Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1209: , Get up

In the winter morning, at 6:30, the sun in the distant sky has just swept away the darkness, re-illuminating the sky with gray light. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

But at this time.

Zhang Xiang’s door opened silently, a petite figure, no, beside her feet, there was a smaller figure, walking slowly towards Zhang Xiang’s bed. .

Then, the petite figure climbed onto Zhang Xiang's bed with some care, and gently lifted the quilt covering Zhang Xiang.


"Uncle got up." Xiao Chi stretched out her cold hands after washing her face, and pressed them to Zhang Xiang's neck.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang, who was originally immersed in a good sleep, suddenly slapped a spirit, and suddenly awoke from his sleep.

"Wow, it's cold!" Zhang Xiang shuddered, and almost didn't shout out.

Although, with his current success, as long as the temperature is not below zero, it is not frozen for him.

However, I couldn't help being in the warm bed. It was when I was sleeping at the lowest level of vigilance, and the people who were close were those whom Zhang Xiang subconsciously identified as close, and he suddenly came here.

Not shouting out like ordinary people, it is considered powerful enough.

Looking at Zhang Xiang's appearance, Xiao Chi couldn't help laughing happily.

Even the puppy ten guards beside him wagged his tail at Zhang Xiang and barked twice.

It's also a shame that the young bird knew that the Ten Guards could not be put in bed, otherwise, Zhang Xiang's quilt would have to be washed again.

Because there are dog hair scattered on the bed, but it makes the sleeping person feel itchy.

Not to mention, the four feet of the puppy will leave small footprints on the bed.

"Little chick, why did you wake up your uncle so early?" Zhang Xiang rubbed his eyes, and said with some sleepy eyes.

Heh heh, he received such a big blow last night, so he naturally wanted to find Xiao Kong and seek comfort.

And because Xiaokong was young, Zhang Xiang had to bother to find something for the sake of insurance, and when he came back for comfort, he would naturally go to bed longer.

Well, if you are one or two years older and reach the neon marriage age, Zhang Xiang won’t have to be so troublesome (cough cough, stop, you will develop into ghosts and animals!!)

Therefore, Zhang Xiang is naturally a little sleepy now.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Chi put his hands on her pink cotton coat.

"Uncle, let's go for a walk with the Ten Guards" Xiao Chi's face was full of expectation, and she said to Zhang Xiang with her big dark eyes.

"Walking?" Zhang Xiang said with some surprise.

Then he opened the curtain covering the window casually and looked out the window.

At this moment, the sun has just risen, and there is still a cold wind blowing outside, and a large number of clouds are still floating in the sky, blocking the little sunlight, making the outside look a little lonely.

Okay, so cold morning, if there are many people on the street, it really looks a little abnormal.

It just so happened that a cold wind blew by at this moment, but it blows down the last piece of withered leaves on the big tree planted by the neighbor on the opposite side, and fell onto the cold street.

Watching this scene, I can feel my own warm bedding, and the room that has become acceptable because of the heating.

Zhang Xiang suddenly had a strong idea not to go out.

"Xiao Chi, it's not good to go for a walk in such a cold day?" Zhang Xiang persuaded Xiao Chi gently.

"No, it's not cold at all. Look, the Ten Guards are not wearing clothes. And, you see, the Ten Guards really want to go out for a walk." Xiao Chi pointed at that who was lying under the bed, staring very mentally. Zhang Xiang's puppy said.

That scene seemed very convincing.

However, Zhang Xiang still didn't want to go out.

"However, if you go out in such cold weather, you will catch a cold" Zhang Xiang was still persuading.

"Auntie childcare worker said that Yunduo is good for your health. Moreover, when walking outside, the young chicks can run, and their body will become hot, so they won't catch a cold. So, uncle, let's go. "Well" Little Chin is getting closer to Zhang Xiang, with both hands on the quilt, looking at Zhang Xiang with **** eyes expectantly.

Especially when I saw that Xiao Chi's hair had not been combed and neatly, and a few black hairs were stubbornly prying on top of her head, Xiao Chi looked very stubborn.

Plus that cute aegyo voice.

Well, Zhang Xiang surrendered by himself.

"Well, my uncle will accompany you. Now, let us tidy up your somewhat messy hair first. Our little chick, but we must use the most energetic face and go for exercise." Zhang Xiang smiled, stretched out his right hand and touched Xiao Chu's hair that had just woke up and was a little messy.

However, although it is messy, it is still as supple as ever.

After Zhang Xiang agreed, Xiao Chi's face clearly showed a happy expression.

"Uncle Ye promised the Ten Guards, and Uncle promised Yeah," Xiao Chi turned her head happily and said to the Ten Guards on the ground.

And the ten guards, as if they had understood the meaning of the young bird, also barked twice in joy.

"Then, go to your sister Meiyu now and help you tidy up your hair." Zhang Xiang lifted the quilt, picked up the chick, put on a coat, and walked towards Meiyu's room.

Meiyu's room is the second room upstairs, which is very easy to find.

Just as Zhang Xiang knocked on the door and Xiao Chi's screams, after waiting for about three seconds, a slightly sleepy sound came from the door.

"Come, here..." Xiaoniaou You's second daughter, Xiaoniaou You Miyu opened the door of her room.

At this moment, she was still a little sleepy, rubbing her eyes with her right hand.

"Hina, what's the matter?" Miyu said lazily, her arms stretched out.

This action suddenly made the sleeping look a little bad, and the long-sleeved clothes on her body were a little tight in pajamas, which immediately stuck to her body.

Suddenly, Meiyu's green body that began to develop was all displayed in front of Zhang Xiang.

That green but expectant curve, all traces of fatness are also revealed.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang was even more surprised.

Under Miyu’s upper body pajamas, there was a vacuum, and Xiao Mantou pressed tightly on top of the pajamas...

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang, who originally wanted to say something, was suddenly a little dumbfounded...

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