro cards well. I'm very curious. Collect all the Kuro cards, what will happen," Zhang Xiang smiled and said, pointing Sakura's Qiong nose.

After hesitating for a while, Sakura finally agreed.

"Thank you Zhang Xiang, I will definitely try to collect all the Kuro cards." Sakura held up her fan fist and made a promise seriously.

"Oh, Sakura who is serious, it's really cute." Zhize was filming with a DV camera on the side, watching Sakura's serious appearance, and she couldn't help but caress her face with a gentle smile from the heart.

"Yes, do you?" Kozakura asked shyly, holding the magic wand with her blushing hands.

"Yes, of course there is!" Zhang Xiang also nodded.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the blush on Sakura's face couldn't help but get heavier.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly grabbed Sakura's shoulders.

"Sakura, promise me one thing," Zhang Xiang pretended to be serious, and said with her jet black eyes to Sakura's big brown eyes.

"Ah?...what, what's the matter?" Sakura didn't know what she thought of, and said with a little squat, the blush on her face became thicker, and there was almost no steam.

"Being my sister, just call me Oonichan. I really want to have such a lovely sister like you." Zhang Xiang smiled and said seriously.

"Ah? This is it?" Hearing Zhang Xiang's words, Sakura, who had mistakenly thought that Zhang Xiang was going to confess, was a little stunned. The cute look made people want to reach out and touch it. .

"Otherwise, what do you think it is?" Zhang Xiang also laughed a little bit, and touched Sakura's soft, dark brown hair.

"Zhang Xiang Oni sauce!"

In the night, Kozakura's somewhat humiliated voice stretched out, echoing in the half-destroyed park

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